Did I Make Money from My Blog?

Did I make money from my blog? | This is one of the frequently asked questions that I get whenever people know that I have a blog. Most of the time I leave the answer up to one's imagination. After all, it seems quite rude for someone to ask that question to me.

But, I'll be honest and real, for once.

I did not make money from my blog. 

Or to be exact, I have yet to make real money from my blog.

Tip from hotel guests
I earned more money through the tipping system than blogging 😏

As some of you may know, there are a lot of ways for bloggers to monetize their content and blog; namely Google Adsense; affiliate marketing; advertorials; sponsored posts; and paid reviews to name a few.

I, however, only have/use Google Adsense on my blog. For a picisan blogger like me, earning money through Google Adsense is truly hard. My blog has a small readership and does not have much traffic to begin with. If I'm lucky, I earn about USD 1/day. If I'm not lucky, I earn USD 0/day. On average, I earn about USD 0.01/day.

It took me a year-ish to reach the USD 10 threshold. Now, can you imagine how long it will take me to reach the USD 100 threshold before I can cash out the real money?

Yeah, probably in eon years 😂

Having said that,

I actually had quite a lot of chances where I could monetize my content and blog through other ways but they often came when I was busy with my real life or when I was struggling in Canada back then. Additionally, some of the requests and offers from the other parties did not interest me. So, I had to politely decline their requests.

But, you know what was a real bummer?

It was when I missed quite a lot of chances to collaborate with other parties that I was interested in because their emails went straight to my Spam mailbox. Yeah, FML.

Anyway, to reiterate, I did not make money from my blog, or to be exact, I have yet to make real money from my blog.

I do think it would be nice if I could make real money from my blog and monetize my content but hopefully, it won't be at the expense of other things.

After all, you win some, you lose some, no? 😉

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  1. same...I also get the same question

    1. I think a lot of us get this kind of question often.

  2. Some people really shows that earning money from blogging is easy but they totally skips the part where how long or how hard it takes to get to that part. I have been doing serious blogging for more than a year, perhaps two (invested so much money myself and time) and taken the site from 0-10k monthly organic search but do you know how much I make monthly out of it? Hardly 30-40 dollars.

    I don't really depend on my blog, I just keep it as a side income. I have been in the situation where I earn 0 dollar a month and I was so disappointed. Now I'm like screw it. If I earn 40 dollars a month, great. If I earn 0 dollar, then so be it. I just concentrate on giving quality contents instead of money.

    lenne x www.lennezulkiflly.com

    1. Yeah, I guess a lot of prominent bloggers just advocate that you can easily earn money from blogging but have never really shared the whole process.

      Thanks for sharing your views and experience, Lenne. That's quite an accomplishment to grow your monthly organic search like that, though the compensation can be quite demotivating. But as you said, screw it! As long as you produce quality contents; contents that make you happy, you shall be good :)

  3. I have a small circle of readers who frequent my blog too. And because I haven't yet considered any projects to commercialise my blog in any way, I haven't made money out of it. However, I can imagine the struggle to earn even a few pieces of dollars from my blog alone. I would love to earn a pretty amount of income from a hobby I love doing, but over time, I realise I actually appreciate the engagements I get from my readers. It's so satisfying when someone leaves a comment or two behind.

    1. Yes, I'm with you on this. I have such a small readership that I always feel happy when some people out there are still willing to come to my blog and consistently leave comments on my posts.

      As for me, money is never really a main purpose of my blogging so it kinda irks me when people ask if I make money from my blog. I mean, it will be nice if I can earn substantial amount of money from blogging but it's not my main motivation.

  4. Same here, when I was still a student, I honestly earn a bit haha. Maybe due to the fact I still have time for blogging or I don't have lots of things to do during free times other than blogging at that time. Currently, I don't care much about monetizing. If I earn something, it is awesome, if not it is okay. My blog is still here for me to enjoy myself hehe :D

    To get lots of money, I think we need to promote our blog regularly, need popularity a bit other than good contents :)


    1. That was a happy news. Good to know that you actually earn a bit through your blog back when you were a student. I was not that lucky. Hahahaha.

      It's okay Nina, if you don't get to monetize your contents as much as you did back then. You still have loyal readers. One of them is me.

      I agree with your last point. In order to make a good amount of income from blogging, it seems like one needs to do extra works and also popularity.

  5. same goes to here...
    it's okay, moga kita dimurahkan rezeki selalu, insya Allah :)

    1. I guess most bloggers will get ask this question at least once in their blogging career. Yes, semoga kita semua dimurahkan rezeki selalu, insya Allah.

