What is 1119 (GCE-O) on Your SPM Result Slip?

What is 1119 (GCE-O) on my SPM result slip? | This is one of the most common questions that I get around this time of the year. I'm not sure if whatever I put here is still relevant and the most accurate answer because it's been almost a decade since I took my SPM but, this is what I've always been told. I hope it will help those who are looking for an explanation :)

1119 shows the grade of your whole English papers (Paper 1 - the essays & Paper 2 - the MCQs, the reading comprehension, and the literature components). This is the one listed along with other subjects as you can see down below.


1119 (GCE-O) is the grade of your Paper 1 (the essays) graded according to the British standard. It can be seen at the bottom of your result slip. Again, only your writing is graded. So, you probably will get a higher grade for 1119 (GCE-O) if you are good at writing or you will get a lower grade if you are average or bad at writing.

1119 (GCE-O) grades

SPM Result Slip (English Translation)
This is a copy of my (English translation) SPM result slip
#ijustrealizedimisplacedmyoriginalspmresultslip #ottoke?

In my case, I got an A for my 1119 but a 2A for my 1119 (GCE-O). Back then, the 18-year-old me thought "That's not bad eh, Farah" considering that I'm #orangkampung but obviously the current me laughed at the younger me. Such a naive girl I was. lol

I mean, I thought it was not that bad until I got my writing component score for IELTS a year later. I only got 6. Freaking 6. Yikessss! That's lower than average, in case you have no idea ㅠ_ㅠ

Will I be affected by my 1119 (GCE-O) grade?
Maybe yes, maybe no. It depends. As far as I remember, you probably will be slightly affected if you're applying for scholarships. Some scholarships require a minimum grade of 1119 (GCE-O) for you to be eligible to apply. Otherwise, you shall be good. After all, it's just a lousy (I use the word lousy loosely here) indicator of your English level. 

I mean, you probably will have to sit for MUET/IELTS/TOEFL in the future. Those tests probably will be more comprehensive and a better indicator of your English level. So, no sweat yeah? :)


Update in 2021

Apparently, the grades for 1119 (GCE-O) have changed over the past few years. Thank you all for letting me know :) After scouring the net, I have found the new grades. I'm putting them here just for your reference.

Disclaimer: I'm not a teacher or in any way related to MOE, so the information here may not be accurate. It is still best for you to refer to your teacher if you have any questions regarding your 1119 (GCE-O) grade.

1119 (GCE-O) grades

Passing grade is 7D but you will still get your 1119 (GCE-O) certificate if your grade is 8E, H or K. No 1119 (GCE-O) certificate will be given if you get a U while T means absence. 

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  1. Kinda new stuff for me... Am I that old?? Hahahaha... Lupa dahhhh everything about this transcript

    1. Not so sure la kak Sally. This was almost a decade ago. Hehe. Saya pun kalau bukan sebab busy apply kerja memang tak ingat dah pasal ni.

    2. Is c6 bad???

    3. Is c6 bad. It seems to be some sorta passing mark. So embarrassed fr!

    4. Hi Melissa. I think it depends on you. Basically, it's a C. But yes, it's a grade above the passing grade.

  2. oh memang tak penah tau pun pasal ni. rasanya spm 2001 takda kot. kot la kot. bahahahahahaa

  3. Mine was 3B eventho I got A for english. huh my english was so bad back then.

    1. What do you think about your English now? Do you think you have improved?

  4. Replies
    1. Hi there. I'm not sure what T means. The only grades of 1119 (GCE-O) that I know are 1A, 2A, 3B, 4B, 5C, 6C, 7D, 8E and 9G. I've also read that some people actually got U which mean Ungraded.

      This is the first time I heard about T. Maybe you should ask your English teacher for a clarification. Sorry I couldn't help you.

    2. I think T means Tidak Hadir.

    3. Yeah, T means absence. I have updated my post since then.

  5. i forgot what's mine already

    1. It's okay if you forgot, it's been a while kan?

  6. thank you for this post . doakan saya,should be SPM 2020 tapi dah jadi 2021 plak .
    sudilah lawat blog saya

    1. Thank you for coming to my blog. Insya Allah ada hikmahnya SPM tangguh, okie? Perhaps more time to prepare :)

      Also, will definitely go to your blog :)

  7. I noticed some of my students' slips were given 'H' , 'K' and 'U'. Can u please clarify?

    1. I'm not really sure exactly what H, K & U stand for as it's been awhile since I last sat for my SPM. I'm so sorry for I couldn't be much help.

      However, a lot people has been asking me the same thing, so I did some research. Based on my reading, H, K, & U are just another grades for the 1119 GCE-O. They are the lowest grades for 1119 GCE-O with U being the lowest. I read if you get U for 1119-GCEO, you will not get the GCE-O certificates from MOE.

    2. Also, I read that H, K & U are the "fail grades" for 1119 GCE-O. Again, I'm not sure if this is true or not but I found this information in one of the schools' grading information.

  8. Hi, will a candidate with grade 3B in 1119 (GCE-O) gets another certificate other than SPM slip?

    1. I believe as long as you do not have the "fail grades", you will get the GCE-O certificate. The certificate can be picked up from your school along with your SPM certificate.

