KyoChon, IOI City Mall

I'm contemplating if I should write this post or not because I absolutely have nothing good to say but if you happened to read this post, I guess it made the cut ^^''

So, I was craving Korean fried chicken this one day and decided to go to KyoChon, IOI City Mall because it's been a while since I last ate KyoChon. And, because I was already at the IOI City Mall. 

KyoChon, IOI CIty Mall

There were not that many people at the outlet when we were there, so I thought, "아싸~ Tak ramai orang! Tak payah tunggu lama!" Uh uh, apparently there was no such thing. We had to wait for about 30 minutes before our drinks were served and 50 minutes before the chickens were served. I was totally unhappy because patience is not my virtue, remember?

12 pcs Wingettes & Drumettes - Honey Series
Not the most flattering picture of the Honey Series Chicken, obviously 😒

Can you imagine? Drinks were served after 30 minutes and chickens were served after 50 minutes? I definitely will understand if the outlet was busy but it was not. And they had so many employees but none of them looked like they were concerned about the slow service.

I mean, they were rather doing the takeaway orders instead of serving the in-house customers though the chickens were already ready to be served. And the most annoying thing was, there was no sorry at all either by the servers or the cashier for their slow and inefficient service. I am still so furious whenever I think about that day. 

So yeah, I can assure you that I will not be coming back to the KyoChon, IOI City Mall. Ever. Again. If I'm ever craving KyoChon, I rather go to the other KyoChon outlets even though they are far and busy.

Sorry KyoChon, IOI City Mall, you just lost a customer 😏

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  1. Faham sangat, lebihkan take away daripada orang makan di situ 🙄

    1. Itulah pasal. Tak tahu apa yang dikejar untuk takeaway orders tu sampai abaikan dine in customers.

  2. I'd been there but that time there was a long queue that we canceled to eat there.
    Surprise to read there was not many people there.

    1. I have yet to see any lines at the KyoChon though. Maybe you went during peak hours?

  3. ahhh rasa geram jugak bila servis lambat terutama bab makanan nie T^T
    mood makan tak lalu bila nak dekat sejam menunggu. kalau ramai orang maybe boleh faham tapi nie tak banyak orang. hope they will improve soon

    1. Yes, setuju sangat. I almost left because I don't like waiting. Memang panas hati. Yes, hope they will improve soon thought I doubt will come again.

  4. Replies
    1. Lama, dahlah masa tu memang lapar gila. Seksa tunggu.

  5. yg ampun slow sgt dia punya servis, kena boikot kedai ni.

    1. I'm not going back to KyoChon, IOI City Mall.

  6. Ya Allah, queue kat kyochon IOI city mall panjang tak sudah! By the time you habis makan kat tempat lain, queue still panjang lagi kat kyochon lol tapi ayam dia sedap hehe :D

    lenne | blog

    1. I love the chicken but not the waiting time and the service.

  7. lama jugak x makan kyochon ni

  8. Replies
    1. Saya pun memang nak angkat kaki terus tapi adik saya suruh sabar.


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