Mountain Lakes & Waterfalls: A Tour by Brewster Sightseeing

I had a chance to go on another tour last month. It was hard for me to decide which tour to go to because every tour goes to at least one place that I really want to go. After debating with myself for 2 weeks, I decided to go for this tour called Mountain Lakes & Waterfalls as I really wanted to go to Emerald Lake and Takakkaw Falls.

Places included in this tour are Lake Louise, Moraine Lake, Spiral Tunnels, Takakkaw Falls and Emerald Lake Lodge. However, to my dismay, roads to Moraine Lake and Takakkaw Falls were closed for the season, two days before my tour due to the heavy snowfall that we received earlier that week. I contemplated cancelling this tour but after talking to one of the agents, I decided to just go for this tour. According to her, they will take us to other places like Marble Canyon and others. 

Lake Louise, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada

We went to Lake Louise first thing in the morning. It was my umpteenth time in Lake Louise but I found this particular visit to be more special and magical? It was less crowded and it was my first time seeing the colour of Lake Louise. We were given almost 45 minutes to roam around Lake Louise. I, unfortunately, didn't make that far as I didn't get to walk along the whole shore but I was content and happy.

Field, Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada

We then headed out to the Yoho National Park to see the rest of the places. We stopped at the Spiral Tunnels in the hope of catching a sight of a train passing the tunnels but too bad luck was not on our side that morning. However, we did manage to see a train passing through the tunnels later in the evening. 

Tip: Educate yourself first about the Spiral Tunnels to appreciate the sight of the train passing through the Spiral Tunnels.

Then, we stopped by Field because we had nowhere else to go at that time. Honestly, there is nothing much at the Field. Field is such a small and secluded town that I don't think I can survive living there. Our bus driver made a big loop around the town and stopped at the Visitor Information Centre (VIC). We were given about 30 minutes to explore the area. Didn't do much here as well except visit the VIC for a washroom break and to learn some stuff about Spiral Tunnels.

Emerald Lake Lodge, Emerald Lake, Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada

After that, we went to Emerald Lake Lodge for our lunch. I skipped the lunch as I'm not a big fan of the lunch options. Also, skipping lunch means more time exploring Emerald Lake, so, yay? By skipping lunch, I had about 3 hours to kill at the Emerald Lake. I somewhat fully utilized the hours given to us by walking around the lake, though I didn't get to finish the whole trail. Wish I got to finish the whole trail T^T

Emerald Lake, Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada

I was deeply thankful that the sky became clearer and the weather became better after about an hour. When we first arrived at the Emerald Lake Lodge, it was so cloudy that you couldn't see the top of the mountains. I was kinda bummed about it because I want to see the pretty Emerald Lake, not the gloomy Emerald Lake. Thankfully, alhamdulillah, I managed to see a glimpse of pretty Emerald Lake like what I was hoping for after that. After all, Emerald Lake was one of my main reasons for joining this tour.

Natural Bridge, Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada

We then stopped at the Natural Bridge on our way back to Banff. It was a short stop as we were given around 15 minutes here. This was my second time here at the Natural Bridge but it was my first time appreciating the beauty of this place. Let's just say that I was too young and too dumb to realize the beauty of this place on my first visit. 

On another note, to think that I could still get fascinated seeing this kind of view after living in the Rockies for about a year was pure bliss. Alhamdulillah, I was happy :)

Somewhere in Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada

Our last stop on that day was this random campsite near the road leading to the Takakkaw Falls. We stopped here for a coffee break and snack time. #bestcoffeebreakview I know it was just a random campsite, but oh boy, did I feel so small when I was there. It reminded me of my first time standing on the highway after hiking the Stanley Falls, surrounded by the mountain range. #whatafeeling

All in all, I was pretty much happy with the tour. Alhamdulillah, the weather was somewhat on our side which made everything better. The only complaint that I had was maybe they should skip Field and bring us to Marble Canyon and other places instead. Other than that, I'm pretty much a happy camper.

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  1. I can utter no other words. Subhanallah cantiknyaaaaaa

    1. Memang cantik. I definitely love all these places except Field, maybe? :)

  2. Cantiknya
    Bila la nak jejak Canada ni

  3. woww.. rasanya kalau tak baca post awak pasal Canada ni, tak tau ada lagi tempat menarik dekat situ. lagi-lagi pasal Spiral Tunnels. okay, masuk dalam bucket list juga haha..

    cantik sangat Canada ni. tour yang awak pergi ni kalau tukar ke RM around berapa?

    1. Banyak je lagi tempat dekat Canada ni yang cantik sangat-sangat tapi kita sendiri tak pernah pergi lagi. Hopefully I'll get to visit some of them before I'm going back for good T^T

      Harga tour ni depends on the pick up point and drop off point. Kalau macam saya turun dan naik dari Banff, harga dia dalam MYR approximately MYR 560.

  4. Alhamdulillah rezeki Farah dapat explore tempat orang. MasyaAllah the view was so stunning and i was amazed.

    1. Alhamdulillah, memang rezeki sangat-sangat ^^

  5. mana2 tempat kt dunia ni kalau berlatarbelakangkan gunung bersalji, view mmg superb!!!

    1. Betul tu lagi lagi kalau langit pun biru :D

  6. memang lawa..!! if im going Canada one day one of the reasons mmg sebab Farah sogok gambar-gambar lawa. ur lucky my dear.. ^^

    1. Alhamdulillah, indeed I'm lucky, I hope that you'll get to come to Canada one day, kak Siti ^^


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