Why I Haven't Updated Anything About Jeju Island & Why I May Not Update About Jeju Island at All?

I have been receiving a lot of questions about my trip to South Korea (대한민국). And most questions sound more or less like this, "Will you ever finish updating about your trip to South Korea?" or "When will you update about other places than Seoul? How about Busan? How about Jeju?" I honestly don't know how to answer all those questions. I feel like I still want to update about my trip to South Korea walaupun macam dah lapuk but at the same time, I feel it's not relevant anymore. lol!

Anyway, after reading Kak Siti's and Aisya's posts about Jeju Island, I have decided to post something about Jeju Island as well. Instead of talking about how beautiful Jeju Island is, I decided to talk about why I haven't updated anything about Jeju Island and why I may not update about Jeju Island at all.

Honestly, I do not remember much about Jeju Island. It was mainly because I was exhausted when I was on Jeju Island that I just followed wherever my guide brought us. To make things worse, it was raining every day when I was in Jeju Island so I didn't get to see the beautiful Jeju Island and I did not have any beautiful pictures of Jeju Island.

I was truly grateful for the chance to visit Jeju Island but couldn't help to feel bittersweet about my trip to Jeju Island because of my exhaustion and the weather. There was nothing much that I could do about my exhaustion at that point but let me show you how unfortunate the weather was when I was in Jeju Island. I know it was something that I couldn't control but .....

All these 3 pictures were taken in Seongsan Ilchulbong (성산 일출봉) where my frustration and sadness were at their peak.

Farah at Seongsan Ilchulbong 성산 일출봉
Excuse me, where's the blue sky and the peak of Seongsan Ilchulbong?
Seongsan Ilchulbong does not look like this in my imagination, hello?!

Farah at Seongsan Ilchulbong 성산 일출봉
Errrr, yay I finally arrived at the top of Seongsan Ilchulbong???!!!
Where's the view, again?

Seongsan Ilchulbong 성산 일출봉
Right, the view you asked?! Who am I kidding?
No blue sky, no blue beach or ocean, no view at all T____T

So, kindly refrain from asking me about Jeju Island, okay? I'm still sad that I didn't get to see the beautiful Jeju Island T__T

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  1. awww it's okay dear. now you have reasons to visit Jeju again ;)

    1. Yes, I have to repeat Jeju but where's the money again? T__T

  2. tu maknanya kena dtg lain next time ;-)

    1. Memang ada niat nak repat tapi kena kumpul duit dulu :D

  3. It's okay, next time boleh plan to go time summer ke hehe

    1. Tapi summer dekat Korea, panas sangat T_T

  4. Alaaa sedihnyaaa T^T berkabus sangat gambarnya T^T Masa ni tengah season apa?

    I really want to repeat Jeju masa musim bunga. They say kalau Jeju hujan tak dapat enjoy what Jeju offers :-(

    1. Akak yang merasainya, lagilah sedih sangat-sangat T__T

      It was a shoulder season. I know it wasn't the best time to go to Jeju but I didn't expect it to be this bad T___T

      Bestnya kalau dapat pergi masa musim bunga. I want to go to Jeju masa musim bunga or musim luruh.

  5. would love to rent a car and explore jeju T_T tapi masa mencemburuikuuuu skrg

    1. Kalau nak pergi nanti, sila ajak kita, okay? :D

  6. aaaaaaauch darling its okay.. you can always go there again and revisit. Jeju is waiting for you =)

    1. Kalaulah kita banyak duit. Hahahahaha :D

  7. Sy pergi Jeju masa musim sejuk. Sempat main salji di Gunung Hallasan. Indahnya Jeju sampai hari ni teringat2


    Adakah anda masih lagi mencari-cari apakah supplement atau vitamin yang sesuai semasa mengandung?

    Lain ibu lain ragamnya. Pelbagai cabaran harus ditempuhi dalam tempoh kehamilan. Ibu yang mengandung memerlukan supplement atau vitamin yang lengkap bernutrisi bukan sahaja untuk ibu mengandung malahan untuk tumbesaran yang sihat anak dalam kandungan.


    1. Jeju memang cantik tapi saya tak berpeluang untuk lihat Jeju yang cantik ni.


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