Chun, IOI City Mall

This was many moons ago when Chun was fairly new at the IOI City Mall. At that time, my sister and I decided to try the viral corn dog that is Chun because of two reasons. Firstly, because I missed the Korean-style corn dog and secondly because my sister was intrigued by Eric-dog after watching 4 Wheeled Restaurant and a video of me eating Korean-style corn dog when I was in South Korea.

Chun, IOI City Mall
Chun, IOI City Mall

There was a queue when we were there but not too long so we were okay. If we were to go now, the queue would be too long for my liking. Haha. We decided to buy the Mozza corn dog because that is the corn dog that has been featured anywhere countless times.

To our dismay, our corn dogs were indah khabar dari rupa? The crumb was crunchy but the cheese was a letdown. It didn't stretch at all ã… ã…  Having said that, I guess it all depends on your luck. Days before, we saw a lot of lucky Chun's customers with stretchy cheese. So, there's that.

Mozza Corn Dog,Chun, IOI City Mall
Mozza Corn Dog
MYR 9.90

The hot dog itself was a so-so but we think they used black pepper hot dog. Also, another thing that made me sad was they didn't have mustard sauce and the right chilli sauce or ketchup when we were there.

Tip: The best way to eat the corn dog is the traditional way. You just have to put ketchup, mustard sauce and sugar and voila! You'll be good :)

As such, I'm quite reluctant to go to the Chun, IOI City Mall again. It also does not help at all because I found another place that serves a better Korean-style corn dog. Hehe.

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  1. tbh honest the presentation of it is not that tempting so it's a no no for me.

    1. Not so sure if they can look any better than this. lol. Or, maybe, it's just my skill that sucks.

  2. what's the point if the cheese isn't stretchyyyy. mustard does sound good on corndog. i need to put corndog in our jjcm plan.


    1. I know right. What's the point eh? You can try corndog at other places if you really want to try one! :)

  3. Aigoo..tersilap buh Cheddar cheese instead of Mozzarella cheese maybe..hihi mengarutnya kalau betoi telahan cheq ni..😂

    1. I think it's the right cheese sebab memang rasa Mozzarella pun. Tak rasa macam cheddar. Hehe

  4. You should try Oppa Corndog then... Tapi rasanya kat MyTown je ada... Hmmm... Akak tak prefer Chun lgsg 😂 overrated 😓

    1. I read about it once. Teringin juga nak try tapi belum ada rezeki nak lajak ke MyTown lagi. Saya tak pernah beli Chun dah lepas yang saya pergi ni.

  5. kena buat sendiri kot lg sedap hehe

    1. Saya sejenis manusia yang malas nak buat sendiri.


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