Korean Entertainment Agency: CUBE Entertainment (큐브 엔터테인먼트) & 20 Space Cafe (20 스페이스)

I didn't plan to go to CUBE Entertainment (큐브 엔터테인먼트) when I went to South Korea because the only two CUBE artists that I listen to are B2ST (currently known as Highlight) and BTOB and I'm just a casual fan of them. However, I met 2 girls that I knew during a concert in a subway and they told me that CUBE Entertainment is near COMMON GROUND (커먼그라운드) So I thought, "Oh okay, pergi jelah kalau dekat. Buat cukup syarat je."

CUBE Entertainment (큐브 엔터테인먼트) & 20 Space Cafe (20 스페이스)

I think it's only a stop away from COMMON GROUND but of course, I was such a dumb person for I walked to CUBE Entertainment instead of taking a subway. Stupid decision because it's not that close if you're walking. Or, maybe I just had a terrible sense of distance. Think it took me almost 20 to 30 minutes to walk to CUBE Entertainment from COMMON GROUND.

20 Space Cafe (20 스페이스)

According to the girls, CUBE Entertainment just moved to this building that year and they also just opened a cafe called 20 Space Cafe (20 스페이스) for the fangirls out there! Pretty sure that was a good decision on their part because they could easily rip off money from the fangirls.

I don't consider myself a fangirl who goes and buys everything that my favourite artists endorse or own, but I did buy something from the 20 Space Cafe. I bought an apple juice as I needed to rehydrate myself after walking in the hot weather for at least 20 minutes.

And, that was when I knew that they actually ripped off money from the fangirls. I paid KRW 4,000 for a small bottle of apple juice and a cup of ice but I think I saw the same apple juice being sold for KRW 1,500 at convenience stores.

20 Space Cafe (20 스페이스)

Putting the price aside, I think the cafe is quite spacious and cozy. I personally don't think the cafe is special or superior to any other cafes in Seoul because I've been to a few other cafes and they are way better than 20 Space Cafe. The only thing that I personally liked about this cafe was the cold air-conditioner. What a treat! I think the main selling points of this cafe are; that it is owned by CUBE Entertainment and it is located in the same building as CUBE Entertainment which increases your probability of getting a glimpse of your favourite idols. That's about it.

20 Space Cafe (20 스페이스)

Additionally, I think (I'm not really sure) they are selling the official merchandise of CUBE Entertainment's idols. Like on the displays, they were displaying official BTOB's merchandise. If you're a hardcore fangirl, this might be your thing. But not for me. Also, pretty sure they will play songs by CUBE Entertainment's idols non-stop. When I was there, they played B2ST and BTOB's songs, so I was happy :D

I didn't get to see any members of B2ST and BTOB but I did see a few trainees. I don't know them so I didn't even bother to check them out. Haha. However, I believe they were quite famous trainees as a few girls in the cafe were whispering to each other when they saw them. One of the girls also gave one of the trainees a gift.

And this is a totally irrelevant note but I didn't like the attitude of those trainees. Some of them were nice and respectful but few of them were so arrogant and full of themselves. They were way worse than Hoshi of SEVENTEEN but at least Hoshi has debuted and SEVENTEEN is quite a big name.

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  1. For me the cafe looks just nice!! >_< next time bring me along okay?!! haha ^^

    1. It looks nice but nothing special about it. Banyak lagi cafe dekat Seoul tu yang cantik-cantik! :D

  2. nice kot tempatnya.. hehee
    suka tgk farah :)

    1. Very nice especially after dah berjemur bawah matahari. Hahaha :D

  3. i am aaaaaaaaaaan ultimate Beast's fan T.T so sad diorang kena tukar nama and all. and BTOB babies too so i guess going to Cube is in my top list hahaha. there is still a teenager in me shouting for Yoon Doo Joon hehehe..

    1. I know you're such a huge fan of Beast especially Yoon Doo Joon! And you're a fan of BTOB. So, maybe boleh pergi jenguk CUBE ni kot. Tapi sekarang Beast dah bawah company lain yang diaorang tubuhkan sendiri kan :)

  4. i cant remember clearly but kalo x silap ada kawan penah jumpa Hyuna kat cafe tu minom kuppi =D

    1. Untunglah, kita tak jumpa sesiapa pun kat sini except trainess yang poyo. Hahahahahaah T^T

  5. so lucky to go to Korea..drop by and follow you...
    i am big fan of 2NE1,but i know there is no more 2NE1...they were legend...

    thanks for visiting my blog...


    1. Thanks for saying hi and following my blog :)

  6. x dpt jumpa artis dpt beli merchandise pun dah cukup lps kan geram ;-)

    1. For hardcore fans, maybe puas la kot. Macam saya, saya tak beli merchandises macam ni.


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