Boba Brown Sugar Milk Tea @ Secret Recipe, Jenjarom

I have no idea how the boba craze started in Malaysia. As far as I remember, I suddenly started to see a surge of posts regarding boba on social media earlier this year. At first, I was like, "Boba? What boba?" I mean, we didn't even call boba, boba before this. We called them bubble tea or pearl tea. Remember?

Anyway, I have yet to try all things boba that are currently available in the market. Mainly because all the outlets are quite far from my house and I don't have enough funds. #iamunemployedremember? Also, because I'm not adventurous enough to try new things. 

Boba Brown Sugar Milk Tea @ Secret Recipe, Jenjarom
Boba Brown Sugar Milk Tea - Large & Take Away
MYR 8.50

However, my sister and I recently went to the Secret Recipe in Jenjarom to try their new Boba Series. Well, it was all because of my sister. She's kinda obsessed with Secret Recipe. lol. My sister ordered Boba Caramel Milk Tea (large & take away - MYR 8.50) while I ordered Boba Brown Sugar Milk Tea.

Won't comment on Boba Caramel Milk Tea because I didn't taste it but the Boba Brown Sugar Milk Tea was just an okay. It wasn't as sweet as I expected. The bubbles were quite chewy so it'll be a hit-and-miss for some people. I personally found the bubbles okay. Though I found the Boba Brown Sugar Milk Tea quite okay, I probably won't buy it again unless I'm in dire of something sweet #cukupsekali

Having said that, both of my younger sisters kept saying that the drinks were delicious. One of them kept saying, "dua-dua sedap", while the other one kept saying, "air teh dia sedap gila! agak-agak boleh ke nak beli air dia je tak nak bubble?" So, there's that. 

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  1. Baru baca iklan boba secret recipe. Banyak juga pilihannya :)

    1. I think they have about 8-10 drinks, if I'm not mistaken.

  2. tak minat sgt dgn boba boba ni..hehe

  3. kan pelik pulak tiba2 orang hype benda ni balik pastu panggil boba boba. kita dulu panggil black pearl atau bola hitam hahaha

    1. Itulah, tiba-tiba je boba sana boba sini.

  4. Not gonna try this one from secret recipe because sebab banyak sangat dah cuba and most of them takdelah sedap mana. Marketing je lebih nak customer membeli. So kedai yang tak specialize in drinks pun tiba2 nak jual bubble tea jugak. Same goes with Family Mart.

    In Chinese (Beijing) bōbà, name for the large tapioca balls found in the tea, perhaps literally, “large breasts, large-breasted woman”. So maybe that's why all my chinese friends call it boba sampai I, myself terbawak-bawak haha plus they told me Boba is bigger in terms of sizes than the pearl or bubble tu. Kalau menu tu nama boba tapi pearl kecik, makna dia tipu hahahahaha

    1. Hahahaha, good for you! I don't like trying new boba drinks especially dekat kedai yang memang bukan specialized in drinks, as you mentioned. Cuma masa ni, I crave for something sweet so saja je beli :)

      Thank you for sharing the meaning of boba. Didn't know about this before :D

  5. lepas gaji mmg nk try semua jenis milk tea yg ada kt sr tu hehehehe abis laaa diet ke laut dlm hehehehe

    1. Banyak sangat kot kalau nak try semua sekali terus. Try sikit-sikit la :D

  6. yes, dulu2 memang nama dia bubble or pearl milk tea kannn? pelik jugak sekarang tetiba famous dengan nama boba XD

    black sugar milk tea is my current fav :D

  7. tak minat nk try boba ni.. sgt manis dan mostly kt penang ni byk Chinese punya (was2 nak minum).

    1. Kalau dah was-was memang lagi baik kalau tak minum :)

  8. everywhere is boba now.. fuhh


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