Banff Sunshine Village & Sunshine Meadows for the First Time

I have many pending posts about places in Banff National Park and Yoho National Park that I've been to since the start of this summer. I think I should start with this one. Perlahan-lahanlah kita kayuh ya? :)


I went to Banff Sunshine Village & Sunshine Meadows (from now on, will be referred to as SSV) for the first time on July 28. It was a kinda last-minute decision. Initially, I planned to go to SSV on July 27 but I had no energy left after exploring 4 other places the day before. So, off I went to SSV on the morning of July 28.

In all honesty, it wasn't the best decision to go to SSV on that July 28. Firstly, I was rushed to go to SSV right after my shift. #sispenat #sismengantuk Secondly, it was quite hazy and hot that day. Thirdly, I wasn't prepared physically and mentally to explore what SSV had to offer that day. Fourthly, I was in a rush as I had to take the 12 pm shuttle back to Banff so that I could catch my sleep as I had to work later that night.

Banff Sunshine Village

However, I decided to go to SSV despite the reasons mentioned above just because of one reason; I had one free sightseeing coupon which expires on July 29. So I thought to myself, "Why not go and check out what Banff Sunshine Village has to offer first? Kalau best, repeat. Kalau tak best, at least you've been there?"

Took the free shuttle from Banff to go there. I think it took about 20 to 25 minutes to arrive at the base of the gondola. Wasn't so sure because I slept in the shuttle and woke up right after the shuttle arrived at the base of the gondola. After that, I went to the general office to change my coupon to the actual ticket. However, I did line up at the ticket counter before being redirected to the general office and what I can say is, that the line was not long at all. There were only 2 people in front of me. So, I guess, 9 AM and maybe earlier is the best time to go to SSV?

Banff Sunshine Village - Gondola

Took a gondola up to the Village and boy, what a long ride. I think it took me about 20 minutes to reach the Village. I was restless for a bit but thank god, the view was mesmerizing. After that, I had to walk for less than 3 minutes to get on the Standish chairlift to go up to the Standish Viewpoint. It was a fairly short ride. It was less than 10 minutes, I think.

I have to say that after riding an open-air chairlift for few times, I am now less nervous whenever I'm on a chairlift. I think that's quite a feat for me. So, yay for me? :)

Standish Chairlift

Right after I got off from the Standish Chairlift, I was stunned. I was speechless. My 360-view was a picture postcard! Honestly, I wasn't expecting the view to be stunning like that. Subhanallah. Subhanallah. Subhanallah. Rasa kerdil sangat-sangat. Took me a solid 5 minutes before I started to walk to Standish Viewpoint.

Walkway to the Standish Viewpoint

It was supposed to be a short walk, a 10-minute walk to be exact from the Standish Chairlift to the Standish Viewpoint but I obviously took longer as I was truly mesmerized by the surrounding view. I really had a good time when I was walking to the Standish Viewpoint. It was truly serene and calming, almost magical despite the walkaway being fairly packed by other visitors.

Sunshine Meadows from the Standish Viewpoint


I thought that would be it but masya Allah, He proved me wrong. Sunshine Meadows appeared in front of my eyes. The Sunshine Meadows as seen from the Standish Viewpoint was easily one of the best views or maybe the best view that I have seen this summer! Allah knew how much in awe I was when I first saw the view. Again, I was utterly speechless. As I mentioned before, it was quite hazy that day. So, a few of the mountains were not visibly clear to the naked eye. I could only imagine how majestic Sunshine Meadows would be if the weather was good and clear with all those mountains as a background.

Hiking Trail at Banff Sunshine Village
There were a lot of pretty and colourful flowers along the hiking trail

I actually went down to the hiking trail to the lakes for a bit but decided to make a U-turn mainly because I was pressed by time as I needed to catch the 12 PM shuttle back to the Town of Banff. Other reasons for the U-turn were I forgot to bring bug spray and my legs were still sore from the hiking that I did 2 days before.

Tip: Please bring bug spray whenever you're hiking during summer in Canada. Bear spray is a plus.

As such, I decided to sit around at the Standish Viewpoint for about 45 minutes enjoying the amazing view before going down to the gondola base again. Wanted to stay longer but it was too bright and too hot. The UV index on that day was high as well. So, 45 minutes was my limit.

