Squid Boy, IOI City Mall

Squid Boy, IOI City Mall
 Squid Boy, IOI City Mall

Another day at the IOI City Mall, another F&B outlet to be crossed off from my list. Like the previous post; Gindaco, IOI City Mall, I was looking for something light that night as well. Initially, I wanted to try Shihlin but the line was pretty long so I decided to change my direction to the Squid Boy.

Squid Boy Menu Illustration

Squid Boy offers more than squid dishes at a relatively average price (?). It was quite a quick decision on what I wanted to order from my part because I suddenly lost my nafs of eating chicken. I guess it was because I had been eating chicken almost every day since I arrived in Malaysia. I decided to settle with MEGA Giant Squid and Crispy Mushroom Fries.

MEGA Giant Squid, Squid Boy
MEGA Giant Squid
MYR 14.50

MEGA Giant Squid is the largest Giant Squid offered by the Squid Boy. Indeed, the size was huge because it took me some time to finish off the squid. However, I'm not a big fan of its taste. Too salty for my liking. Additionally, I put red pepper powder on my squid but I couldn't taste the spiciness. I think the saltiness overpowered all other flavours.

Crispy Mushroom Fries, Squid Boy
Crispy Mushroom Fries
MYR 5.90

I also ordered Crispy Mushroom Fries and this was my pick for that night. So crunchy and crispy. The taste was just nice as well. Not too salty like the MEGA Giant Squid. Anyway, I am not sure if I'm going to repeat Squid Boy again. If I were to, I probably would buy the Crispy Mushroom Fries only.

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  1. i tried this once. haha that was because my sister wanted to eat it together. not bad i can say but the fact that it is too oily makes me says no for a second time. well, maybe just a piece will do. XD

    1. I think mine was not too oily (or maybe I'm just so used to oily food, lol). In my opinion, the bigger problem is the squid is too salty.

    2. hahahaha.. it could be like that because of the way they cooked it. i remember mine taste good.

    3. Yeah, I guess at the end of the day, it all depends on your luck :)

  2. wahhhh i really want to try giant fried squid. :D
    that crispy mushroom fries looks good too :3

    1. The fried squid looks good on the screen but not so much in real life. lol. The crispy mushroom fries looked and tasted good :D

  3. alwyas facing the same thing, saltiness overcome the real taste. same like Shihlin, ayam gunting etc..so, I won't bother to eat again unless I was craving like crazily...hahaha

    1. I see. This was my first time experiencing this problem, so I was extremely dissatisfied.

  4. I never tried it! But never thought of! heheh :D Thanks for your review kak Farah <3
    Selamat Hari Raya!!! ^^

  5. First time dengar. Nak ke IOi jauh lah pulak. kot ada outlet terdekat ke kan.

    1. Kak Ana duduk dekat mana? Rasanya Squid Boy ni banyak juga cawangan dia.

  6. kenapa nampak sedappppp???? waaaaa

    1. Nampak je sedap tapi rasa dia? Hahahaha :D

  7. tak pernah perasan pun kedai niiii. ioi tu banyak sangat makanan xD

    1. Kedai ni memang macam tak berapa nak impressive. Macam suram je. Dekat dengan money changer. By the way, memang setuju sangat yang dekat IOI City Mall tu banyak sangat tempat makan. Best best pula tu.

  8. OMG sedapnya! Tak sabar nak try bila balik

    1. Gambar kat kedai dia memang nampak sedap but in reality, so-so je?

  9. halamak mega giant squid + crispy mushroom tu sedapnye! aarghhhh lapaarrr T____T

    1. Crispy mushroom tu sedap. Mega giant squid tu tak berapa sangat.

  10. I've tried this once tapi sebab masin sangat so tu first and last lah huhu

    1. Samalah! It was too salty sampai sakit kepala. Memang first and the last time la buat masa ni.


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