Nippon Sushi, Bandar Baru Bangi

Nippon Sushi, Bandar Baru Bangi

When Nippon Sushi, Bandar Baru Bangi went viral one or two years ago, I made a mental note to pay a visit to the restaurant. After all, I'm a #hantusushi. To make my mission of visiting the restaurant easier, I promised my sister who happens to love sushi as well that I would treat her at Nippon Sushi, to make her drive us there #nasiborangtakdelesen #hidupkenabijak

So, off I went to the Nippon Sushi, Bandar Baru Bangi with my sister a few weekends ago.

Sushi at Nippon Sushi, Bandar Baru Bangi

Tip: I would recommend you make a reservation before coming as I heard the restaurant tends to be full almost all the time.

It was almost a full house when we were there. We were lucky that we got seated right after we arrived. Too bad that the only place available at the time was the one nearest to the entrance. lol.

Anyway, we ordered various things. I was ready to fork about MYR 400 because both of my sister and I are #hantusushi but apparently, my sister's appetite was not as big as I thought. So, our bill only came up to MYR 129.53. If I were to come alone, I probably could easily spend about MYR 200 by myself? :p

Chirashi Sushi @ Nippon Sushi
Chirashi Sushi
MYR 24.40

This was my sister's. Had no idea how it tasted like but one thing that I noticed was they gave generous portions. Really worth the price tag!

Soft Shell Crab Temaki
MYR 7.08 

This was my sister's as well. Again, not sure how it tasted like because I was not even bothered to try. lol.

Kani Mentai Sushi
Kani Mentai Sushi

Again, this is my sister's. Didn't get to taste them but I believe they were good because all the sushi with mentai sauce that I tried that day were so good! :D

PSA: The prices that I put here may or may not be inclusive of tax. I know some of them are final price while the rest of them are price before tax. It's just I don't know which is which.

Tamago Mentai Sushi, Tamago Sushi, Lobster Salad Sushi, Inari Lobster Sushi, Tako Sushi
Tamago Mentai Sushi, Tamago Sushi, Lobster Salad Sushi, Inari Lobster Sushi, Tako Sushi
Price varies according to plate colours

Loved all these sushi, especially the ones with Mentai sauce. Highly recommended! The only thing that let me down was the sushi size. I do think the sushi size here is smaller than what I used to.

Hotate Furai & Ebi Gyoza
Hotate Furai & Ebi Gyoza
MYR 8.68 & MYR 15.50 

Hotate Furai came as a nice surprise because they were so similar to what I used to have back in Guelph. So much love for them! <3 Ebi Gyoza were an okay. They were quite fulfilling though. Anyway, I loved the texture but they were a bit dry in some parts. So, there's that.

Hotate Mentaiyaki
Hotate Mentaiyaki
MYR 12.55

Hotate Mentaiyaki was my top pick of that day! They were so good that I almost cried. Please do order Hotate Metaiyaki if you're a fan of scallops and Mentai sauce <3 The only letdown was there were only 3 to 4 scallops, I believe. Quite expensive if you think about the price.

Watermelon Juice & Matcha Ice Blended + Red Bean
Watermelon Juice & Matcha Ice Blended + Red Bean
MYR 8.20 & MYR 12.20

As for drinks, we ordered Watermelon Juice and Matcha Ice Blended + Red Bean respectively. Watermelon Juice was an okay, not too sweet. Manis-manis buah orang kata? As for the Matcha Ice Blended + Red Bean, my sister said it was good. I didn't try it because I do not like green tea and red beans :)

Service-wise, it was quite slow? I believe it was due to the high number of customers. Had to wait for quite sometime before our food and drinks were served.

Price-wise, I would say standard but leaning on quite a high end? I personally found some of the prices are quite high like Watermelon Juice, Ebi Gyoza and Hotate Mentaiyaki but the rest of them are standard.

Portion and size-wise, they were a hit-and-miss. While they gave generous portions for Chirashi Sushi, I found the sushi size was smaller than average or smaller than what I was used to. So, that's quite a letdown.

Overall, it was quite a delightful experience. I probably will come again (if someone is willing to drive me, lol) to the Nippon Sushi because I love a few things that they offer and I would love to try other things on their menu.

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  1. Dina teringin nak rasa nippon sushi ni. Tapi tak berkesempatan lagi. Dengar juga orang kata sedap.

    1. Kalau ada kesempatan bila-bila nanti, boleh cuba makan dekat Nippon Sushi ni :)

  2. betul kan size sushi dia kecik sikit, tak puas hahaha

    1. Betul! Size sushi dia kecil. Rasa nak menangis TT

  3. i love sushi but still cant eat the raw one.. uhuuuu~ anyway, this is my first time heard about nippon sushi.. outlet dia memang ada dekat bangi je ke?

    1. I can't eat raw sushi as well. Rasanya yang ni semua dah masak :)

      Nippon Sushi ni ada cawangan lain juga kalau tak silap. Boleh tengok Instagram diaorang :)

  4. Nippin Sushi has recently opened around my area, but the only sushi i ever being is sushi king hahah. Maybe i could try this one out later.

    1. Iya ke? Nad duduk mana? I don't really follow their updates so memang tak tahu kalau diaorang ada buka outlet baru ke tak.

      Kalau pernah try Sushi King je, mungkin Nad akan lagi suka Nippon Sushi ni ^^

  5. Rasanya ni blog yang ketiga share pasal Nippon Sushi ni.
    Is this a sign? That I should go asap? hahaha
    Everything looks so good and mouthwatering *drools*

    1. Maybe it is a sign. Hahahaha. You should go if you have a chance ^^

  6. i'm not a fan of sushi but why gambar2 tu buat kita rasa terliur je :'((

  7. Dah pernah masuk Nippon sushi ni. Bolehlah rasanya tapi terlebih jakun dgn robot yang hantarkan makanan tu hehe

    1. Saya pun macam jakun juga dengan robot dia tu. Tapi tak sempat tangkap gambar or video bila robot tu hantar makanan sebab tahu-tahu je robot tu dah berhenti dekat sebelah meja saya.

  8. I'm so tempted to try even with some of the setback you say. it's still quite an okay price. But it is so far sobs

    1. Afifah duduk mana ya? I can't recall. Maybe next time if you come to Selangor or KL, you can try? :)

  9. I went there and also feel amazed with the robot.. hahaha


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