Fun Times at Jasper SkyTram

I just realized that I have never updated about my experience at Jasper SkyTram though I probably had uploaded dozens of pictures that I took when I was there. So, here's one for memories :)

I went to the Jasper SkyTram with my senior, A who came to visit my senior, M. It was an impromptu decision as M was the one who was supposed to go to the Jasper SkyTram with A but she had to work on that day. So, I stepped in as her replacement because that's what good hosts do. We don't leave our guests alone :p

Farah H at Jasper Skytram, Japser National Park, Alberta, Canada

Anyway, off we went to the Jasper SkyTram on that day. I don't remember how much we paid for the tickets because this was five years ago, but we did get local discounts. The weather was not at the best that day but we just had to suck it up because that was the only day that A was free.

Tip: Dress for the weather as this is the Rockies that we're talking about.

As seen from the Jasper SkyTram, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

It was a 7-minute ride up to the Upper Station from the Lower Station and we gained about 1005 m in elevation. While on the tram, we were briefed about the mountains surrounding us by the employee. It was an informative ride but we couldn't take as much peek as we would whenever the employee pointed out the mountains as the tram was quite full.

As seen from the Jasper SkyTram, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

Once reach the Upper Station, you'll have options to enjoy the view at the Upper Station or you can also hike for another 2 or 3 km to see the best view of Jasper. My senior and I decided to hike sebab dah alang-alang kan? We didn't go up until the peak because we were not properly dressed for the occasion. I think we only hiked halfway. Itu pun makan jam juga ㅠㅠ

Tip: Please bring hiking poles if you're a beginner as it is quite steep to go up to the peak.

As seen from the Jasper SkyTram, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

Another reason why we decided not to hike up to the peak was because I was such a wimp that I almost cried when we were hiking. Kept telling my senior that I couldn't hike anymore because I seriously felt like dying. Susah sangat nak bernafas masa hiking tu. Not sure if it was because of the elevation gains or just because I suck at breathing while hiking. And, there was no proper trail so, pandai-pandailah pilih jalan and then, the whole jalan was batu. Tak ingat nama batu tu but they have specific name.

As seen from the Jasper SkyTram, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

So yeah. We didn't manage to go up to the peak, but thankfully, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, we reached quite a high point where we managed to see the stunning view of Jasper. It was the best view of the best summer of my life! :)

Farah H at the Whistlers Mountain, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

Thank you A for not giving up on me and pushing me to keep hiking though we didn't reach the peak. You're one of the main reasons that I could see the best view of the best summer of my life. For that, I'm eternally grateful! :)

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  1. Breathtaking view of Jasper. Worth every hardness during the climbing.

  2. kalau sy yg g ni ada yg xnk blk nmpk nyaaa ;-)

    1. Saya pun kalau ikutkan tak nak turun balik masa tu :p

      Tapi, itulah masa tu angin kuat gila-gila and tiba-tiba jadi sejuk sangat dekat atas tu. Makanya, terpaksalah kita turun balik dan mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada view yang awesome ni :)

  3. Tak sampai peak pun dh dapat view cantik ni. OMG! 😍

    1. Itulah. Kalau sampai peak, mesti lagi cantik view dia :)

  4. Lya sangat sangat suka the view but to hike tu haih lemah betul!

    1. It is still one of the best views that I have ever seen in my life :)


      Yes, I totally can relate to your sentiment. Hiking is actually a no no for me. Hahaha

  5. cantik pemandangan tempat ni :)

    1. This was one of the best views that I have ever seen in my life :)


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