School Trip to Niagara Falls, Ontario

This post was published on January 30, 2016 (as a repost entry) on one of my older blogs. Decided to repost it (again!) here at Her Little Guilty Pleasures due to the reasons that I mentioned in this post.


Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Ini merupakan kali kedua saya menjejakkan kaki ke Niagara Falls, Ontario. Masa pertama kali pergi (December 4, 2013) tu, tak nampak apa pun sebab snow sangat tebal. Buat sesiapa yang pernah baca pengalaman pertama saya, ingat lagi kisah sadis itu? ㅠㅠ

Kali kedua saya pergi (September 6, 2014) ni, alhamdulillah, happy sangat-sangat! Walaupun cuaca tak berapa cantik, sepanjang hari mendung, bila nak balik baru matahari nak keluar, kira okay la dari pengalaman pertama saya tu.

American Falls and Bridal Veils Falls @ Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
American Falls and Bridal Veils Falls

Kali ni saya pergi, alhamdulillah, nampak air terjunnya dengan jelas. Cuma bila tangkap gambar je tak berapa nak jelas. Almaklumlah orang tak pandai guna DSLR memang macam ni. So, obviously the pictures that I uploaded here really do not do justice to the majestic Niagara Falls, okay? :)

Kali pertama pergi dengan the other Jedis. Kali kedua ni pergi dengan rombongan sekolah sebab murah yang amat kalau bendingkan dengan pergi sendiri. Gigihlah pergi seorang-seorang takde kawan sebab Jedis yang lain semua baru pergi Niagara Falls masa summer.

Horseshoe Falls @ Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Horseshoe Falls

Sebelum pergi Niagara Falls ni, kami singgah Niagara on the Lake. Am not going to talke about Niagara on the Lake sebab saya tak buat apa-apa dan tak ambil gambar sangat pun masa dekat Niagara on the Lake tu.

Sampai-sampai di Niagara Falls tu, kami terus naik cruise yang dikenali sebagai Hornblower Niagara Falls. Masa tu, excited yang amat sebab akan berada dekat dengan air terjun!

Maid of the Mist vs Hornblower Niagara Cruise @ Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Maid of the Mist vs Hornblower Niagara Cruise

Cruise ni 30 minit je. Memang akan basah walaupun dah pakai poncho yang disediakan. Tapi, memang berbaloi even basah kena tempias air terjun. Masa ni, gambar memang tak banyak sebab DSLR saya tak waterproof. Kalau ada GoPro masa tu, memang sakan saya tangkap gambar agaknya.

Elok je turun dari cruise tu, saya memang tak buat apa-apa dah. Saya cuma berjalan menghala ke Horseshoe Falls tu sahaja.

Maid of the Mist near to the Horseshoe Falls @ Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Maid of the Mist near the Horseshoe Falls

Hornblower Niagara Cruise near to the Horseshoe Falls @ Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Hornblower Niagara Cruise near to the Horseshoe Falls 

Alhamdulillah, kali ni betul-betul dah boleh cross Niagara Falls from my wish list. Tapi, mungkin akan datang lagi. Insya Allah, this summer with my parents pula. Mama dengan Ayah teringin sangat nak datang sini katanya :)

Update in 2019: I think I've been to Niagara Falls at least 3 times after this trip. Still, Niagara Falls never ceases to amaze me :)

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  1. Cantiknyaa falls tu. Kalau tengok depan depan mesti lagi cantik :)))

    1. Kalau tengok depan mata, memang lagi cantik. I was mind-blown when I saw Niagara Fall (clearly) for the first time.

  2. Hai Faraaah:) aku balas kunjungan, kebetulan aku juga lagi on.. Thanks before ^^ Jawaban prtanyaanmu d post, CFD itu bukan di Bandung, tapi di Malang, sebuah daerah di Jawa Timur :) anyway can we be friends? If yaa, you can follback me hihi but it's okay if you don't :) || oiya Farah ini suka keliling dunia kah? Semua postinganmu, pemandangannya bagus2.. You got the best experience ^^

    1. Thank you for your answer. I've read about CFD in Indonesia before but couldn't remember the city :)


      I've followed your blog. Looking forward to reading more post ^^ And to answer your question, yes, I would say that I love travelling but too bad that I haven't travelled that much ㅠㅠ

      Thank you so much for the kind comment ^^

    2. Thankyou so much Farah^^ wah i hope can arround the world like you too Farah hihi.. Nice to meet you :) i got many information from your travelling even i can't do that hehe

    3. Hopefully you'll get to see the beauty of this world, one day, insya Allah ^^

  3. Cantik sangat Niagara Falls. Selalu tgok org travel mesti ada pergi sini. Hehe. Even dlm gmbar dh cantik depan mata apatah lagi lah tu kan. Hehe.

    1. I think Niagara Falls used to be listed as one of the bucket lists for those who travel around the world :)

  4. I watch this one Korean show called 'I Live Alone" and they featured Henry from Super Junior. He took the whole crew to his home in Canada to celebrate Thanksgiving with his dad. I remembered he took his dad to Niagara Falls and they rode that cruise. He made it look super scary because you have to ride the wave, the hole and everything and yes they get super wet. But I find it super exciting hahaha

    Don't worry about the brightness of your photos, I still love every single one of them :)

    1. I haven't watched that episode yet. Maybe I'll watch it later to see how they illustrate the Hornblower Niagara Cruise :)


      Again, thank you for your kind comment ^^

    2. I just watched the episode that you mentioned in the comment. Henry totally booked a wrong cruise. lol. He meant to book the Hornblower Niagara Cruise but he wrongly booked one of the Whirlpool Jet Boat Tours :)

  5. Bestntyerr..teringin pulak nk pergi.. :)

  6. Cantiknyaa Niagara Falls! Hope I'll sampai sana one day!

  7. Magnificent! 👏😆
    Banyaknya burung melepak di kawasan tu! Ada banyak ikan ya kat situ..😃

    1. Sebenarnya saya tak tahu dekat situ banyak ikan ke tak tapi memang banyak burung dekat situ ^^

  8. Allahuakbar.. bestnya.
    Saya ingat cuma boleh tengok dari jauh je. Rupanya ada cruise yg boleh lalu bawah tu.

    1. There are few things that you can do at the Niagara Falls. One of these is riding a cruise. Ada lagi satu experience where you will get to be much much closer to the Horseshoe Falls :)

  9. mmg sangat2 cantik...bla laa ada rezeki nk smpi sini

  10. Akak ingat one of your statement kena pakai baju hujan sbb kena tempias..hehe

    1. Yeah, memang kena pakai poncho. Kalau tak, muhu lencun. haha


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