Namsan Seoul Tower (남산서울타워)

Namsan Seoul Tower (남산서울타워)

Namsan Seoul Tower (남산서울타워) was one of the last places that I visited when I was in South Korea. Naturally, I didn't have much energy left especially after I hurt my leg in Busan. By the way, this is not the end of my endless posts about my trip to South Korea. I still have a few more. lol. I just need to get rid of anything Seoul first :p

My rough itinerary looked like this; Seoul → Busan → Incheon → Jeju → Seoul. And just so you know, orang yang tak buat proper research and planning je route dia macam ni. I wasted so much money and time being an idiot and lazy me T^T

The weather was at its best when I went to the Namsan Seoul Tower. It was so bright and the skies were so blue, though it got quite hot at the same time. #iamaputerililin I personally think that I got some of the best pictures of my South Korean trip on this day!

Namsan Seoul Tower (남산서울타워)
I took a bus to get to Namsan Seoul Tower but little did I know that I had to hike for a bit once I got off at the nearest bus stop. Haha. Talk about another lame. It was quite a short hike but it was too steep for my liking. After all, my leg was hurt, no? I obviously huffed and puffed on my way up. Thankfully, the road was shady thanks to the trees. Otherwise, I'd become such a mess because I felt like my skin was burning up when I was on my way up.

Didn't go up the Namsan Seoul Tower because I was a cheapskate. Also, I was not sure and was not curious about what kind of view that I'd get once I was up there. Additionally, I heard that the best time to go up the tower is at night. So, I decided to pass.

Love locks at the Namsan Seoul Tower (남산서울타워)

Instead, I went to see the ever-famous love locks area. OMG! So many love locks. I think they had to remove some due to fire safety. Pretty sure I read something along those lines. Didn't spend too much time here as well because there are only so many love locks that I can see. Haha. Wanted to take pictures at the photo zones but everyone was so busy with their significant others so I passed again. #nasiborangsingle

Pavilion at the Namsan Seoul Tower (남산서울타워)
Then, I decided to sit around near the pavilion. I think there was a significant history behind this pavilion but being lazy that I am, I didn't even bother to read the whole thing. All I knew was Cha Tae Hyun was here on one of the episodes of 2 Days 1 Night. #thingsidoforchataehyun

Seoul View from Namsan Seoul Tower (남산서울타워)

After that, I managed to sneak around the observation platform to take a peak of Seoul from above. It wasn't as vast as what I've seen from Haneul Park (하늘공원) but it is what it is. I think it'll look super pretty at night with neon lights and stuff.

I think I left the Namsan Seoul Tower after an hour-ish because I pretty much got the gist of the place and I wanted to go to a few other places after that. Overall, I'm really glad that I decided to visit Namsan Seoul Tower on that particular day. Wouldn't mind to come again if I get another chance :)

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  1. i didnt go last time during my visit. tengok dari jauh je dari Myeongdong haha..
    i guess ada rezeki repeat kena jugala pegi. jenguk2 tapi bab hiking tu adoiiiyai..

    1. Kita sebenarnya baru tahu yang boleh nampak Namsan Seoul Tower ni dari Myeongdong lepas 2 minggu lebih dekat Korea. Almaklumlah, tiap kali pergi Myeongdong, menonong je terus pergi shopping street dia. Tak pandang kiri kanan. Hahaha.

      Dia bukan hike yang gila-gila, kak Siti. Less than 10-15 minutes kalau tak silap. Cuma sebab dia curam tu yang macam semput sikit tu.

    2. hike yang biasa2 for oso is hike yang extreme hahaha.. hiking is not ma thing !
      xdela kalo da kena hike tu panjat jugakle. rasanya extreme lagi panjat Seongsan Ilchulbong tu..

    3. boleh je naik cable car dari myeongdong tu kalau tak nak hiking...hahahaha...tapi iolsss kan cheapskate tu yg mendaki...semata nak save 10k

    4. Kak Siti, Seongsan Ilchulbong tu extreme sangat even for me. Almaklumlah couch potato through and through. Tapi, Namsan tak macam tu. Dia tak extreme tapi agak curam. Macam saya, saya tak daki dari bawah pun. Saya daki dari bus stop. Kalau daki dari bawah, memang penat gila la T^T

    5. Kak Sally, samalah kita. More to nak jimat duit and I don't want to wait in long lines sebab busy kan. Kita kan sebenarnya sampai sekarang tak tahu dekat mana orang naik cable car tu. Tak nampak pun tempat nak ambil cable car masa dekat Namsan Tower tu. Tak tahulah kenapa. Tak terbuka kot mata. Hahaha

  2. sampai sekarang masih terkilan sebab tak dpt pegi namsan tower xD memang one fine day nak kena repeat jugak korea ni huhu

    1. Ramai rupanya ynag missed Namsan Tower ni. Ingatkan tempat ni one of the must places. But then, I can't say anything sebab akak pun ada missed one of the must places macam Nami Island. Haha ^^

  3. Wow!! amazing..looking nice..interesting

    1. Namsan Seoul Tower does look interesting :)

  4. Tak sempat nak naik sini hari tu. Next time InsyaAllah.

  5. tetiba rasa masyaAllah...dah nak dekat 10 kali akak panjang Namsan Tower ni! hahahaha

    1. Serious la? 10 kali? Alamak, kalau kita dah boring dah sebab sampai 10 kali. Hahahaha

  6. belum pernah ke korea hahah.. tunggu rm naik

    1. Insya Allah! Kalau RM naik, masyuklah pergi Korea :)

  7. teringat cerita mak cik dia kata semput aku nak naik sini hahahahahhaha

    1. Memang agak semput la bila naik atas sini. Peluh pun bukan main laju lagi turun. hahahahha


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