The Old Spaghetti Factory, Banff

Last Thursday, I had lunch at The Old Spaghetti Factory, Banff. Decided to go here because I was in town, and just finished my window shopping. Also, I got a CAD 15 meal voucher. Thank you The Old Spaghetti Factory, Banff for the CAD 15 meal voucher! :)

The Old Spaghetti Factory, Banff

I'm going to be real here. This was my first time seeing the entrance to The Old Spaghetti Factory because I had never been to the second floor of Cascade Mall 😆 Anyway, I was surprised when I came in because the restaurant was totally different from what I expected. I thought the restaurant was small and such but in reality, the restaurant was quite big though I'm not sure because I didn't get to scan the whole place. It looked like they divided the dining area into 3 sections and they also had a spacious bar.

The Old Spaghetti Factory, Banff

Service-wise, it was excellent. I was greeted and seated by a kind host at the entrance. After that, a server came to the desk, introduced herself as my server and served me a glass of water. I also didn't have to wait for a long time before my food was served though they had quite many customers that afternoon. So, that's a happy news.

As for the food, I ordered Bam Bam Shrimp as my appetizer and Seafood Fettuccine Alfredo as my main. In all honesty, I meant to order Seafood Fettuccine Alfredo only but a poster of Bam Bam Shrimp at the counter made me order one. #mudahterpengaruh

Sourdough Bread @ The Old Spaghetti Factory, Banff
Sourdough Bread with Whipped Garlic
Included in the entree

All entrees at The Old Spaghetti Factory come with Sourdough Bread with Whipped Garlic and Plain Butter; Minestrone Soup or Crisp Green Salad; Vanilla or Spumoni Ice Cream; and Hot Tea or Coffee. I chose Sourdough Bread with Whipped Garlic; Minestrone Soup and Vanilla Ice Cream to accompany my Seafood Fettuccine Alfredo.

The Sourdough Bread with Whipped Garlic was so good but I only ate half of the bread because I'm not a big fan of hard bread. Also, because it was too big for one person.

Minestrone Soup @ The Old Spaghetti Factory, Banff
Minestrone Soup
Included in the entree

The Minestrone Soup was better than what I expected which is honestly quite surprising because I'm not a fan of minestrone soup. Managed to finish almost the whole bowl. The only leftover was the kidney beans. I don't eat kidney beans, so there's that.

Bam Bam Shrimp @ The Old Spaghetti Factory, Banff
 Bam Bam Shrimp
CAD 9.50 plus taxes

Bam Bam Shrimp was my personal favourite and pick of that day! It was so delectable! I can see myself eating this every day! #nakmakanlagi

The shrimp were fresh, the breading was just nice; not too thick and most importantly not too salty, and the sauce was tasty though I'm not sure if it should taste like that. On the menu, it says they use spicy Sriracha sauce but it was not spicy at all. In fact, it was quite sweet; a kind of sweet that I like #notcomplainingbecauseilovedit However, I think the dish will be better if there's more sauce #iwantmoresauce

Tip: If you're not too hungry, you can always order just an appetizer because The Old Spaghetti Factory has generous portions. 

Seafood Fettuccine Alfredo @ The Old Spaghetti Factory, Banff
Seafood Fettuccine Alfredo
CAD 18.75 plus taxes

By the time my Seafood Fettuccine Alfredo was served, I had started to feel full. So, it felt a little bit like a chore to finish off my Seafood Fettuccine Alfredo. Think it took me about half an hour to 45 minutes to finish off the whole thing.

The Seafood Fettuccine Alfredo itself was good and I loved it! It probably would taste even better if I was hungry. If you know me, you should know that I'm not a fan of pasta. So, I find it interesting that I loved the Seafood Fettuccine Alfredo. I think it was probably due to the sauce. The sauce was creamy but not to the point that you will get sick of it.

Anyway, if I were to pick only one good thing about the Seafood Fettuccine Alfredo, it would be the generous portion of the seafood. I counted the shrimps and I think they put more than 10 shrimps. I didn't count the scallops but there were a lot of them. The other good points are they were fresh and not small.

Vanilla Ice Cream @ The Old Spaghetti Factory, Banff
Vanilla Ice Cream
Included in the entree

I know I said I was almost full before but there's always a room for dessert, no? So, I concluded my meal with a bowl of Vanilla Ice Cream. Even the Vanilla Ice Cream here tasted good! It didn't taste like the other vanilla ice creams that I have ever tasted in Canada. What kind of sorcery is this?! Hahaha.

Portion-wise, everything came with generous portions. They didn't hold back at all! Price-wise, I think it was average? Not really sure because I don't really go to Italian restaurants here. Having said that, I believe any meal here will be worth every cent! My final bill came up to less than CAD 30 for all these! Can you believe that? Though I paid less thanks to the CAD 15 meal voucher :p

Conclusively, I was so happy to have my lunch at The Old Spaghetti Factory, Banff. Everything went beyond my expectations. Am so thankful that I got to experience this goodness of The Old Spaghetti Factory before I leave for good. Alhamdulillah,

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  1. Bam Bam Shrimp dia mmg look so tempting! I also akan terpengaruh too kalau tgok! Haha

    1. Yes, sangat tempting dan sangat sedap! :D

  2. Nasib baik dah makan. tak rasa terliur sangat. Well I am just happy seeing all the foods you posted since I'm not a big eater and I don't really eat these days. haha

    1. This was actually too much for me as well. Lama gaklah nak menghabiskan semuanya.

    2. ahahaha i feel you. i often have to share my foods with my friends. hehe

    3. #icantrelate cause I don't usually share my food. Hahaha :D

    4. oh really. my friends know i'm the kind who usually cant finish her food, so they're always ready for it and finish it all XD. they're so lucky to have me isn't it hahaha

    5. Yesss, lucky them to have you as a friend! :D No wonder lah Ray ni kecil comel je orangnya :D

  3. Oh my...akak masuk baca entri ni serta-merta rasa lapar, Farah!
    Semua nampak tempting!

    1. Takpe, kak Farrah kan pandai masak. Insya Allah boleh buat sendiri ^^

  4. Adoihh it's midnight now and I'm suddenly craving for pasta and fried goodies..TIDAKKK! #ohmydiet 😂

    1. Takpe, makan esok pagi pun boleh. Hahaha :D

  5. wait, ni macam restoran yg mewah2 tu ke siap ada appertizer, main course dessert smua tu tapi bezanya dia punya special kat pasta?

    tapi kenapa pasta tu nampak mcm sikitt ><

    1. Ni bukan high end restaurant. It's just a regular Italian restaurant. Tapi, diaorng memang serve appetizer segala bagai tu semua.

      Pasta tu nampak je macam sikit, tapi sebenarnya portion dia besar. Jenuh nak menghabiskan.

  6. tempat cantik, makanan pula nampak sedap belaka :)

    1. I'm not a big fan of the interior, rasa macam semak sikit. Tapi, makanan dia sedap :D

  7. I'm a sucker for shrimp and that looks sooooo good!

    1. I actually had enough of shrimps but the Bam Bam Shrimp was really good! Maybe because they use fresh shrimps. Duduk dekat sini asyik makan frozen shrimps je. Tu kot yang suka sangat dengan Bam Bam Shrimp.

  8. bam bam shrimp tu nmpk sedaplah! tlg minta resepi kt owner hahaha

    1. Memang sedap! Bertuahlah kalau diaorang nak kongsi resepi. Hehe.

  9. nak makan lagi ? jom kita pegi sana hahaha..

    1. Takde duit dah nak pergi Canada ã… ã… 


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