Namsangol Hanok Village (남산골한옥마을)

I went to the Namsangol Hanok Village (남산골한옥마을) right after I went to the Namsan Seoul Tower (남산서울타워). There were a lot of people when I was there, like A. LOT. Think it was because of a festival or event that was taking place in the Namsangol Hanok Village.

Namsangol Hanok Village (남산골한옥마을)
If you can read Hangeul, you probably will know the event's name. I can't read Hangeul, hence I had no idea about the event's name.

Namsangol Hanok Village (남산골한옥마을)

One of the Hanok houses at the Namsangol Hanok Village.

I was expecting that Namsangol Hanok Village would be similar to the Bukchon Hanok Village (북촌한옥마을) but I was wrong. Namsangol Hanok Village is not a residential area. It was more like an open museum? Also, there were only about five Hanok houses at the Namsangol Hanok Village. These houses were remodelled after the traditional houses of the Joseon Dynasty.

Namsangol Hanok Village (남산골한옥마을)
Few performances were performed on the stage; taekwondo and other martial arts.

Tip: They offer interpretation tour services, however advance booking is required. Go to the website for more details. I would suggest you go on the interpretation tour so that you can learn more about the history and stuff.

Namsangol Hanok Village (남산골한옥마을)
Thanks to 2 Days 1 Night I learned quite a lot of Korean games. This one is jegichagi (제기차기).

I didn't spend too much time here because it was so hot and I was quite overwhelmed with the number of people. I only took a brief peek here and there before I decided to leave. My favourite area at the Namsangol Hanok Village was the area where visitors could experience traditional games. So many families. So much happiness that my heart felt so full <3

Namsangol Hanok Village (남산골한옥마을)
I don't really remember the name of the game. I think it's Yut (윷). I could be wrong though.

On a totally irrelevant note, I had a good chat with this one ahjussi (아저 시) when I was at the Namsangol Hanok Village. I was sitting under the shade near the entrance, sipping my banana uyu when this one ahjussi suddenly approached me. I was surprised because most of the time, people in South Korea treated me as either an alien or invisible.

Namsangol Hanok Village (남산골한옥마을)
Good luck trying to squeeze for a spot at the pavilion :p 

Apparently, this ahjussi used to live in Malaysia and he really loved his time in Malaysia. He also proceeded saying that he missed interacting with other Malaysians which is why he approached me. We talked for about 20 minutes if I remember it correctly. Our topics were basically everything under the sun. Hahaha. Had to excuse myself first for I planned to go to another place. Otherwise, we might talk for another hour or so :)

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  1. realli wonderful place to go..

    hopely can go there one day in the future..

    in shaa Allah

    1. Insya Allah, hopefully you'll get to see this place one day :)

  2. Tak berkesempatan masuk ke hanok village ni. Yg bukchon hanok village tu alhamdulillah sempat singgah.

    1. Rasanya ramai je yang tak pergi sini sebab banyak lagi tempat yang menarik. Macam saya, saya pergi pun sebab dekat dengan stesan bas yang saya turun lepas pergi Namsan Seoul Tower.

  3. Ramainya org kt sini. It's a beautiful place to visit :)

    1. Memang ramai orang sangat-sangat masa saya pergi. I think it was due to an event :)

  4. harap ada laa rezeki kelak dtg ke sini nnt ;-)

  5. tadi baru je baca kat twitter, ramai orang malaysia pergi korea dapat layanan yg buruk dan most koreans sangat racist. tpi lepas baca entry akak ni, saya rasa ada je orang korea yg baik2. in fact masa pegi korea dulu pun dorang baik sangat siap tunjuk jalan, bagi makanan, tegur khabar lagi :)

    1. I think I saw the same tweets on Twitter as well. I guess it all depends on your luck kot. As for me, I've met few racist and rude Koreans but I've met so many nice Koreans as well :)

  6. hopefully one day boleh jejak ke sini.. korea ni setiap bulan penuh dgn tourist ke?

    1. Insya Allah, you will. Entahlah, saya pun tak tahu. Mungkin tak ramai sangat tourists masa summer kot sebab panas. Hahahaha.


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