My First McFlurry in Canada!

Oreo McFlurry, McDonald's Banff, Alberta, Canada
Oreo McFlurry
January 16, 2019
11:50 AM

Ice cream tastes so good when it's -22 ℃ outside! #yesieaticecreaminwinter Had my first McFlurry in Canada after living here for almost 6 years! I know, crazy eh? I guess there's always a first time :)


Did you know that McFlurry was first sold in Canada? I just learned about it today while googling about McFlurry flavours in Canada. Random things you learned from the Internet eh? :)

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  1. Ramai juga kata masa sejuk paling sedap makam aiskrim. Well farah dah break record lah bila beli mcflurry ni kan.

    1. Betul! Ramai juga yang suka makan ice cream masa winter. I think the major point of eating ice cream is winter is it's not easily melt. For me, I personally craving something sweet often in winter. So, memang sesuai sangatlah nak makan ice cream masa winter :)

  2. i loveeee eating icecream during winter !! its freezing cold but ada satu feeling satisfaction hehe. but -22 isnt it craaaaaaazy cold ? omo omo..

    1. Betul tu! Setuju sangat! Though saya selalu makan ice cream indoor sebab gigi saya sensitive. -22 is crazy cold to the point my body hurts tapi pasal dah dekat seminggu suhu around this temperature, my body got used to it. Nanti sat-sat lagi, kalau temperature naik to -15, mesti akan berpeluh. Hahaha :D

  3. Eh my aunt pun masa pergi Japan bulan 12 haritu pun asyik makan ice cream je kat sana. Time salji pulak tu! Pelik pelik je eh hahaha 😂

    lenne | blog

  4. I love my mcflurry! Tastes much better in winter lol

    1. Yes, so trueeee! Tastes so much better in winter :D

  5. teori ni memang betul... tak cepat cair dan boleh menikmati dgn tenang haha

    1. Yessssss, ini sangat-sangat betul! I actually walked around the town for about an hour before going home and eating my ice cream but my ice cream still tak cair lagi masa tu :D

  6. sama x dgn rasa kt sini punya? hahahahah apa punya soalan daaaa

    1. Rasanya macam sama je. Or, mungkin ais krim dia macam pekat sikit kalau compare dengan Malaysia punya.


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