My Songs of November 2018

It has been a year ever since I started this "My Songs Of The Month". I started this segment (?) just because I needed a platform to share some of the songs that I have always listened to but now it has become more than that. I can perfectly recall whatever happened in my life in that particular month based on the songs that I shared. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep doing it but for now, these are my songs of November 2018.

Paul Kim (폴킴) - Me After You (너를 만나)

I was out of the loop about Korean music because I have been busy indulging myself with endless anime this month so it was a nice surprise to know that Paul Kim released a new song when I was browsing YouTube. What makes me happier because his new song hit the (my) right spot! So, yay! I mean, I have always loved his voice but his songs are always kind of hit or miss with my taste.

Ritsuko Okazaki - For Fruits Basket

Nope, I didn't rewatch Fruits Basket but oh boy, did it bring back all the memories and tears when I stumbled upon this song again on YouTube. #ohmychildhoodmemories

Rena Maeda - Beautiful Rain

Okay, I'm not sure if I got the singer's name and the song title right but it is what it is. I sat through the whole anime even though I didn't like it that much just because of this song. This song is beautiful! <3 #tiapkalidengarpunrasanaknangis #sishatitisu

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  1. OMG all of it is my favourite especially the anime. I'm glad I took a glance at my blog before going to class. Okbye. I'm heading out to class now.

  2. lagu jepun termasuk kali ni ya ;-)

    1. Sebab November macam banyak tengok anime. Hence, the Japanese songs.

  3. oh... akak otaku jugak erk?! >_<

  4. lagu2 ni la yg dok dinyanyikan dek my daughter...

  5. Lama tak singgah sini dan miss beberapa bulan untuk segmen ini. Hihi. Kenal Wanna One pun kat sini jugak dan satu lagi lagu tu, Only I Love You <3 Lagu Paul Kim best <3

    1. I know you really like Only I Love You. Hopefully you have heard the Re: Version of Only I love You. I love the Re: Version more! :)

  6. fruit basket!!
    kalau tak silap, tak lama lagi ada remake untuk anime nie 😁

  7. Paul Kim's Me After You = 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  8. hi.. content blog menarik.. lets blogwalking and click iklan..done follow u.. follow me back.. thanks

  9. haluuuu..!! akak datang singgah ni. i always believe that our fevret songs mesti somehow related to our mood kan..

  10. tak pernah dengar lg.. tp skrg suka lagu forever young


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