Korean Entertainment Agencies: YG Entertainment (YG 엔터테인먼트), SM Entertainment (SM 엔터테인먼트), JYP Entertainment (JYP 엔터테인먼트) & FNC Entertainment (FNC 엔터테인먼트)

This post should be the last post about my visit to any Korean entertainment agencies for this particular trip. I honestly didn't plan to visit any Korean entertainment agencies at all but I took an approach of "dah alang-alang" when I was there. I don't think I'm going to revisit all the agencies again in the future but that will depend on who's gonna be my travel partner next time I'm going to South Korea. 

YG Entertainment (YG 엔터테인먼트)

Started my day of K-pop companies hunt by going to YG Entertainment (YG 엔터테인먼트) first. YG Entertainment was only a 5-minute walk from my hostel. It was super close that I found it funny. I took a long way to go there so, there's that. I believe it's supposed to be less than a 5-minute walk if I take a shortcut.

Didn't see any idols here but there were a lot of black cars at the parking. Also didn't see any fans waiting at all so pretty sure there were no idols in the building at that time.

FNC Entertainment (FNC 엔터테인먼트)

I then went to FNC Entertainment (FC 엔터테인먼트). Again, didn't see any fans waiting around. My simple conclusion, maybe no idols were around at that time as well.

SM Entertainment (SM 엔터테인먼트)

I proceeded to SM Entertainment (SM 엔터테인먼트). I honestly wasn't sure if SM was still using the building at that time. I knew they had a new building around Gangnam but I wasn't sure if they had started using that building when I was there. Didn't even bother to check because I was plain lazy. This SM Entertainment's building looked like an abandoned building. However, I think people were working inside as you can see a car parked outside and I actually bumped into a few SM employees. Again, I didn't see anyone here.

JYP Entertainment (JYP 엔터테인먼트)

My last K-pop company on that day was JYP Entertainment (JYP 엔터테인먼트). JYP Entertainment was the only company that had a few fans waiting outside the building. I overheard that a few of them have been waiting for almost 4 hours but they have yet to see anyone. Some of them contemplated to leave but were convinced to stay for a few more hours by their friends. What a dedication. I was there less than 5 minutes because I didn't want to waste my precious time. After all, when I decided to go for the K-pop companies hunt, I only wanted to see the buildings. That's all.

Conclusively, it was just an okay experience to see those buildings. I wasn't lucky enough to get a glimpse of the Korean idols except when I was at Pledis Entertainment (플레디스 엔터테인먼트) where I saw Hoshi of SEVENTEEN and Minhyun of Wanna One / NUEST but that was okay. I wasn't expecting anything when I decided to visit those buildings so seeing Hoshi and Minhyun was a pleasant bonus for me.

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  1. aaaa i tot of doing this hunt thingy if im going to Seoul again. tapi betul tu it depends dengan siapa kita pegi. kalau suka kpop jugak okayla kan fair kalau x kesian jugak kwn kita hehe.. since im getting older dah x xcited sngt dengan kpop ni tapi i used to love these people damn much jadi rasa macam at least skali at least skaliiiii nak pergi sana.

    nasib Hoshi.. kalo Jeonghan keee akak sentap daaaaa jealous !!

    1. Betul! It depends on our travel mates as well. If I'm going with this one best friend of mine, mungkin akan pergi sekali lagi kot sebab dia pun dengar K-pop juga :)

      Kita pun dah tak excited sangat dengan K-pop ni. I'm leaning more to K-indie currently :)

      Kita nampak Hoshi je tapi kita rasa Jeonghan ada dalam building tu juga sebab masa kita pergi tu birthday Jeonghan.

  2. Nice experience sister!! ^_^ Psstt! I am seriously jealous of you :3

    1. Kinda. I mean, it might be nothing special for most people pun. By the way, you don't have to be jealous of me.. You don't even listen to K-pop pun kan :)

  3. yg SM tu tak pernah tengok pun ke building lama? rasanya building diorang lagi besar.

    1. I think this one bangunan lama sebab tengok show apa entah hari tu, rasanya SM dah ada bangunan baru.

  4. im not an avid kpop fan tapi layan jugak lagu2 dorang mostly sebab suka tengok variety shows dan banyak kenal kpop idols dari situ. teringin jugak nak pergi agensi2 nie manatau terserempak dengan mana2 idols :D

    1. I think it all depends on your luck. You may bump into idols or Korean celebrities at unexpected places :)

  5. sapa yg dtg ke sini then dpt jumpa artis mmg pengsan trs agaknya hahahahha

    1. Agaknyalah! Hahahahaha. In my cases, saya tak pengsan. My reaction was "Woah! Is that XX?" or "Wait. Who's that? Idol juga ke?"


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