Ewha Womans University (이화여자대학교)

Right after Namsangol Hanok Village (남산골한옥마을), I went to the Ewha Womans University (이화여자대학교). Decided to go here because I read so many blog posts saying that one should at least go to Edae because the campus is beautiful and such. Also, because it was featured on 2 Days 1 Night. I'm easy. I know :p

Ewha Womans University (이화여자대학교)
There's a wall with flowers motive and a history plate opposite this wall if I'm not mistaken.

Ewha Womans University (이화여자대학교)
The road to Edae from the nearest subway exit is quite hilly, so prepare yourself, okay? :)

The road leading to Edae is full of skincare and cosmetics shops like Tony Moly, Holika Holika, The Face Shop, Nature Republic, etc. My favourite shop here was Artbox. I don't have pictures of Artbox but, OMG all those cute stuff and stationery ㅠㅠ. Anyway, you can also find street food stalls as you can see from the picture above. Mind you, the street food prices here were quite high compared to other places. 

Ewha Womans University (이화여자대학교)
You can go to Yonsei, even Hongdae (홍대) if you walk along this road.

My original plan when I went to South Korea was to walk along this road; from Edae to Hongdae because I wanted to explore the shopping streets, go to a few restaurants, and see Yonsei as well. However, man proposes, Allah disposes. My leg was injured so I couldn't walk too far, so I skipped this plan of mine. Maybe next time, insya Allah :)

Ewha Womans University (이화여자대학교)
The ever-famous Ewha Campus Complex (ECC)

Most people who go to Edae come for the Ewha Campus Complex (ECC), myself included. By the way, good luck trying to take decent pictures here without being photobombed by other people :p

During this particular visit, I didn't go into the ECC building because I thought outsiders were not allowed. Who am I kidding eh? You can go into the ECC building but be mindful as some students study at the ECC as it has study spaces. If I remember it correctly, they also have GS25, a coffee shop, an auditorium, and a few more things in the ECC.

Also, when I was there, the ECC walls were plastered with a lot of posters protesting bribery, special treatment and a few other issues. You can actually feel the tension when you walk along the ECC building. 

Welch-Ryang Auditorium

After climbing up and down the ECC building, I went to the Welch-Ryang Auditorium. Mainly because it was near to the ECC. Also, because it was featured in 2 Days 1 Night (again!). He who should be named had a mission to take pictures with the students at this stairs with the Welch-Ryang Auditorium in the background.

When I was there, there was a group of graduating students shooting their pre or post-convocation photos. I giggled watching them because they reminded me of my times. However, I got turned off by their attitude soon after that because they were just so rude and so perasan? They yelled at a few people telling them, "No picture! No picture!" while making disgusting faces. Mind you, those people were not even trying to take their pictures. Girls, why do you have to be so perasan?

So yeah, my time at Edae did not end on a high note! I mean, I loved the building and stuff but I couldn't stomach the rudeness of those girls. I just can't ㅠㅠ

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  1. ada terbaca yg korean ni ada perangai yg rude sangat.

    1. I think it all depends on your luck kot. I've met some rude and racist Koreans but I've also met nice and friendly Koreans at the same time :)

    2. setuju tu, depend pada luck kita juga..

  2. tapi uni ni memang best, banyak variety show yg shoot kat Ewha university.

    1. Shows apa lagi yang shoot dekat sini ya? On top of my mind, memang ingat 2 Days 1 Night je.

    2. running man pun pernah shoot kat sini juga, ada juga show lain tapi tak ingat la.

    3. Ramai pun cakap Running Man shooting dekat sini. Nanti nak cuba tengok balik.

  3. memang cantik sangat universiti ni.. :)

  4. Rasa nak study kat sini pulak.. haha

  5. cantik. ehh perasan pulak bdak2 tu. hahaa

    1. The campus memang cantik sangat! And yeah, those girls perasan la pulak ㅠㅠ

  6. Kalau ada peluang pergi korea mesti masuk dalam to do list nie 😁

    1. Insya Allah, one fine day pergi sini, okay? :)

  7. So far Alhamdulillah takde lagi jumpa yang rude selama 2 minggu kat sana. Semua friendly, siap ada yang pegang2 rambut nak buat tocang (sebab masa tu rambut warna warni). Tapi tak sangka pulak perasan sampai macam tu hahaha

    Anyway, one of my regrets was not be able to visit Ewha, Itaewon and did not explore Hongdae to my hearts content. Maybe next time I'll make sure to visit them all.

    And my friend who lives in South Korea told me that to take a nice photo at Ewha without people photobombing is by going there super early. Hahaha jenuh la..

    1. Untungnya tak pernah jumpa Koreans yang rude! Saya dah pernah dah. Terluka juga hati. Hahahaha. Tapi, nasib baik jumpa ramai orang baik juga :D And yes, those girls memang perasan. Entahlah. Naik menyampah bila fikir balik ㅠㅠ

      Make sure to do that on your next visit, okay? I didn't get to explore Ewha dengan Itaewon on this trip. Sebab dah penat, dah injured semua.

      Thank you for the tip! Maybe I should do that on my next trip. I went to Ewha in the afternoon. Itu pun paksa heret kaki datang sini. Kalau tak, memang tak sampai la.

  8. Famous sgt Ehwa Women University ni.selalu tgk Running Man ke sini masa episods2 dulu.

    1. Running Man pernah shoot dekat sini ke? Tak ingat dah :O

  9. Replies
    1. Read so many post saying the similar things. I have yet get a chance to explore the shops around Edae ㅠㅠ

  10. bestnya ke korea bila lah dapat jejak kaki kat sana hehe done follow you boleh follow saya balik sis

  11. antara top university kan?

    x silap lee kwang soo penah ke sini cari student utk team up dgn dia... kalau shooting sepenuhnya x de kot...

    1. Tak tahulah antara top universities ke tak. Setahu saya top universities dekat Korea tu SKY.

      Saya dah berapa tahun tak tengok Running Man, so tak ingat yang Running Man pernah shoot dekat Edae ni.

  12. antara tempat wajib singgah dan selfie..

  13. Tahu universiti ni pun bila tengok Running Man je.. Haha.

    1. Saya pula tak tahu or tak ingat yang Running Man pernah shooting dekat sini ^^''

  14. tak pergiiii lagi sini. i wish nak pegi Seoul i nak ronda Seoul puas2.

    1. Tak pergi sini ke? Kalau ada rezeki nak repeat Korea, jangan lupa pergi sini, okay? :)

    2. yup. akak tak ronda Seoul habis habisan. so if i go there again next time..
      i memang nak explore Seoul =D

    3. Seoul tu pergi lama mana pun rasa macam tak cukup sebab banyak sangat tempat best ㅠㅠ


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