My 3 Holy Grail Harsh Winter Personal Care, Skincare and Lip Care Products

Hello everyone! 

I just wanted to share 3 products that helped me to go through the harsh winter that we have here in Banff. The winter that I experienced here in Banff is very different from the winter that I experienced back in Guelph. As such, I had to change some of my personal care, skin care, and lip care products because the ones that I used to use back in Guelph did not work for me anymore.

Vaseline Intensive Care Advanced Repair Unscented Lotion, LANEIGE Water Sleeping Mask, LANEIGE Lip Sleeping Mask
I don't have my flat lay props with me, so this poor picture will do for now ㅠㅠ

Vaseline Intensive Care Advanced Repair Unscented Lotion

This lotion is a heaven-sent! I grabbed this lotion from the aisle of Shopper's Drug Mart for the first time two years ago and have been using the same lotion ever since. I was attracted to try this lotion because it says, "Transforms skin from very dry to healed in 5 days" on its packaging. I was instantly sold because I was struggling with dry and cracked skin at that time. It was my first winter where the average temperature was about -20℃ ish and my skin was not ready and suffering.

Alhamdulillah, after trying the lotion for about a week, my skin was no longer dry and almost back to normal. I also did not feel the itchiness that's been bugging me for the previous week. Alhamdulillah. Another plus point is, that this lotion is not greasy which makes me super happy because other Vaseline lotions that I have tried usually are quite greasy.

LANEIGE Water Sleeping Mask

Bought this sleeping mask at Sephora after contemplating buying it for a year. lol! I love the mask as a sleeping mask so much because my skin feels so supple and hydrated every time I wake up from my sleep after putting it on my face overnight. It really helps to save my skin especially when my housemates set the heater way too high. I usually woke up to super dry and peeled-off skin before this.

I decided to try and use it as my day moisturizer after my usual day moisturizer failed to do its job when the temperature was lower than -20℃. Surprisingly, it works excellently as a day moisturizer as well. Alhamdulillah. My skin stays moisturized even when I'm outside for a few hours and the temperature is around -30℃.

Wow, yakin gila letak awkward selfie! 😆
*Excuse my kejung smile for all my facial muscles were kejung at that time*
I just want to show you (if you can actually see it) that my skin was not peeled off or cracked and my lips were not bleeding and cracked despite my face constantly being slapped by the cold and dry wind when I went tubing for 4 hours 😂

LANEIGE Lip Sleeping Mask

Like the LANEIGE Water Sleeping Mask, I bought the lip mask after contemplating buying it for a year. lol! I love that feeling when I wake up to the moisturized and plump lips. Rasa macam Angelina Jolie sekejap. Hahaha :p Again, this lip sleeping mask saves my lips especially when my housemates set the heater way too high. I usually woke up to the cracked and bleeding lips before due to dry air.

I decided to try and use it as my daily lip balm because I thought it would excellently work as a daily lip balm as well. Alhamdulillah, thankfully, I was right. I only need to apply it once before I go outside and my lips will stay moisturized for the whole time, insya Allah. Tried and tested, I was outside for about 6 hours when the temperature was around -13℃ and my lips were still moisturized with only one application.

So yeah, alhamdulillah, these 3 products have helped me to go through the harsh winter here in Banff.  These products may help you as well whenever you go travelling in winter. Anyway, I probably will need to change the products again when the seasons change but that's another story :)

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  1. dah lama teringin nak beli Laneige ni.. hehe.. boleh cuba

    1. Insya Allah, boleh cuba. Kalau rasa mahal nak beli full size, maybe boleh cuba beli trial size dia dulu :)

  2. rasanya vaseline tu x de kat sini... sy yg pegi europe sekejap tu pun dah kering semacam kaki tangan. muka x yah ckp laa

    1. Masa saya balik Malaysia last year, rasanya ada lotion ni dijual dekat Watsons or Guardian. Cuma bukan yang unscented la. Dekat Malaysia, yang masuk dulu yang lavender scented punya. Tapi, tak tahulah sekarang ada lagi ke tak sebab Vaseline dekat sini macam dah berhentikan je yang lavender scented punya.

  3. Cutenya selfie! Hihihi. Vaseline tu mmg bagus tu.

    1. Hahahaha. Tang mana cute tu tak tahulah. For me, I only love this Vaseline lotion. Kalau Vaseline lotions yang lain, kurang sikit la.

  4. saya pun pakai dua2 laneige ni, memang best kann. yg lips tu, bila basuh esok pagi rasa lembut je bibir :D

    1. For me, memang best sangat-sangat! Lagi-lagi bila pakai masa winter. Wah, bestnya boleh basuh lip sleeping mask. I've yet to wash it off sebab selalu bila bangun tidur je, lip sleeping mask dah kering. Hehe

  5. just bought laneige lip sleeping mask, can't wait to use mine and see the output :D

    1. Do try and write your review, okay? Can't wait to read your review! :)

  6. tak pernah try lagi Laneige.. takut tak sesuai dgn kulit. maybe farah boleh bt review in details. hehehe..

    1. Macam saya pun ni gamble je. Dekat setahun fikir nak beli ke tak. Buat masa ni, rasa berbaloi sangat beli sebab berkesan. Tapi, itulah, saya pakai masa winter. Kalau pakai masa summer, belum tahu lagi sesuai ke tak dengan kulit muka saya. Nanti kita tengok dulu, okay? :)


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