Bukchon Hanok Village (북촌한옥마을)

Bukchon Hanok Village (북촌한옥마을)

Bukchon Hanok Village (북촌한옥마을) is home to hundreds of hanok, which also happens to be one of my favourite neighbourhoods in Seoul. I just love the aesthetics and the vibes of this neighbourhood. It's interesting to see how ancient times and modern times harmoniously intertwined. The only thing that I don't like about Bukchon Hanok Village is it's very hilly. #hellomynonexistencestamina

Bukchon Hanok Village (북촌한옥마을)
Steep tak steep?

Tip: Wear your most comfortable shoes as it's quite a walk and hike.

I went there in the morning to avoid the crowd. Thankfully, it was the best decision that I made as the neighbourhood started to get crowded after about an hour after I arrived. I honestly didn't do much at the Bukchon Hanok Village except walk around, take hundreds of pictures and enjoy the aesthetics of the neighbourhood.
Bukchon Hanok Village (북촌한옥마을)

Tip: Get a map from the Information Centre or do your proper research if you want to see all 8 views of Bukchon Hanok Village.

You can do more than that as they have quite several cultural centres, museums, guesthouses, restaurants, and tea houses. Some of the cultural centres and museums offer free admission, so you may want to fully utilize the chance? As for me, I didn't enter any cultural centres and museums because most of them were not open yet when I was there. Additionally, I opted out from visiting any tea houses and restaurants because I had a goal not to spend money on unnecessary things that day.

Bukchon Hanok Village (북촌한옥마을)

Tip: Please be considerate of the living residents by not making loud noises when walking around the neighbourhood.

I personally found Bukchon Hanok Village to be quite relaxing in the morning when there was no crowd. When the crowd started to show, it became so hectic, especially if inconsiderate tourists showed up. I really wanted to sew up some people's mouths when I was there because they were just too loud and rude.

Oh, I also bumped into a group of Malaysians and a Malaysian family when I was there, and boy was I extremely excited and happy to see them. #masalahorangdudukoverseas However, my feeling was not reciprocated. Didn't even get a nod from them T_T Sedih gila! Thankfully, one of the guides for the group of Malaysians struck up a simple conversation with me, so I was happy :)

Bukchon Hanok Village (북촌한옥마을)

Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the Bukchon Hanok Village despite being lost when searching Scenic View #8 of Bukchon Hanok Village. I have this feeling that I can easily spend one whole day here if I have all the time in this world.

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  1. Good morning, look so nice you blog..

  2. Curamnya jalan tuuu....huhuu, tapi pemandangannya cantik2 belaka. Worth the hike, yes? 😁

    1. Yes, worth the hike tapi kena banyak beristighfar la.

  3. i wish i can go here one day. Bestnya!

  4. one thing that I regretted during my trip to Seoul was that we didn't get the chance to visit Bukchon Hanok Village. It was so unfortunate. Another reason to go back :)

    1. But then I believe you went to so many other places as well, no? :)

  5. gonna put this one on my travel list if i ever reach seoul some day :D
    cantik la pemandangan dan gambar tu <3

    1. Hopefully you'll get a chance to see Seoul someday ^^

  6. teringin sangat nak pegi Korea tp sampai skrg tak kesampaian ^_^

  7. wahh betul2 curam ya. kalau saya mau tergolek nanti

    1. It was one of the steepest roads that I have ever walked in South Korea. Penat gila!

  8. haha kat Jepun haritu pun yang bising rasa macam nak tampar je. orang jepun senyap je dalam train, diorang bergelak ketawa dengan bahasa sendiri.

    sian Farah kena macam tu. mujur la ada juga yang tegur ye. kita yang travel ni pun kadang rindu orang malaysia.

    1. Sangat-sangat tak suka dekat orang yang bising sangat-sangat masa travel ni. Please la jadi orang bertamadun T^T

      Masa tu rasa sedih but lesson learned. Lepas ni kalau travel, akan cuba senyum je. Tak mahulah lebih-lebih rasa excited sangat.

  9. tampak bersih, suci dan tenang je... tp sy suka kalau ada kat tempat ni then naik basikal turun bukit lps tangan wuuuhuuuuuu

    1. Now that you mentioned it, rasanya Bukchon memang bersih sangat. Tempat ni seronok kalau turun bukit la naik basikal. Kalau naik bukit, mahu menangis T^T


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