Niagara Falls for the Umpteenth Time

Niagara Falls from the Rainbow Bridge
Niagara Falls from the Rainbow Bridge

I went to Niagara Falls for the umpteenth time three years ago. Back then, I was trying to apply for my work permit at the border (I need to leave and re-enter Canada to do so) but little did I know that I missed one important document. Hence, I couldn't apply for my work permit at the border. 

Rainbow Bridge
Rainbow Bridge (Canada on the left, USA on the right)

Anyway, I decided to cross the Canada-United States border using the Rainbow Bridge which connects Niagara Falls, New York and Niagara Falls, Ontario. I decided to do so because it was the nearest Canada-United States border to where I lived and I wanted to see the Niagara Falls from the USA side.


I have to say that it was interesting to see Niagara Falls from the USA side. It gave me a different feeling from when I saw Niagara Falls from the Canadian side. You can actually feel that you're in a different county though you're looking at the same thing.

Niagara Falls, New York, United States of America

Things to note (based on my experience)
You have to pay a toll if you're walking from the Canadian side to the USA side. The toll was 50 cents (I read that they have raised the amount!) and you are allowed to pay it using CAD or USD. Based on the currency exchange rates, it was (and still is) cheaper to pay the toll using CAD. Also, you won't get an entry/exit stamp from both Canadian and USA immigrations. 

Niagara Falls, New York, United States of America

I have read on the net that the view from the Canadian side is more pretty and mesmerizing than the USA side. And I couldn't agree more! The view of Niagara Falls from the USA side was kinda restricted. Well, at least from where I observed the view. I didn't really get to see the American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls. I didn't even get to see the whole Horseshoe Falls.

Maid of the Mist, Niagara Falls, New York, United States of America

Having said that, I believe that I may get a better view of Niagara Falls if I decided to hop on the Maid of the Mist cause they have this high observation platform for their passengers. I also may get to see a better view of Niagara Falls if I decide to walk around the Niagara Falls State Park more.

Nevertheless, I was super stoked cause I got to see Niagara Falls from both the Canadian and USA sides. Alhamdulillah for this opportunity :)

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  1. SubhanaAllah, cantiknya Farah !!! Bilalah dapat merasa ke Niagara Fall nie. Ingatnya naik ke New York dulu dapatlah merasa sendiri pergi ke Niagara Fall, malang sekali tak dapat. Ke utara lagi jauhnya. haihhhh

    1. USA visa valid lama lagi kan? Insya Allah boleh sampai sebelum expired :)

      Alkisahnya, aku pun baru tahu yang Niagara Falls dekat New York and Niagara Falls itself is a city 3 tahun yang lepas. Selama ni, aku ingat Niagara Falls ni dekat Buffalo, USA. So, I can totally understand kenapa kau ingat kau boleh pergi Niagara Falls masa kau pergi New York.

  2. cantiknyaaaa! teringin sangat nak tengok niagara falls depan mata :D
    nampak scary lah gambar yg last tu.. huhu risau tgok feri tu

    1. Insya Allah, one fine day, okay? Nampak scary ke yang gambar yang last tu? :O Nampak macam akan ditelan ya ferinya? Rasa macam gambar dekat Instagram lagi scary. Hehe.

  3. So pretty. I wish I can see this great views with my own eyes 😊

    Syaza |

  4. so in my foolish head, i keeps on remembering taehyung from bts saying niagara popo. i think it means waterfall in korean. idk. btw. what an amazing view. I never knew niagara fall is close to border like this. i learned something new!

    1. I just googled waterfall in Hangul and you almost got it right. It's 폭포 or pogpo/pokpo. Not sure about the romanization. Hehe.

      Yeah, the view was quite something. It's okay. I only learned that Niagara Falls is located at the Canada-USA border few years ago as well. Sebelum ni ingat Niagara Falls ni dekat USA sahaja.

  5. Kalau siang pun dah cantik, malam view dia mesti lagi cantik..,

    1. I think the night view is spectacular as well. Kalau datang kena waktunya, you'll get to see a light show as well which is awesome! :D

  6. Subhanallah cntiknya. tak terkata cntiknya ciptaan Allah

    1. Yeah, Niagara Falls is so majestic! :D

  7. superb view as always...macam mana boleh tak complete doc tuuu...mesti frust kan? haha

    So, have you seen Nigara from USA side? I mean lepas lepas ni laa...

    1. Tak complete sebab sekolah tak provide document tu lagi. Frust juga la sebab datang dari jauh kot tapi nasib baik cuaca hari tu cantik sangat. Dapat tengok Niagara Falls yang subhanallah cantik gila! :D

      On this trip, dah dapat tengok Niagara from USA side dah. Cuma tak lama pun lepak dekat belah USA ni :)

  8. masyaAllah tabarakallah. indahnya Niagra Fall tu.

    1. Niagara Falls ni memang cantik sangat ㅠㅠ

  9. Replies
    1. Niagara Falls memang subhanallah cantik sangat :)

  10. membiru betul airnya... so air terjun ni mengalir ke sungai apa ya?

    1. Warna air yang macam ni la saya suka tengok. Biru je. Air terjun ni mengalir masuk Sungai Niagara kalau tak silap.

  11. cantik sangat.. ilmu baru.. baru taw ade side USA and canada.. hahaha thanks

    1. Saya pun baru tahu masa saya baru-baru datang Canada :)

  12. Cantiknyaaa, BV pun baru tahu ada side nya jugak Niagara falls nie ya. Memang nie nampak lebih cantik walaupun tak tinggi gila macam kat USA 😍

    1. Akak pun baru belajar pasal benda ni few years ago :)

      Yes, Canadian side memang lagi cantik dari USA side but then I might be biased though.


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