School Trip to CN Tower

CN Tower, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I never updated about this trip but this was my first school trip in Canada and this was six years ago? In reality, we had a chance to roam around downtown Toronto as well on this trip but am not gonna talk about that.

As seen from the CN Tower, Ontario, Canada

Anyway, I still remember how excited we were when we first saw all the high-rise buildings and CN Tower. I guess it was bound to happen because that was our first time going to a major city in Canada. In Guelph, you can't really see tall buildings. Also, Guelph is such a laid-back, serene, and relaxing city that even a traffic jam in Toronto made us go, "Woah!"

As seen from the CN Tower, Ontario, Canada

I have a confession to make. I have never been to KL Tower or Petronas Twin Towers before, so CN Tower was the first iconic tower that I've been to in my life ^^"" In fact, I had so many firsts in Canada but let's leave it here for now.

As seen from the CN Tower, Ontario, Canada

We didn't spend too much time here. Maybe about 2 hours? We spent the whole time taking a lot of pictures and taking in the view of downtown Toronto and its surroundings from above. I mean, there's only so much you can do whenever you're at a tower, right? :)

Us at the CN Tower, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I personally loved the view but more so the time spent with my friends. I wonder what it looks like at night. I think it's going to look super pretty! Though I have to say that I'm curious but not curious enough to go again.

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  1. I'm sure that kalau pergi tengok view mcm tu pun iolls jakun too! Hahaha :D

    1. I guess we were so jakun because it was our first time. After this trip, dah tak jakun dah pun. Hahaha

  2. bila nak pegi lagi? nak ikuttt hehehe

  3. Replies
    1. Saya pun rasa cantik juga tapi rasa packed sangat.

  4. I've been to KL tower. The skyline is totally different and somehow looks so malaysia. It seems like you had a fun day. Good for you :)

    1. Yeah, we had so much fun on that day. Again. I think it's because we were so jakun. Haha!


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