December 22, 2019

Came back home after almost a week at the hostel to the news of my cat's death. Honestly, I was truly shocked and heartbroken after hearing the news. I didn't get to hug and gomol him when I saw him for the last time :(

Lovely Tom Busung
Tom, who I fondly called Tom Busung <3
You'll be dearly missed.

What made me so bitter about his death was my family's suspicion that he was poisoned to death and someone deliberately put his body near our house. I totally get the suspicion because he was in tip-top condition the last time I saw him.

I'm not a big-hearted person so I couldn't help to curse the person who did that to my beloved cat. Bak kata Twitterian, I hope there's a special hell for those who did bad things to cats.

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  1. I can't brain la how could someone do anything harmful to a cat! I'm sorry for your lost.

    1. Thank you. I am still bitter about his passing because like you, I couldn't brain this kind of people.

  2. Jahatnya manusia yang buat Tom ni..tergamak sungguh 😢
    Semoga Tuhan balas..😡

  3. I experienced the same thing after I got back from my dad's hometown.
    After I lost about 15 cats to weird diseases (rasa macam kena racun sebab one by one mati everyday for 15 days), I was left with one cat and itupun hilang jugak after I got home but not sure hilang, or jiran buang or mati sebab he's not the type to stay away from home for way too long because he's a big eater.

    Now I am catless but I still feed the strays to fill in my emptiness without all my cats. I hope all the people who tortures and hate animals (all kinds of animal) will go to a special hell just for them.

    1. Sorry to hear that you experienced similar thing. Yes, I hope there'll be a special hell for them.

  4. the biggest reason why i dont want to adopt any cat. dulu kecik2 i had one but after macam ni no no i cant stand it anymore. tho i love cats.. tp mmg xmo bela.

    its ookay. i know its hard..
    but i hope u can deal with it well. u can =)

    1. I've experienced a lot of heartbreaks due to my cats but I guess I haven't learned my lesson because I still want to be a cat lady.

  5. this is too much. why would people do that :((
    i can't think of another word because this is just too sad.

    1. I don't know as well. Still feel so bitter about it T_T


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