Riding the Summer Sightseeing Gondola at Lake Louise Gondola

I went to the Lake Louise Gondola (or known as Lake Louise Ski Resort in winter) right after I finished my hike in Johnston Canyon. I was excited to be back as I wanted to see how different summer looks like than winter from up there. In case you missed it, I have been to the Lake Louise Ski Resort once for snowshoeing.

Lake Louise Summer Gondola

Lake Louise Gondola proudly promotes the place as one of the best places on earth to see wild grizzly bears in their natural environment. And what a stroke of luck! I actually saw a grizzly bear when I was riding the chairlift up to the viewing deck and down to the base. It was my first grizzly bear of the season. Too bad I didn't have a picture of the bear as I was recording a video of the view at that time T^T

From the Viewpoint of Lake Louise Summer Gondola

The gondola ride was a 14-minute ride one way. It can feel quite long but trust me, it was not that long if you compare it with the gondola ride at the Sunshine Village. I thoroughly enjoyed my ride up to the viewing deck and down to the base. I opted for the open chairlift ride instead of the gondola ride because I figured that I would enjoy the open chairlift ride more than the gondola ride. Glad to say that I was right! :)

Tip: Go for the open chairlift instead of the gondola for a better and lively experience. It also does not hurt because the air up there is fresh!

From the Viewpoint of Lake Louise Summer Gondola
My snack time view.

The viewing deck was not as crowded as I expected. I mean, I can freely move around without bumping into anyone's shoulder though I couldn't take pictures without anyone accidentally photobombing. The view was kinda limited on that day due to overcast. You can barely see the humongous mountain ranges but I was content with what I saw.

Tip: The ride down to the base offers a better and more stunning view than the ride up. So, get your camera and heart ready to see the view of your lifetime? :)

Lake Louise Summer Gondola

I spent about 15-20 minutes at the deck before walking down one trail. It was one of the easiest trails that I took about 30 minutes to complete it? There was another trail that I wanted to try but it was super steep and high. I wasn't ready for that kind of hiking trail that day, so I gave it a pass. Though, I wish I went for the hike now that I have no idea when will I be back T^T

I wanted to stay longer up there but it was so hot and my skin felt like it was burning. So, I decided to go down to the base. At the base, they have these gigantic chess and checkers. Wanted to play checkers because it's been a while but I had no friends to play with. Hence, I just watched the people playing chess and checkers.

Lake Louise Ski Resort in Summer

I ended my time at the Lake Louise Gondola by enjoying my lunch at the cafeteria. My lunch was fulfilling despite it leaving me a hole in my wallet. Lesson learned. Bring your own food next time! 

Tip: Don't forget to pack your own food and snacks as the price can be steep at all the F&B outlets at the base. To give you an idea, a sandwich and a pop will cost you about CAD 14.

Things that I'm thankful for about my lunch.
I didn't plan to have lunch here but somehow I was hungry and eating snacks would not be enough. Thank god for the unplanned lunch as I only realized that I lost my wallet when I wanted to pay for my lunch. I was in a panic state and almost cried. Thankfully, I got my wallet back with everything untouched as someone handed in my wallet to the Lost & Found counter. Truly grateful to that person because s/he saved me a lot of hassle. I know I had only cards and no cash at all in my wallet but thinking about having to live without all those cards really makes me feel sick. So, thank you! :)

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  1. waa naik gondola mcm tu. gerun habis tapi menikmati udara segar. gunung ganang kat belakang tu cantik sangat

    1. Kalau naik gondola tak gerun sangat. Chairlift tu agak gerun la kalau tak pernah naik. This was my third or fourth time so I was okay :)

      And yes memang best sebab udara segar dan view memang cantik sangat ^^

  2. Thank goodness kan ada org baik tolong hantarkan your wallet ke L&F counter tu....btw cantik sangat view! Bestnya dapat jalan2 di Canada :)

    1. Betul. Memang nasib baik dangat ada orang pulangkan dekat Lost and Found. Kalau tak, mahu menangis saya masa tu T^T

  3. Alhamdulillah dpt semula wallet Farah tu. Mulia sungguh org yg jumpa tu.
    Wah kak ana teringin giler nak naik open chairlift ride tu. Tp kat sini mana ada. Paling dkt di Singapura rasanya.

    1. Itulah. Sangat-sangat nasib baik. Very thankful towards that person.

      Oh, dekat Singapore ada open chairlift ke? Tak tahu pula. Dah lama tak pergi Singapore.

  4. Fuh fuhhh, terkedu rasa bila baca part hilang wallet tuuu T__T

    Wallet tertinggal kat rumah pun rasa tak keruan. Huhu. I would love to play big chess and checkers like thattttt


    1. Kita yang mengalaminya, lagi la terkedu. Masa tu dah terfikir banyak benda kena buat kalau wallet tu betul-betul hilang. Kena call dan pergi bank. Kena call embassy T^T

  5. yes I remember the post when u went there during winter. oh wow it's even more mesmerizing in the summer.

    1. I think they look gorgeous in both winter and summer :)

    2. Yeah, true that. Wanted to see how it looks like during fall but I don't have a transportation to go there T^T

  6. nak tengok grizzly bear! hehe

    1. I don't think I have a picture of that grizzly. Let me search it in my folder first or maybe I'll try to screen capture it from my video if I accidentally recorded the grizzly bear.

  7. Dapat balik wallet kat counter lost and found? Nampak sangat orang sana yang jumpa wallet tu jujur. Kalau kat Malaysia.... Tawakal je lah kalau wallet dah tercicir.

    1. Yes, dekat Canada ni kalau hilang barang, insya Allah boleh jumpa balik la but again, it all depends on your luck. I guess I was lucky that day.

  8. Wah, bestnya naik gondola! Dam hitam putih tu pun best!

    1. Kita naik open chairlift so memang best :D

  9. nak tryyyyy naik gondola yg kaki berjuntai tuuuuuuu mesti kecut perut hahahaha

    1. Saya naik yang itulah. Kalau first time, memang kecut perut. Tapi bila dah naik 2-3 kali, akan okay, insya Allah.

  10. nampak lg cantik dr winter heheh.. menghijau padang rumput.. ala xdpt tgk bear

    1. Mungkin sebab winter nampak semua putih je. Kalau pergi masa summer, ada warna lain juga? :)


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