Exploring Johnston Canyon in Summer

Had a chance to go to Johnston Canyon for the first time last summer (Can't believe that summer is now over and it has been snowing for the past few days. Where is fall again? T^T). Johnston Canyon was my first stop that day so I had a lot of energy and was mentally and physically prepared to go for a hike.

Tip: Go early in the morning or later in the evening to avoid the crowd.

Johnston Canyon, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada

Johnston Canyon hike is an approximately 7 km return hike if you're going up to the Upper Falls. Otherwise, it should be an approximately 2.5 km return hike if you're going up to the Lower Falls only. Am not sure about the elevation gain. Think it's about 135 meters if you're going up to the Upper Falls.

Tip: Ditch your and use public transportation as parking spaces are limited. Parks Canada runs a shuttle service in summer for CAD 5 return trips. Otherwise, Hop On Banff can be a decent alternative.

Johnston Canyon, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada

As someone who's not physically fit per se (I'm a couch potato through and through, in case you still haven't realized this), I think the hike was pretty easy and doable for someone like me. I obviously huffed and puffed through my way up to the Upper Falls but I didn't have a moment like, "Ughhhhhh, penat gila. I don't think I can do this T_________T" So, that was good. I was quite happy with myself. lol. 

Lower Falls, Johnston Canyon, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada
Lower Falls

The trail heading to the Lower Falls was gorgeous. I loved it! I was in awe all the time. I think it's going to be a magical experience if there is less crowd. I actually enjoyed my walk so much that I didn't realize that I had arrived at the Lower Falls. I arrived at the Lower Falls with a heap of people, so it was kinda congested at the viewing bridge (as you can see below).

Johnston Canyon, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada
Lower Falls

When I was there, I saw a line heading through a tunnel. Intrigued by the line, I decided to line up as well because I was curious about what was waiting at the other end of the tunnel. Apparently, you'll get a closer look at the Lower Falls at the end of the tunnel. I was lucky that the line was not that long when I was there. Had to wait less than 3 minutes before getting a spot at the end of the tunnel and finally seeing the Lower Falls from a closer range. 

Tip: If you have an expensive camera, please bring a waterproof cover as your camera might be misted with water.

Upper Falls, Johnston Canyon, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada
Upper Falls

I then walked to the Upper Falls. The trail heading to the Upper Falls was quite different from the trail to the Lower Falls. I walked mainly through the forest this time. Am not sure how long it took to reach the Upper Falls from the Lower Falls because I didn't bother to check for time, but I think it was quite a long walk?

Once reached, I had two options on where I wanted to see the Upper Falls. I chose the easier one; a viewing platform at the bottom of the falls. The other option was a platform overhanging the gorge which can be reached by taking a steeper trail. I skipped the viewing platform overhanging the gorge because I thought I didn't have enough time. Apparently, I actually had more than enough time to see the Upper Falls from the other platform, an extra 20 minutes to be exact. I finished the whole trail and returned to the starting point in about 1 hour 30 minutes?

Anyway, it was a neat experience for me. Think it was one of the nicest and easiest hikes that I did last summer. I'm thinking about going to Johnston Canyon again this winter. Hopefully, when the time comes, I'll be ready to brace for the coldness.

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  1. Seronoknye. Id love to experience this at least once

  2. saya jelesnya dgn kak farah ni rajin hiking. saya suka juga hiking tapi cepat mengah xD mungkin sbb jarang gi hiking kot.. uhuhu

    1. Tak rajin pun pergi hiking. Orang kat sini lagi ramai yang rajin hiking. Hari bekerja pun pergi hiking. For me, pergi hiking waktu cuti je. Itu pun pergi hike tempat yang senang-senang je. Kalau curam sangat or tinggi sangat, tak pergi sebab tak larat. Penat dan cepat mengah T____T

    2. kira rajin tu, BV tak pernah hiking XD
      jeles ngan kak farah sebab selalu dapat tengok permandangan yang cantik2 macam tu :)

    3. BV, sementara duduk dekat tempat cantik ni, kita fully utilize the chances. Lepas ni, dah takde dah. Tahun depan nak kena balik Malaysia dah T^T

  3. Replies
    1. It has to because this place is a habitat for some species. Plus, it's located in a national park.

  4. ya Allah view nye lawa kemain laaa Farah glad that u made it to the top. boleh banje kami kami gambar hehe.. im not fit as well sumpah lembik tapi dats it la bila dah sampai tu we have to force ourselves jugak kan..

    1. Ini pun kira tak sampai to the top pun. Ada je trail lain yang pergi tempat tinggi lagi. Tak cukup masa, masa tu. Betul. Kadang kita bukannya fit sangat pun tapi pasal dah sampai, kita redah je la. Entah bila akan ada peluang lagi.

  5. tak boleh mandi situ ke Farah ? air dia nampak tempting betul. mesti sejuk gila

    1. Dekat falls tu tak boleh tapi on the way to Upper Falls tu ada creek. Still tak boleh mandi tapi boleh rendam kaki. Think the water was cold sebab dia glacial water.

  6. okay, boleh rasa gayat dia bila tengok jambatan tu but somehow I'm excited to see the water falls.. hehe

  7. Cantiknya tempat niiii... hihi cheq ni pula lagilah couch potato, kali terakhir hiking was some time in 2010 rasanya. Itu pun setakat memanjat bukit air di Perlis je, hihihi...

    New follower #158

    1. It was a very nice place. Very calming if you put the crowd aside :)

      Thank you for following ^^

  8. best nyerrr kalau dpt mandi time panas2 niiii

    1. Tapi masa saya pergi tu, agak sejuk. So, boleh beku kot. Lagipun ni glacial water. Tak boleh mandi sebarangan sebab air dia sejuk.


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