  6. Exactly! The only time I earned money from blogging is just for sponsored (content) ads, but even those things make me questioning a lot the 'position' and my 'stand' in blogging lol, sometimes it would end up to 5-10 emails for me to finally say-yes.

    I kinda agree with that 'I have yet to make real money from blog', as for now it just a space for occasional thoughts-puke-spree :)

    1. I feel you on so may levels! I actually had to decline few requests just because they were not aligned with my interest and the purpose of my blog. Besides that, I'm naturally picky person nmost of the times.

  7. dulu saya pernah letak iklan 8share kat blog, tpi dah berpa tahun saya guna 8 share tu tabung saya tk pernah capai rm50 (dh lebih rm50 baru boleh cashout) sayangnya masatu saya tinggal lagi berbelas-belas ringgit utk cukupkan rm50, lalu sekarang 8share tu dah takde di mukabumi ni hahaha!

    susah sikit utk blogger macam saya ni nak jana pendapatan. but after all, niat saya berblogging pada asalnya utk kongsi cerita, saya tak kisah pasal duit. kalau ada rezeki adalah, kalau takde takpelah :D saya pun noob sikit pasal adsense blog ni huhu

    1. Wow, it's been awhile since I last heard about 8share. Still can't believe that 8share used to be a thing. Hehe.

      Samalah kita. Macam susah juga untuk jana pendapatan melalui blog ni. I guess it's more because of we don't really know the ropes on how things should be done. But as you said, kita punya niat nak berblog ni bukan pasal duit sangat. More like our personal space where we can share almost everything under the sun :)

  8. Tak pernah lagi jana guna melalui blog. macam menariks ahaks :)

  9. As for me, I already gave up adsense since there were lots of problems and I can no longer earn any through it.
    Yeah it would be great if we can earn more though our blog since it's not that easy to publish one post.
    Anyway, now I am writing for fun. If there is any collaboration request, I would be happy to be a part of it.

    1. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that Adsense is no longer working for your blog. I remembered I used to see ads from Adsense on your blog.

      Yes, I can see that you rizq comes a lot in form of collaboration requests. Alhamdulillah :)

  10. can relate sebab sekarang pun masih rasa macam nie :D
    already give up on adsense sebab i don't really care about SEO and such XD
    collaboration pun kekadang je ada tu pun BV jenis memilih jugak :3

    1. Why are you feeling this way? I think you are way better than me? :)

      Tak sangka BV pun memilih juga. Just like me. Hehehehe

  11. Same, I hardly make even RM30 - Rm50 a month! But since my intention of blogging is not making money out of it so I write heartily and am happy though I don't earn much.

    1. You still earn some though! :)


      Yes, thank god that our main purpose of blogging is not to earn money though. Otherwise, one can easily feel despaired.

  12. How we (blogger) wish we could earn money from blogging.
    Kalau macam tu, ramai lah yang start blogging. Earning money from blogging is not easy.
    Siapa yang ada pun, tak banyak.

    1. Betul tu! There are some people who can easily earn money from blogging but for majority of us it is not easy. Kalau ada tu, alhamdulillah la.

  13. Pernah cashout sekali je from Nuffnang, lepas tu nuffnang macam k3d3kut so dah bertahun earning tak naik-naik so tak boleh cashout XD Google adsense ni pun biar je dalam blog, tak kisah sangat pasal earning. Blogging is all about self-satisfaction to me, kalau nak earn macam makin susah. Collabs pun banyak fokus dekat instafamous/youtubers since dari situ lagi ramai pengguna, blogger punya popularity tak macam dulu.

    1. Aaaaa, those time when Nuffnang was in among bloggers (me included). Hahaha. I felt the pain of stagnant earning on Nuffnang. Unlike you, I was not that lucky. Tak pernah pun dapat cash out Nuffnang.

      Betul, I think for quite a lot of us blogging is all about our own satisfaction. It's kinda a place that we can always come back, no? It does not matter how long time has passed but it is still a place that welcomes us? :)

      Regarding the collaboration and actually earning money online, it is true that right now almost all brands focus on instafamous/youtube. Because that's the future. People actually spend so much time consuming contents on Instagram/YouTube rather than blog.

  14. saya pun tak pernah merasa lagi duit dari adsense. takpe slow-slow kita menabung, insyallah ada la rezeki nanti :)

    1. Insya Allah, I believe you'll get to rasa it soon? :)


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