Sushi Bistro, Banff

Sushi Bistro, Banff is my go-to restaurant sushi restaurant in Banff. I always go to this restaurant whenever I crave sushi, which is often. as often as two times a month. This is also where I have spent almost CAD 2k for this past a year and half-ish. No kidding!

Sushi Bistro, Banff

The reason why Sushi Bistro is my go-to sushi restaurant is because it offers a large number of sushi options at a decent price tag for a tourist town. Admittedly, it is not cheap, especially if you're so used to all-you-can-eat sushi restaurants, but this is somewhat the best deal that you could get here.

Sushi Bistro, Banff

Tip: They have few sushi chefs but I believe the ladies especially Hannah-san make the better sushi.

These are sushi that I have always ordered whenever I come here; Tamago, Inari, Octopus, Squid, Shrimp Mayo, Scallop, and Scallop Mayo. The taste and size will be different according to the sushi chef of the day but again, in my opinion, Hannah-san's sushi tastes the best and the size will make you think it's worth your money!

PSA: The sushi below was not made by Hannah-san as she was not working when I went to the restaurant yesterday. Her sushi is always bigger than these sushi.

Sushi @ Sushi Bistro, Banff
1 order of nigiri sushi comes with two pieces of sushi
Price varies with Tamago and Inari being the cheapest and Scallop Mayo being the most expensive.

My favourite sushi here are Tamago and Scallop Mayo. All the waitstaffs know that I always order these two and they will ask me, "Is that all?" if they don't see a tick mark next to these sushi on the order sheet. They also know to put a lot of wasabi for me when it's dine-in or an extra cup of wasabi when it's for to go.

Tip: If you're thinking of splitting the bill, please inform the waitstaff beforehand as it'll be easier for them to calculate the total accordingly.

Shrimp Tempura with Wasabi Mayo @ Sushi Bistro, Banff
Shrimp Tempura with Wasabi Mayo.
Highly recommended but the price is quite steep.

While I do love Sushi Bistro, I know this restaurant can be a hit-and-miss for some people. I've read mixed reviews about this restaurant, mostly mentioned about price, freshness, and service. As for my personal experience, I know the service can be quite slow especially if they are busy. I once had to wait for about half an hour before my first sushi was served. Also, I once had to wait for about an hour and a half for my to-go order. However, I love the sushi here so it does not really affect me that much.

Am thinking about going to Sushi Bistro one more time for the last time before Ramadan, insya Allah. Hopefully, Hannah-san will be the one working on that day because I fancy her sushi the most! I know I'm going to miss her sushi after this ㅠㅠ

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  1. aahhhh nice, baru pergi sushi king minggu lepas.
    tapi tetiba teringin nak merasa shrimp tempura with wasabi mayo tuuu T^T

    baru perasan, BV tak pernah try makan wasabi maybe sebab takut pedass, nak try la lepas nie XD

    1. The shrimp tempura with wasabi mayo is so good! Highly recommended.

      Sebelum ni akak pun tak makan wasabi sebab takut pedas. Bila tried wasabi for the first time 2 tahun lepas, terus rasa macam addicted. Hehe

  2. ya Allah sedapnyaaaaa. saya ni ratu sushi so tak boleh tengok gambar sushi, mesti rasa terliur T^T

    1. Wah, ratu sushi gitu. Akak bukan ratu sushi tapi hantu sushi. Hahaha.

  3. I wish the sushi above were on my dinner table right now

    1. I wish the same too. Can't get enough of sushi :D

  4. org yg x mkn sushi ni hanya mampu tgk n senyum je hehehe

    1. mknn korea, jepun or Chinese x kena dgn tekak budak hulu ni hehehehe tp kalau steak, spagetti kena pulak. fefeeling minah salih hahahaha

    2. Wah, kita terbalik la. Saya sejenis yang makanan Korea, Jepun, Chinese or Asian food la kiranya, insya Allah boleh masuk. Tapi, kalau Western food memang kureenngggg sikit. Hahaha

  5. Okayyy cheq belum pernah campur wasabi dengan mayonnaise lagi, nanti nak try tengok rasanya jadi macam mana 🤩😆

    1. I think wasabi mayo tu bukan mayonnaise campur wasabi tapi wasabi tu datang dalam bentuk mayonnaise.

  6. maiii maiii...tempting gila semuanya...huhuhu...are you going to be back this incoming May?

    1. Kita yang duduk sini lagi rasa tempting. Tu yang senang je duit mengalir tu. Yes, insya Allah, I'm going back for good this May.

  7. that is quite an amount Farah oooi but worry not yang.. for something yang kita suka n minat kita memang ada tendency to spend a lot. its ookay. u love to eat sushi so makan je. soon ur going to miss this place kan ? bawak balik kenangan 2K CAD yang da guna tu ehehe..

    1. I know. I didn't realize that I have spent this much money here. Rasa nak menangis ㅠㅠ Boleh buat pergi travel duit tu. Hahaha, dah insaf dah. Rasa macam dah cukup dah makan kat sini.

  8. Teringin plak nak makan sushi skrg jugak. Hahaha.

  9. tak berapa sangat makan sushi .... tapi bila tengok gambar nampak sedap pula. hahaha.

    1. Kalau orang tak makan sushi mungkin tak obsess sangat macam saya kot ^^

  10. smlm baru makan sushi.. tak la kempunang sgt tgk entri farah ni :)

  11. adeh masuk sini petang hari + panas terik + puasa pulak tu T____T


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