Evelyn's Coffee Bar, Banff

Evelyn's Coffee Bar, Banff
Yes, the shop's name is Evelyn's Coffee Bar though the board says Evelyn's Coffee World

As I mentioned in [this post], I've been looking for a pecan tart for about a year in Banff. I've visited a few coffee shops and bakeries around Banff in the hope that I can find one but to no avail. Evelyn's Coffee Bar was one of the shops that I visited at that time. Evelyn's Coffee Bar does not carry pecan tart but they do have pecan pie in their menu. I was not in the mood for pie at that time, so I just walked away from the shop.

However, I decided to give their pecan pie a try recently. So, off I went to the shop to get my fix of pecan pie. Surprisingly, if I recall correctly, the shop has changed so much since my last visit! I love the shop's current aesthetics.

Evelyn's Coffee Bar, Banff
I really love the vibe of this shop!

Anyway, Evelyn's Coffee Bar offers a wide range of food and drink options; be it coffees, teas, other drinks, desserts, and sandwiches. They also sell coffee beans, boxed teas, and various merchandise like t-shirts and coffee. Not sure about the prices though.

This was my second time eating the pecan pie actually. The first time I bought the pecan pie, it was for to go. I loved it so much that I decided to try again only this time I wanted to eat it at the shop. I ordered Iced Orange Pekoe Tea as an accompaniment for my Pecan Pie because they don't offer free water.

Evelyn's Coffee Bar, Banff
Iced Orange Pekoe Tea & Pecan Pie
I don't remember the exact prices for each of them but the bill was CAD 10.08 (after taxes)

Unfortunately, I didn't like both my Iced Orange Pekoe Tea and Pecan Pie this time. The tea was too bitter for my liking though I have asked the employee to make it sweet. However, I was grateful to the employee for allowing me to make the Orange Pekoe Tea iced though they don't usually sell it iced.

As for the Pecan Pie, it was quite mushy for my liking. Maybe because the employee warmed the pie before serving it to me. Thank god I didn't see yes when the employee asked me if I wanted whipped cream on top of my pie. I think I would hate it more if I had whipped cream on top of my pie. I guess I loved the Pecan Pie when I bought it for to go because I ate it as it was, without warming the pie. 

I definitely wouldn't mind coming again for the Pecan Pie because I know it actually tastes good. However, I doubt that I'll come anytime soon because I feel like I had enough of anything pecan and the price is actually quite high? This girl gotta save more money T^T

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  1. menarik ni. mesti sedap ::)

    1. Pecan pie dia sedap sebenarnya cuma yang untuk saya pergi kali ni, tak berapa sedap sangat sebab dia panaskan pie nya :)

  2. Replies
    1. Lengang sebab dalam pukul 7 lebih macam tu. Kebetulan pula masa tu temperature -25. So, tak dan lah orang nak keluar minum kopi kot?

  3. nampak menyelerakan sungguh hehe

    1. Mungkin nampak je menyelerakan, realitinya, tidaklah menyelerakan sangat kot. Tapi, pecan pie tu sebenarnya sedap je especially kalau makan macam tu je.

  4. Kedai dah cantik dah suasana dia. Hehe.

  5. Cantik dan cozy je interior dia, mesti bau kopi kan?
    Nak jugak merasa pecan pie, mana nak cari nie 😂😂

    1. Surprisingly, this shop doesn't have the coffee scent or maybe I was just too used to coffee scent already.

      Cubalah cari pecan pie dekat mana-mana bakery yang ada jual western pastry :)

  6. alahaai akak kedai2 cemni kelemahan jiwa betul la. rasa nak duduk lepak lama2..

    1. Kalay saya pun, saya teringin nak lepak lama-lama dekat sini. Tapi, kedai ni ada satu rule. Kalau kedai tengah busy, every customer is allowed to stay for an hour je.


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