K-Style Hub (케이스타일허브)

I went to K-Style Hub twice during my trip to South Korea in 2016. The first time I went there because I wanted to go to the Tourist Information Centre and the second time was to pick up my tickets for Pang Show: Pang Pang Cruise (빵쇼 팡팡크루즈).

I had a chance to explore the K-Style Hub a bit during my first visit. I went to see all the floors (FYI, they have 5 floors if you include the reception floor) but based on the pictures that I have on my hard disk, it seemed like I spent a lot of time at their Korean Food Exhibition Hall and Cultural Product Hall.

K-Style Hub (케이스타일허브)
Song Joong Ki was everywhere when I was there!

Tip: This is the best place to perform your prayer if in your area as they have a prayer room. This is also the best place to rest indoors after exploring the area as they put the air conditioner on the blast!

On the second floor, they have the Tourist Information Centre. This is the place if you want to ask a lot of questions about South Korea. They have personnel who can help you in English, Mandarin, Korean, and Japanese. I wasn't that lucky as the lady that I talked to couldn't help me that much about my plan to go to Ulleungdo (울릉도). So, Ulleungdo remains a dream until today T^T

They also have a VR Experience Zone and Hallyu Stars Zone on this floor. I was interested in trying the VR experience but there were a lot of people waiting to try as well. As you may know, waiting is not my game. So, I didn't try the VR Experience. As for Hallyu Stars Zone, let's just say that I'm not interested in it :)

K-Style Hub (케이스타일허브)

On the third floor, they have the Korean Food Exhibition Hall. It can be boring if you're not interested in Hansik but I love the hall because it was aesthetically pleasing. I mean if you can make a supposedly boring exhibition about food that is pretty, I'm sold! On the fourth floor, they have the Korean Food Experience Hall. I technically didn't get to see the whole floor because some of the sections were restricted to the participants. This is where you want to be if you want to try cooking Korean food.


On the fifth floor, they have the Cultural Product Hall. They offer few stuff here on this floor but the one that I remember the most is the hanbok experience. Not sure how much they charged for the rental but I wore one for free. Though, I wore it indoors and for less than 30 minutes?

K-Style Hub (케이스타일허브)

Additionally, they sell premium cultural products and souvenirs on this floor. I saw pretty chopsticks here but it'll cost me at least KRW 47,000 if I decided to buy one. I ain't got money for that T^T They also have a lot of cute and pretty souvenirs here. The prices were decent. I bought a cute hand fan here for KRW 1,000. Too bad I lost it after 2 days T^T

So, that's all about K-Style Hub. This is definitely not a must-visit place especially if you have a tight schedule but if you need a place to rest or hang out when you're in the area, this can be an option :)

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  1. igt betul2 laa song joong-ki terpacak kt situ... dah nk menjerit dah td hahahahaha

    1. Tidaklah ada Song Joong Ki sebenar kat situ. Hahahahah

  2. Akak pi sana sbb nak cari ape tah harituu...ohh...nak amik kad internet free..LOL

    1. Bestnya dapat kad internet free. Kita tak dapat pun kad internet free T^T

    2. Sbb join contest kat KTO dulu...lepas tu xde ape pun buat situ...hahaha...ooo...amik gmbr dengan Big Bang? :P

    3. Bestnya! Kita cuma menang cruise tickets je. Tak de rezeki nak dapat kad internet free T^T

      Kita tak ambil gambar dengan Big Bang pun sebab kita tak suka Big Bang. *matilah kita kalau ada VIPs yang baca ni*

  3. best la macam-macam ada, igatkan information centre je..

    1. Ada lagi benda lain dekat sini. Tapi tak ingat dah.


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