  9. Our results are the same, A and 2A....
    I'm 18 and i guess my English is just mehhhh 🤣🤣🤣

    1. I think it all depends on your standard and how you view yourself. Back then, I thought my result was okay considering I didn't have that many opportunities to immerse myself with English.

  10. Oh my god, same goes to me.hahah. Got exactly the same result for spm english and i thought its not bad. Then IELTS just hit me.

    1. Kan :( I mean my overall IELTS score was not that bad but to get 6 for my writing component was just sad :(

  11. alhamdulillah my spm result just fine with one D.saya bukan budak kelas depan tapi budak kelas belakang.alhamdulillah dapat untuk english paper dapat b and my gce 6c.tapi saya tak rasa saya layak dapat sijil gco tu maybe sbb saya kelas belakang

    1. Alhamdulillah, as long as you're happy and satisfied with your SPM result, it should be good. After all you're sitting for the exam during unprecedented time. You guys are definitely one of the kind (:

      Also, you deserve the certificate but you've done your due. It does not matter if you kelas depan ke, kelas belakang :)

  12. Do you know how to get the cert for 1119 GCE english.

    1. Hi. As far as I remember, you can collect your certificate from your school. Usually you'll get it along with your SPM certificate.

  13. Hello, I’ve just learn about this certificate and currently learning about it. May I know what’s the use of this certificate? I’ve gather some info about it and it seems like this can be used for applying to study abroad. Another thing, I got 1A for my spm on 2019 and since the pandemic I’ve been unable to claim this certificate. It’s been almost 3 years since then. I wonder if this certoficate still usable? Or maybe not? Can you give me detail about this. Besides, my mom said thsi certificate can be used if i want to skip a particular subject that I took for IPT. For example, if i take bussines course and it requires my to take english subject, this certificate can help me skip this subject? Is this true? Can you help me clarify?

    1. Hi Anon. Thank you for dropping by.

      Honestly, I don't know the answers to most of your questions. I have yet to see the actual usage of the 1119 (GCE-O) certificate. However, I do know that it will affect your post-SPM scholarship application. Like I mentioned in my post, some scholarship providers require minimum grade in order for you to be eligible to apply. For example, back when I was applying for JPA, the minimum grade was 3B I believe?

      Also, based on my knowledge and reading, you could use the 1119 (GCE-O) grade to get an exemption for English test from the universities you're applying for especially overseas universities. However, you may need to sit for IELTS/TOEFL for your student visa. So, there's that.

      Regarding the validity, I was under the impression that there's no expiry date for the certificate but I just read from another blog that it is only valid for 3 years. So, I'm not sure which one is right.

      As for the exemption from taking particular subjects in IPT, I believe you can't do that with your 1119 (GCE-O) certificate. Based on my experience, the English course that you learn in university is different and specially tailored to your major/minor course. Like I never had to take an English course as a business student but I had a class called Hospitality and Tourism Business Communication where I learned about writing, presenting. reading, listening and all other things that related to business and tourism/hospitality.

      I know that I'm probably not answering your questions but I hope it will still help you.

  14. Do you know the results of SPM English language 1119 is the one in SPM certificate or in the GCE-O?

    1. Hi Ryan, the SPM English 1119 result is listed along with other subjects in your SPM certificate.

  15. Can I know the SPM English language 1119 is the one on the SPM certificate or the CGE-O certificate? It kinda confuse...

    1. Hi Anon.

      Your SPM English 1119 result is the one in your SPM certificate. You know, the one looks that looks like A, A+, A- etc

  16. I don't understand, does it mean the lower the number the better it's get or am i wrong? (well mine is 6C, can u pls tell me what does it mean)

    1. Well, yes, the lower the number, the better the result. As you can see if you get 1A or 2A, that means you get an A for your GCE-O.

      Yours is 6C, that means you get a C for your GCE-O. Like I mentioned in the post, only your writing is graded for GCE-O. Eventually, what it actually means is you got a C for your writing.

      Hope that helps :)

  17. hi. i want to know, do everyone will get the cambridge cert or just certain grade will get it?


    1. Hello! I believe you will get the certificate as long as you don't get U or T.

  18. Hi kak, mau tanya apa maksud gred H tu, nyawa2 ikan ka fail haha

    1. Hello. Based on my understanding, H is a "failed" grade but you will still get the certificate.

  19. Masa pakcik ngaji di UTM 1999 dulu, Mahasiswa kena ambil kursus bahasa Inggeris mandatori tiga semester berturut; English I, English II, English III. Sape yang markah English 1119 SPM dapat A2 keatas, boleh la dikecualikan daripada ketiga-tiga kursus bahasa Inggeris mandatori di UTM (back then la). Kiranya, anak ni, genius jugak la kalau dah dapat score A2 untuk kertas 1119. 'Ala kulli hal, tahniah! Semoga sukses sentiasa dalam pelajaran. Wassalam.

    1. Wah, menariknya! Thank you for sharing your experience, pak cik. Truly appreciate it ^^

  20. Currently applying for scholarship and they need my gce o level cert. Is it the same thing as the cefr? Cuz i dont have it

    1. Hi Anon.

      I am not aware that one will get a certificate for CEFR. I do think CEFR certificate will be different than 1119 (GCE-O) certificate. It would be best for you to contact the PIC of your university to get a clarification and explain your situation. Sorry I could not be of more help to you.


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