Why Is It Okay If You Haven't Travelled as Much as You Imagined

Why is it okay if you haven't travelled as much as you imagined OR if you have never travelled before?

This post is meant for me and maybe for those who have been affected by continuous exposure through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and blogs which urge you to travel! travel! and travel!

One cardinal fact that you need to ingrain in your mind is travelling is a luxury for one needs to have time and money to do so. You need to have these two otherwise travelling would never or rarely happen. I learned about this fact when I was in my first year but sometimes it slipped my mind as I'm constantly being exposed to the content that urges me to travel!

Farah H at the Johnston Green
My favourite place to unwind especially in fall and spring when I was a student, as I didn't have enough time to go somewhere else.

When I was a student, I didn't get to travel as much as I would love to as I didn't have time though I had extra money lying around to be spent. Back then, I was busy juggling with my assignments. I also spent most of my summer breaks working, trying to fulfill my hours for the Hospitality and Tourism Work Experience Graduation Requirement, and my winter breaks going back to Malaysia. When I was unemployed, I had all the time in the world but unfortunately, I didn't have money to go travelling. Now that I'm working, I actually don't have time and money, hence no travelling (again!) for me.

Some people will argue that you can easily plan your time around the days off and holidays, and put aside X amount of money every month to go travelling, which is true, actually. However, life happens. You can't predict what's going to happen in your life. Maybe that extra money that you have (or you think you have) goes to an unexpected incident. Or, maybe you don't have extra money after all the life commitments. Or, maybe all you want to do on your free days is to stay at home. And, that's perfectly okay. Also, everyone has different priorities. If your main priority is travelling, then it's good for you. If your main priority is saving or paying your debt, then save your money all you want or pay that debt. There's nothing wrong about it.

You just have to do you! Go travel if that's what you want and you can afford to do so but don't despair if you haven't travelled as much as you imagined or if you have never travelled before, for travelling is a luxury :)

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  1. for me, we cannot try to travel just because to take some nice pictures. but it's great for my self to get new life experience. so I like to travel with some of my friends.

    also i like your words - Go travel if that's what you want and you can afford to do so, but don't be despair if you haven't travelled as much as you imagined or if you have never travelled before, for travelling is a luxury :)

    1. Hello Kisha. Thank you for your kind comment and for sharing your opinion.

      I think everyone has his/her intention or style when it comes to travelling. Like you, you're looking to get new life experience. However, there are people out there who go travelling just to get Instagrammable pictures. I know some of them in real life. I also know some people who go travelling just to cross a list of countries they have visited in the world. To each their own, eh. Janji masing-masing happy :)

  2. i miss travelling. :D

    for me it is okay if someone hasn't travel much as long as he/she appreciated that travel, in terms of memories and how the trip had benefit him/her :)

    1. I know you miss travelling. Insya Allah, 2020 eh? I still remember your 2020 travelling goal! :)

      Yes, that's so true as well. However, I believe being continuously exposed to content that urge you to travel when you don't have money or time will affect you in one way or another ã… ã… 

  3. I only started travelling when I came to Japan. The flight that I took from KL to Tokyo back then is actually my first time on the plane lol What you said about travelling is true. Not everyone can afford it and when you've started working and save a bit to travel you don't have time lol.

    And I'd like to add that travelling = overseas or somewhere far. For me even a trip to the park nearby is travelling lol

    1. Hi Rasya, I think we have something in common. The flight that I took from KUL to YYZ few years back was my first time on the plane as well. Hehe :)

      Yes, not everyone can afford to go travelling as we really need to have both time and money in order to do so.

      And the last point that you raised is quite interesting. I have never thought that travelling = overseas or somewhere far. I mean, I personally don't think a trip to a park nearby is travelling lol but for me, travelling starts whenever I go to a nearby city from my current living place. Hehe :D

  4. this is so true..

    when we have money, we've got no time
    when we have a lot of time, we've got no money.. adududuuduhhh.

    1. Yessss, benda macam ni memang selalu terjadi kan? :)

  5. money & time is 2 important thing to travel.. ^_^

    #trykecekomputehdeh haha

  6. that's life all about. u have this one but u don't have that one on the other side.
    but as for me, u dont need to go far to get urself escape for a while. malaysia got so many beautiful place to offer as well. eg sabah :)

    1. Betul tu kak Ana. Most people will not get to have the best of both worlds. Also, like you, I do agree that we don't need to go far for an escape and Malaysia really have so many beautiful places.

      But, as I mentioned, you really need to have time and money even if you just want to travel in Malaysia. Contohnya macam saya. Saya rasa saya belum mampu lagi nak pergi Sabah sebab bagi saya, Sabah macam mahal sikit. Or mungkin sebab saya nak pergi dengan parents saya. So, kena save duit lagi.

  7. kehidupan kita berbeza. ada org byk duit pun lom tentu boleh ke sana sini. ada org, duit x seberapa tp ada je rezeki nk ke mana2... tp yg penting, kita ttp bersyukur sbb ada KAKI utk bergerak ke mana2 yg tidak dikenakan sebarang bayaran....

    1. Betul tu, masing-masing hidup berbeza. Apa-apa pun as you said, yang penting, bersyukur :)

  8. Lucky those who get to work in the tourism industry as tour guides or tour leaders, kerjanya memang selalu travel saja..😬

    1. Saya pun macam agak jealous dengan orang yang kerja dalam tourism industry ni especially those tour guides and leaders. Mungkin sebab saya budak tourism kot. Tapi itulah, I can't imagine myself as a tour guide or tour leader. So, kita berhuhu sahajalah.