Banff Sunshine Village - Chairlift

The ride down to the gondola base was filled with my self-reflection about life in general, my numbered days in Canada and my goals. Also, it was filled with hope and desire that I'll get another chance to see Sunshine Meadows again, hopefully in the fall this year.

At this point, all I can say is my impromptu decision to go to Banff Sunshine Village & Sunshine Meadows might be one of the best impromptu decisions that I have ever made this year. It was easily one of the most beautiful places that I have ever been in Canada and for that, I'm eternally grateful for the chance given to me.

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  1. Summer kat Canada kira panas jugak ke Farah ?

    Weyhh bear spray ? macam menakutkan je. Senang ke nak terjumpa bear dalam tu ??

    1. Depends kau duduk dekat mana. Kalau dekat Rockies ni, buat masa ni tak sepanas tempat lain. Tapi, matahari terik sangat! Kalau aku dekat Guelph dulu, matahari terik dan agak panas.

      Bear spray tu tak menakutkan pun. Setahu aku, macam tak senang pun nak jumpa bear ni. It all depends on your luck. Macam aku, tahun ni baru 3 kali kot nampak bear. Tapi tu semua aku nampak dekat tepi jalan or masa tengah naik chairlift.

  2. berbaloinya even impromptu.. sangat berbaloi.. view diaaa. nice. bestnya pi negara orang :)

  3. Nama pun dah best, Sunshin Meadows..view lagilah berganda cantiknya. Anyway, what is 'Bear Spray? Is it used to evade bear or something?

    1. Bear spray tu function dia macam pepper spray. Spray dekat mata bear kalau terserempak dengan bear and then, silalah lari :)

  4. subhanallah again an unexpected view!! hahaha.. worth it farah :)
    lately kak nina busy, sama la kita byk pending post

    1. Memang worth it. Cuma sayang je sebab tak dapat lepak lama-lama and it was quite hazy.

  5. What a lovely sight! Mother nature is amazing. But honestly, kalau time hot weather, I don't think I could survive the walk. Perhaps the lovely sight blh jadi insentif, who knows? ;)

  6. Replies
    1. One of the most beautiful places that I have ever seen in Banff National Park :)

  7. subhanallah. lawanya tempat ni. lagi kalau yang suka nature. lawanya T__T please jangan stop cerita pasal Canada. teringin nak pergi sana tapi dapat baca Farah cerita pun jadilah.

    1. Betul! Sesiapa yang suka nature, memang akan suka sangat-sangat dengan Sunshine Meadows ni. Cantik sangat! :)

      Insya Allah, apa yang ada, apa yang sempat, kita update.

    2. kan !! the feeling each time Farah citer pasal Canada !! kenapa Canada tu jauh sangat and mahaaaaal nak pegi sana ? hahaha..

    3. Insya Allah mana yang sempat, saya update. Saya pun dah tak lama dah dekat Canada ni. Lagi beberapa bulan je tinggal.

  8. whenever im here mesti tak pernah rasa kuciwa tengok gambar2 yang adik manish ni share. rasa membuak2 rasa nak pergi sana insyallah kalo ada rezeki. recently i watched KBS Battle Trip and ada 1 epi ke Banf.. terus ingat kat Farah =)

    1. Insya Allah, ada rezeki boleh datang sini satu hari nanti. Kita doakan eh :)

      Kita tengok episodes Battle Trip yang pergi Banff tu masa kita dekat Malaysia. Masa tu rindu sangat-sangat dekat Canada.

    2. best kaaaan !! akak discovered Battle Trip masa episode 80 lebih and what ? slama ni tatau pun ada that program. hehehe terus tengok dari epi 1 and they make meeee want to explore even more =D

    3. Kita memang suka tengok Battle Trip! Banyak sangat belajar dari show tu. Also, dapat discover tempat-tempat yang tak pernah tahu pun. Contohnya macam one of the latest episodes, diaorang pergi Canada, tapi kali ni pergi Kingston. Tak pernah tahu pun Kingston ada tempat menarik macam tu walhal Kingston dengan Guelph tak jauh sangat pun.

  9. rasanya kat sini sepanjang musim cantikkkkkkkk sentiasa...

    1. Sini mana tu? Sini Malaysia? Sini Canada?

  10. Kenapa sky dekat sana selalu nampak cantik???????????? T^T

    1. Langit kat sini kalau dia biru, memang lain sikit birunya dari langit Malaysia.


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