Seoul Central Mosque (서울 중앙성원)

Managed to visit Seoul Central Mosque (서울 중앙성원) once but it was at night time. My junior and I decided to perform our Maghrib here as we were in the Itaewon area. 

Seoul Central Mosque (서울 중앙성원)


Ya Allah, I felt so serene and tranquil when we were at the Seoul Central Mosque. I found it truly fascinating because Itaewon can be crazy wild and loud, especially at night but you can barely hear anything from the mosque.

My junior and I at the Seoul Central Mosque (서울 중앙성원)
The only decent picture of us (or me, actually!) at the Seoul Central Mosque


I will be doomed to say this, but the Seoul Central Mosque was honestly not like what I expected. Wouldn't elaborate on this because I think it's a one-time problem or at least that's what I hope for. Earnestly hope, the problem will be fixed or has been fixed :)

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  1. Teringin jugak nak merasa suasana dekat sana macam mana.. Bilalah nak jejak kaki ke korea ni. .Haha

  2. One more place which I didn't get to see as it was so late when we arrived in itaewon. hoping there'll be a next time. in shaa Allah. Ameen.

  3. Kawasan Itaewon ni ada sejarahnya yang agak hitam kan? Baguslah cahaya Islam dapat bersinar di sini dan menjernihkan sedikit keadaan di situ :)

    1. Not so sure about sejarah hitam. I'm not eloquent about Itaewon area.

  4. Follow awak tau, tadi singgah jalan2 kat sini! hihi. Best nye koreaa!!

  5. blogwalking here sambil cuci mata tgk gambar2 farah ^^

  6. The way to the mosque is so tiring lol. Rasa macam panjat broga pun ada

    1. I have never been to Broga but I totally agree! Penat gila nak mendaki ke masjid tu T^T

  7. tingat member g sana... dia kata kalau x kerana nk tgk masjid mmg dia x sanggup nk mendaki... dah la sejuk, bdn plak x fit...mencabar betul hahaha

    1. Memang jenuh nak mendaki ke masjid Itaewon ni. Saya asyik tanya junior saya ni, "Jauh lagi ke? Bila nak sampai ni?"

  8. Masa kak ana ke sana,punya gigih naik sampai tgkt atas nk solat. Sebab dh sampai sini kan nak lah merasa solat kat sini. Sampai atas rupanya tempat wuduk kat blkg masjid. Turun balik semula. Hehe

    1. Memang agak confusing kalau nak cari apa-apa dekat masjid tu macam tempat wuduk sebab takde penunjuk arah.


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