What is Psoriasis? | Psoriasis and I

This post is very personal to me because no one but my family and my dermatologist know about my condition and how I struggle to come to terms with the fact that I have psoriasis; a disease with no cure.

I was diagnosed with Psoriasis when I was 18, however, I've been suffering from this condition for about two years before that. Not sure whether I'm lucky or not but my scalp was the only area affected. Had to beg my parents to bring me to a dermatologist because I couldn't stand the itchiness anymore.

On my first consultation, the dermatologist diagnosed me with Psoriasis and we briefly discussed the causes of the disease, what probably makes my skin flare up, and what can I do to control and avoid the flare-ups. She then gave me a few bottles of shampoo and small containers of cream. Until today, I have no idea what kind of cream she gave to me, but I believe they have steroids because she told me not to use the cream if I don't feel itchy as it may have side effects.

Psoriasis Oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
Credit: Here

On my second consultation which happened to be my last consultation, she said everything was under control and only gave the shampoo and cream in bulk because I was leaving for Canada to further my studies. And, let's just say that the younger me was not really happy with my dermatologist because she only dumped the shampoo and cream bulk on me and touched base about this disease without making sure that I properly understood my condition. Yet, I was thankful because at least I knew the name of the disease. lol.

Anyway, after that, my condition was pretty much okay with the flare-ups coming and going once in a while. I usually have flare-ups when I'm in Malaysia or when I'm too stressed. And, this is why I actually love living in Canada though I still don't get along with the harsh winter here, because my skin does not really flare up here, thanks to the great weather (minus the winter). I probably had flare-ups twice when I was a student but that was because I was too stressed.

Having said that, I believe my condition got worse recently as it now spreads to my ears. I think it's due to the dry and harsh winter that we are currently experiencing. Dah dekat tiga minggu average temperature dekat sini around -27℃ setiap hari. Allahu. Ingatkan kena dekat kulit kepala dah cukup sakit, sekali kena dekat telinga lagi sakit ㅠㅠ

I can only hope that my condition will not be worse than what I'm currently experiencing, at least until I'm back in Malaysia, for I don't think I can afford the medication here.


Maybe it's time for me to start studying Psoriasis in-depth so that I have a better understanding of it. And, I should start researching how to get treatment for Psoriasis from government hospitals because I can no longer afford to go to private hospitals ㅠㅠ

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  1. salam kenal... 1st time dtang sini.. sis follow no 178

  2. That look like it would hurt a lot. Can the illness be cured for like forever?

    1. It hurts a lot especially when we have flare ups. It's usually really itchy that all you wanna do is scratch the affected area but you couldn't do so because it will only make your condition worse.

      Unfortunately, there is no cure for the disease right now. All we can do is trying to control and suppress the flare ups.

  3. I hope it get better day by day. InshaAllah, aminn.

    Syaza | www.syazaraihanah.com

    1. Amin. Thank you so much for the prayer ^^

  4. Affected area tu macam menggelupas ke. Mesti rasa tak selesa bila sakit camni TT semoga dipermudahkan

    1. Rasanya bukan mengelupas kot. For me, affected area tu akan jadi bumpy,patchy, scaly dan gatal sangat-sangat. Kalau flare ups memang tak selesa. Rasa asyik nak menggaru je tapi tak boleh sebab takut makin teruk.

  5. Kita geng. Kak ana kena right after married. So dah 7 tahun lah. So i feel u farah. Huhu

    1. Allahu. Kak Ana pun kena juga? Moga sentiasa kuat, kak Ana. Kak Ana ada pakai ubat apa-apa tak?

    2. Pakai krim beli dekat farmasi je dear. Recently tukar pada psorless moisturising cream. Ok lah juga cuma kena rajin letak.

    3. Thank you for sharing, kak Ana. Saya sekarang tengah cuba cari OTC medications buat sementara ni.

  6. my cousin pun ada psoriasis masa zaman sekolah dulu, sebab tu tau sikit2 pasal psoriasis.
    get well soon ya, mesti sakit rasa kalau gatal2 nak garu pun tak boleh T^T

    1. Cousin BV sekarang macam mana? Okay dah dia? Memang sakit la kalau datang gatal-gatalnya sebab tak boleh nak garu. Thank you so much for the prayer ^^

  7. ada pantang makan x?

    teringat cousin mama yg kena psoriasis ni. tp dia kena ms tu umur dia pun dah lbh 50. paling teruk kat kaki. mcm2 doktor dia pergi berubat. yg tradisional pn sm. alhamdulillah skrg dah sembuh wpn ambil ms yg panjang

    1. Buat masa ni, takde pantang makan. Semua saya bedal je sebab rasa macam makanan bukan the trigger. I think for me, the triggers are the hot and humid weather and stress. Itu je la kot.

      Saya ada baca yang ramai orang yang ada psoriasis ni selalu cuba banyak-banyak rawatan. Macam saya, saya cuma guna ubat yang doktor saya bagi tu je. Then saya cuba pastikan saya tak berlengas dan stress sangat. Insya Allah kalau control dua-dua ni, takde flare ups :)

  8. ooh dear.. my niece pun ada sorang. shes still a baby. sometimes nangis je.. at first kami ingat eczema but bukan rupanya. avoid makanan2 yang miang.. and yes kalo kering sangat memang makin gatal.

    1. Allahu. Kalau kena dari baby lagi rasa sedih ㅠㅠ Everyone has been saying the same thing to take care of my diet and avoid certain food. Maybe I should start looking at this condition from this angle sebab saya tak rasa makanan is the trigger for my condition.

    2. maybe boleh buat experiment. try certain types of food tengok macam mana.

    3. We'll see. For now, tak dan kot nak buat experiment sebab makanan saya dekat sini memang dah sedia ada limited. Kalau buat experiment sekarang, tak tahulah boleh makan apa je nanti ㅠㅠ

  9. hi sorry to hear about your condition. hope youryo doing well! I would suggest you to try using this moistirizing cream called Psorless by LH Pharmaceuticals . It helps a lot :) my brother has the same condition as yours and i can see the difference after he started using the moisturizing cream. You should give it a try !


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