Cinta Musim Panas aka Summer Love

This post was first published on December 4, 2014, on one of my older blogs. Decided to repost it here at Her Little Guilty Pleasures due to the reasons that I mentioned in this post.


Cinta musim panas aka summer love

Dulu, saya selalu tertanya-tanya kenapa mat salleh selalu buat lagu cinta atau drama cinta yang berkaitan dengan musim panas. Apa yang istimewanya musim panas ni? Kenapa selalunya (tak semua ya) orang yang ada cinta musim panas ni selalu tak kekal lama? Banyak lagi soalan lain yang selalu berlegar dalam kepala saya.

FYI, curiosity saya memang selalu tentang benda-benda shallow macam ni atau benda-benda yang orang lain rasa childish dan apa-apa entah. Benda-benda serious kadang-kadang je saya teringin nak tahu.

Rupa-rupanya cinta musim panas tak kekal lama sebab summer tu musim pertemuan dan perpisahan. It happens because usually in summer, students or anyone yang ada free time in summer will travel outside of their comfort zones or sometimes their countries untuk pergi travel or untuk summer jobs. They (we) usually have 4 months to kill, oh!


You meet tons of new people from all over the world at the beginning of summer and then you sadly have to say goodbye to them at the end of summer. It's usually impossible to reunite again unless you live close to each other or you go to the same school or you have money to travel across the world to meet your friends.

The paragraph above is just for friends. Now, let's imagine the same situation happening between you and your summer fling. Let's say you want to have a serious relationship with your summer fling. You want us to happen but you don't think you have the means to make your relationship work. Or, perhaps you are not ready to be in a long-distance relationship because long distance relationship sucks! Then, you decide you should let it remain as your summer love.

Sedihnya bila fikir ㅠㅠ. How I wish summer love could turn into the love of someone's life for people who are serious about it. How I wish it could be easier and hopefully, forever. Jia you! to people who found their so-called true love in the summer and tried to make their relationship work despite the odds and challenges. I'm rooting for you guys! :)

Update in 2019: I had a good chuckle reading all the comments on the original post. So many speculations about me falling in love >.< Also, I can't believe that my blog used to be so interactive.

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  1. setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan. tapi summer love nie macam bitter sweet je kan. nevertheless, enjoy the moments :D

    teringin nak jumpa kawan2 dari seluruh dunia :3

    1. Yes, very bittersweet especially if you found friends to keep ㅠㅠ

      Moga-moga ada peluang ya, BV :)

  2. Suka tengok how mat salleh spend their summer pergi camp or travel. Nampak fun sangat! Never knew summer can be this sad sbb kena berpisah dengan kawan-kawan :(

    1. Yes, I love seeing mat salleh going to their summer camp or travelling around the world as well. I think it is fun for them. Tapi itulah, at the end of the day, you've to say good bye.

  3. LDR memang sucks.tapi kalau nak curang, depan mata jumpa hari-hari pun dia boleh cari lain. Komen akak agak personal. Hahaha

    1. Yes, itu sememangnya betul. Kalau nak curang, depan mata pun boleh jadi. Sorry to hear that, kak Sal ㅠㅠ Hopefully you're now way happier than before :)

    2. Thanks dear. Still trying to move on. But well life's like that

    3. Take as much time as you need to heal, okay? :)

  4. I am one of those people who make speculations of you finding your summer love. hahaha
    I wish I would experience something like that, or better yet, actually GO OUT during summer.
    Musim panas je mulalah berkurung dalam rumah hahahaha

    1. Hahahaha. A lot of people assumed the same before. Kita gelak sahajalah.

      By the way, faham sangat keinginan untuk berkurung dalam rumah masa summer. Sebab panas kan. Tapi, kalau dah duduk dekat negara 4 musim, memang macam rajin keluar sikit masa summer sebab time winter dah asyik berkurung je.

  5. kalau mat saleh nk panas sentiasa dtg laa ke malaysia... sepanjang tahun panas hahaaha

    1. Betul tu! Dulu-dulu pun ada juga orang cakap macam ni. Hahahaha :D


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