  9. I like travelling just for the experiences and to gain something new in life. I'm not working but I earned my own money through my monthly allowance and designing work for other people. So basically I have the time and the money. But unfortunately every time I planned on going somewhere, something always came up.

    I was supposed to go to the UK next month but my sister just had a baby. Kami takde mak, so I have to help her. Then this July, I gotta visit my cousin in German but can't do that too because my dad has a lot of hospital appointments.

    What I'm trying to say is, kadang2 nasib tak menyebelahi even you got the luxury to travel. You will go somewhere if He lets you. I love this blog post so much because it's such an eye opener to me. Sebelum ni mmg tak sedar, bila baca baru sedar why I kept on postponing all my trips. Sebab Allah dah tulis macam tu. Thank you Farah, I needed this.

    1. Hi Tqa. Firstly, congratulations on the new addition to your family :)

      Thank you for sharing your opinion as well. You actually mentioned one thing that I may miss to mention in my blog post which is the unpredictable life circumstances. Kalau Allah tak izin, memang takkan sampai kan? Ada je benda yang menghalang.

      I hope that you'll get to visit UK and Germany soon :)

  10. it is nice to travel somewhere, different kind of life view and such. would love to travel somewhere far away someday. :)

    setuju dengan post nie <3

    1. Yes, that's true. Most of the times, travelling gives us a new perspective and push us to be out of our comfort zone. Hopefully both us will get to see more of this world, insya Allah :)

  11. i always receive comments yang bawa maksud sama.. untung ada duit.. ada duit boleh travel. yadda yadda yadda.. some part yes true.. itu adalah orang yang travel dengan luxury. but us.. we travel dengan apa adanya after years of menabung. nak tunggu ada masa ada duit entahkan bila.. so if you have some allocation.. gear up and go. pengalaman tu lagi mahal dari segalanya.

    1. Yes, that's true that the experience that we got is the most valuable ones. For people yang kaya raya, yes, that's their privilege. They can go travel whenever they want because they usually have money and time. For us, rakyat marhaen, we usually have to save up first, as you mentioned and then, find a free time in our schedule. That's when we got to travel then.

      In your case, people will see that you're always travelling because that's what you put on your social media and blog. But little did they know, you actually tried your best to save up your money to make the trips happen. I don't know about you, but for me, whenever I try to save up my money for a trip, I usually don't go anywhere in that period of saving. Simply because I need that money for the trip that I'm planning.

      And I think everyone should remember that everyone has different priorities in his/her life. If travelling is that person's priority, it should make sense that person can go travelling often. Also, I think it's rude for someone who says, "Untunglah banyak duit boleh pergi travel" or "Asyik travel memanjang je" yadda yadda dekat orang yang selalu travel when travelling is not even his/her priority.

    2. haa panjang lebar akak baca. alhamdulillah thank god ada yang faham. its because my blog memang bab itu kan so i share la about my experience. and i dont go travel everyday macam org ingat tu. ada banyak lagi kerja haih hahaha.. hey hello !! i was not born on a bed of roses. i believe if you want something u have to work hard to make it happen. in my case.. i nak pi jalan so i have to put aside some amount of money untuk itu. the hard part kita x tunjuk. hehehe..

    3. Maaflah kak Siti, panjang lebar pula comment yang sebelum ni. I guess it's because I oversimplified the fact that travelling is a luxury because we need time and money in my original post without explaining further. Then, you mentioned about other things that I should mention. Tu yang panjang kemain comment nya.

      My professor once said, "Now that you know travelling is a luxury, what would you do as a tourism student? You should make time and money. Do not wait for them to come. Prioritize them accordingly. Otherwise, you'll never go anywhere". Granted, everyone's situation is different and again, everyone's priorities are different. So, tengoklah hidup masing-masing. Kalau travelling is not your priority, tak payahlah menyalak dan menyindir orang-orang yang selalu travel ni kan? :)


      Yes, it's your blog and travelling is the niche. So, you just have to do you, okay? Janji kita happy. Lantak pi la apa orang nak kata. Mulut orang ni kita tak boleh nak tutup. And, I'm totally with you on that we need to work hard to get what we want. Like you, I allocate X amount of money for travelling purpose from my income/allowance whenever I feel like travelling.

  12. same goes to me farah.. this year and next year I need to sacrifice my own money for big things.. Dah tak boleh nak travel, kena korban utk kawin. :(

    1. May Allah ease everything, kak Nina! Insya Allah, lepas kahwin boleh start travel balik kot? :)

  13. betul tu Farah, kita memang minat travel sebab tu kita akan cuba mcm mana sekalipun untuk kumpul duit untuk travel. dari segi masa takde masalah sebab kita kerja dengan pakcik. alhamdulillah on that. as long as I finished my work on time, pakcik kasi.

    yang penting kita travel ikut kemampuan dan bukan kemahuan saja.

    tak suka bila orang mention untunglah banyak duit. really, seriously? kalau banyak duit, tak pergi Asian countries je tau. dah duduk setahun dekat Europe, setahun Dubai, setahun sana sini. itu baru banyak duit tau. sebab tu kita tak post banyak sangat gambar bila travel. cuma di blog sebab nak berkongsi pengalaman,

    1. Betul tu. Kalau minat gila-gila, we'll make that thing a priority and will do our best to achieve it. And also a big yes for we need to travel ikut kemmampuan dan bukan kemahuan je.

      Pasal mulut orang ni, tak tahulah nak cakap macam mana. Tak faham sangat spesis apa entah yang suka cakap benda macam ni.


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