Scenic Snowshoe Tour of Lake Louise at Lake Louise Ski Resort

My team and I were invited to experience a few activities offered by Lake Louise Ski Resort (LLSR). I RSVP'd to the invitation with my main goal to go tubing. However, luck was not on my side as tubing is yet to be available at LSSR. The lady in charge told me that she booked a 2-Hour Scenic Snowshoe Tour for me instead and I'm always welcome to go tubing next year. So, I guess I'll go back to LLSR next year for tubing? Hehe :D

So, off I went to LLSR on December 14 by a bus provided by LLSR. It took us around 45 minutes from Banff to LLSR. Honestly, I was feeling quite down when we were on the way to LLSR because the weather was crappy and very dull. It was cloudy all the way from Banff to Lake Louise. I don't know, luck is always not on my side whenever I plan to go somewhere or do something :(

Scenic Snowshoe Tour Of Lake Louise At Lake Louise Ski Resort

Anyway, right after I arrived at the base of LLSR, I went to the Guides' Cabin where I met my guide for that day. He walked me through the necessary paperwork and gave me the equipment needed for this tour. We also exchanged information that we deemed necessary like my expectations and concerns. Turned out, that all these were not a problem because I was the only guest who signed up for that scenic snowshoe tour session. Yes, you read it right! I was the only person. So, I kind of got special treatment from my guide and our course was fully tailored to my ability :)

Scenic Snowshoe Tour Of Lake Louise At Lake Louise Ski Resort

We took a 15-minute gondola ride up to the mountain to go to our starting point. I told my guide that I was quite bummed with the weather that day but lo and behold, I totally ate my words when we reached a certain altitude. The view was surreal! It was spectacular. It was nothing like I had ever seen before. I was speechless for the rest of our gondola ride. You really have to see the view with your own eyes because all the pictures that I put in this post do not do justice to the view!

Scenic Snowshoe Tour Of Lake Louise At Lake Louise Ski Resort

Once we reached our starting point, my guide helped me with my snowshoe cause I'm such a princess -.-'' Walhal, sebenarnya, gelabah lebih dan terlebih takut. You should know by now, that winter and its entirety and I do not get along very well. We started walking along the trails while enjoying the vast view. My guide also started explaining about our surroundings - the mountains, plants, and wildlife, while we were walking along the trails. I have to say that my guide did a very excellent job in explaining and supplying information about Banff National Park and its components during the tour. I learnt so many new and interesting stuff that I felt so happy.

Scenic Snowshoe Tour Of Lake Louise At Lake Louise Ski Resort

The whole tour was quite breezy and fun except when we had to walk on a slanted surface. Only Allah knows how afraid I was when we had to walk on those slanted surfaces :( Overall and surprisingly, snowshoeing was not as hard as I expected. In fact, it was pretty manageable for someone who is not fit enough like me. But, I might feel this way because this tour is rated as easy on LLSR's website.

Scenic Snowshoe Tour Of Lake Louise At Lake Louise Ski Resort

Thank you so much Lake Louise Ski Resort for having me for this Scenic Snowshoe Tour. I truly appreciate it! I got to cross off one thing from my bucket list and for that, I am eternally grateful! :)

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  1. I can feel the sensation by watching those pictures <3 it would be cool if I experience it by my own T_T I really want to

  2. Love the view. Love the pics. Stunning and breathtaking.

  3. Moga tahun depan Farah boleh cross banyak item lagi from your bucket list :)

    1. Amin. Amin. Amin. Thank you so much, kak Farrah ^^

  4. Sedangkan gambar pun dah mengagumkan apa lagi kalau tgk dengan mata sendiri kan. MasyaAllah sangat cantik pemandangan di atas tu. Terasa nak sangat ke sana skrg walaupun kak ana tak tahan sejuk.

    1. Saya pun tak tahan sejuk, kak Ana but it was really worth it :)

  5. I hope my dreams come true.. wanna go there!!

    1. Amin! Hopefully you can come here someday :)

  6. Those view is mesmerizing..! How I wish I could be there..

  7. Just the photos look so nice, albeit the view in real life is majestic! Hopefully I'll be there someday

  8. the view looks so refreshing! rasa nak pergi sana sekarang jugak. cantik sangat :D

  9. gmbr no 4 tu sebijikkkkk mcm kt mt rigi... view mcm ni x de kt negara kite so no wonder kite sgt2 mengaguminya kn😊

    1. Had to google Mt. Rigi. Bestnyaaaaaa dapat pergi gunung dekat Swiss. Yessss, betul sangat. Sebab view ni takde dekat negara kita tu yang macam suka sangat tu :D

  10. Haha, I smiled when you mentioned the course was fully tailored to your ability. Still remember my first hike, the mountain was fully covered with ice (no more snow but ice), it was so tiring to keep up with the Czechs as well, the legs are longer and their paces are faster T_T

    The photos are very spectacular just like you said! T_T Entah bila nak jejak Canada niiii

    My favourie view of winter is when the clouds separate the mountains and the land ;D :D

    1. Hi Hanis. It's been awhile!

      Yessss, I was super grateful the tour was tailored to my ability due to reasons you mentioned above. Mana boleh lawan dengan mat salleh kaki panjang T_T

      Insya Allah adalah rezeki nanti. Kita ni bila entah nak dapat peluang jejak Europe tu :/

  11. hi. ur're one of the 10 lucky choosen blogger to be in my special blog list until the end of feb.

    1. Thank you so much, Ray! Truly appreciate it ^^

  12. Nangis tengok view cantik sangat camni <3 How I wish to be there. Cantik sangatttttt <3 Semua gambar cantik, tak pergi dan dapat tengok gambar cantik camni pun, enough for me :)

    1. Kita pun rasa nak nangis juga masa tu cuma tak nangis sebab nanti air mata beku je. Hahahaha :D

  13. subhanallah cantiknyaaa.. ini tengok dalam gambar macam ni. kalau dengan mata sendiri ottoookae ? ahahaha.. one fine day ooone fine day !!


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