How Did Farah, The Fangirl Fare This 2017?

I'm working on my personal reflection of this year but I'm not sure if the post will see a light or not cause it may be uncomfortably personal to be shared with strangers on the internet. So, while I'm still contemplating publishing my personal reflection on this year, I thought to myself, why don't I give Farah, The Fangirl a space to evaluate her life as a fangirl?


Hello, everyone! 

This is Farah, the Fangirl. For a lack of better words, 2017 was achingly bittersweet for me. Honestly, 2017 was such a real emotional roller coaster ride. So many things happened - good and bad, happy and sad, that I can't help but feel completely drained and overwhelmed at the end.

K-concerts / K-shows

I had the time of my life when I attended 3 shows of Sweet Sorrow's Harmony Concert and met them backstage. As shallow as it may sound, it was one of my life highlights this year. It took me around 3 months before I completely moved on with my life! I know it was unhealthy to take that long to move on but I can't help to react that way after 7 years of waiting and wishing it to happen.

Sweet Sorrow (스윗 소로우) & I

However, I also had a fair share of disappointment when I had to miss WeAreYoung's first concert in South Korea, SEVENTEEN's Diamond Edge Concert in Toronto and  Antenna Music's With Antenna: The Label Concert Concert in New Jersey. While money was not really a problem, time and distance were the absolute obstacles. From a fangirl perspective, often, I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Yet, realistically, I was actually at the right place at the right time.

K-pop / K-music

2017 might be my slowest year as a K-pop / K-music fangirl and I think I'm okay with this fact? I'm actually quite happy because I'm no longer emotionally invested like I used to. I did not really listen to the recently released songs. I did not watch any performances of any music shows. In fact, I have yet to listen to Super Junior's album though I still (reluctantly) identified myself as an ELF. Well, it's not only Super Junior, I have yet to listen to EXO's, SEVENTEEN's, and BTS's new albums as well.


Korean Dramas That I've Watched Or Still Watching in 2017

It was a different case for K-dramas. I think I watched too many K-dramas this year, now that I started to lose interest in K-pop. The number of K-dramas that I finished watching this year was insanely unhealthy. If you read the Happy 3-Month Anniversary, you can see that I actually watched almost 24 dramas in 3 months! There are still quite a lot of K-dramas that I want to watch but I have to put them on hold simply because I don't have enough time.

Korean Dramas That I've Watched Or Still Watching in 2017

K-variety shows

I watched almost none K-variety shows this year. I stopped watching Running Man ages ago. I have yet to pick up any new K-variety shows though I'm interested in a few of them. I may have watched those short K-variety shows here and there like 3 Meals A Day and Winner's Youth Over Flowers but the only show that I'm following religiously until now is 2 Days 1 Night. Too bad it's been a while since 2 Days 1 Night aired a new episode :/

Variety Show That I Watched In 2017

K-entertainment news that affected me the most

Sung Jin Hwan's departure from Sweet Sorrow
I almost cried when I came back from this work to this news. I refrained from crying because I didn't think it was right for me to cry. His reason for leaving Sweet Sorrow and the music industry was far more important than my feelings! Sung Jin Hwan indirectly played a big role in my last teenage years and early 20s. He was the soothing and calming voice whenever I struggled with my life in Subang Jaya and Canada. My heart still hurts whenever I think that he is fighting so hard with his inner demons all this while while smiling and making jokes all the time. With unfortunate incidents happening in the South Korean entertainment industry recently, I earnestly hope he will not be triggered! 

Please, please, please, Sung Jin Hwan! Hope you will find your precious yourself. Hope you will find your happiness back! Hope you will find the right help and the help that you need! Please be happy, Sung Jin Hwan!

Kim Joo Hyuk's passing
I saw an Instagram post of Kim Joo Hyuk's passing written in Hangeul when I was at work. I had to refresh Soompi for few times to get a confirmation cause my Hangeul is still not that good and I wanted to get more details. I cried a bucket when Soompi updated the news. Didn't know that I would get affected that much because honestly, I do not consider myself an avid fan. He may have slipped into my subconscious mind whenever I watched 2 Days 1 Night that I felt a void and was so beaten when I read the news. Or maybe because I just finished his new-and-last drama 2 days before his passing.

Super Junior's Choi Siwon and Bugsy's controversy
Aaaaaa, Choi Siwon! What could have been?! If you guys have been following me since a few years ago, you must know that Choi Siwon is the one who dragged me into this madness that is K-pop. I have mindlessly waited for him for 2 years to finish his army service and make a glorious comeback. But, all the time spent waiting for him kinda went down the drain when his dog's controversy came to the surface. Now that I think about it, this controversy may act as a catalyst for my loss of interest in K-pop in general. Consequently, I sadly have to say that Choi Siwon is no longer my ultimate bias!

Goodbye, Siwon! It has been a fun 7 years but I think this is it. This is the end. I may not like you like I used to but you may find me smiling and laughing at you sometimes. It's a habit. Please don't misunderstand! :p

SHINee's Onew's controversy
I'm a casual fan of SHINee or Onew to be exact. I listen to them whenever I'm tired of hearing my favourite songs or when they release a song that suits my taste. So, I was utterly speechless when I read the news about his sexual harassment controversy. SHINee's Onew might be one of the last SM's idols that I would think of to be involved in this kind of controversy. Not that I have any expectations of him but it felt like this incident happened out of nowhere.

SHINee's Jonghyun's passing
Just when I thought 2017 could not get any worse, this happened. Jonghyun's passing felt like a wake-up call and a reminder that these idols are human too and they have their own struggles - not like I think of them as a lesser being or a product all this time. Can't ever listen to SHINee the same way again :/ His passing also brings mental health problems to light again. While I was quite sad about his passing, I think his passing was a great reminder to all fans around the world that you may have no idea what's happening with your idols behind their stage personas. So, please don't judge a book by its cover and please remember to be kind, always!

To everyone who's struggling and fighting your inner demons, please remember that you matter and someone in this world loves you more than you love yourself!

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  1. up till now pun i still watch runningman!! hahah addicted!! Oh happy new year btw!!!

    1. I have stopped watching Running Man ages ago. Thank you! Happy new year to you too ^^

  2. ini memang fan sejati hehehe.. banyaknya drama tengok. ive downloaded few but yang awal tahun punya pun baru khatam. hehe nak download yang lain2 since akak seorang penganggur skarang hehe..

    1. Tak berapa nak sejati sangat kot. Hahaha. Dah banyak kurang K-pop tapi beralih arah ke K-drama pula.

  3. Waww banyaknyaa. Kita tak fan sangat, tapi tak bermakna benci. Suka, tapi jenis yang xmyabar kalau tengok drama. Suka skip. At the end tak paham hahaa.

    1. I live watched most of the dramas. Tapi ada je yang I binge-watched. Kalau binge-watching tu, memmang banyak jugalah main skip skip. Tak larat nak menghadap drama lama-lama sangat.

  4. Betul2 minat industri hiburan korea farah ye. Kak ana suka juga tp more on kdrama lah walau kadang mcm x sempat nk layan. Hbs2 record je dulu. Last kdrama kak ana layan hospital ship. Running man tak pernah miss sampai skrg walau awal tahun ni agak bosan games dia. Skrg dah back on track games dia cuma ahli baru RM tu mcm yak berapa nak minat. Hehe

    1. Saya rasa saya sebenarnya dah slow down banyak dah tahun 2017 ni. Cuma, tulah tiba tiba tertengok banyak drama pula tahun ni. Selalu saya dengar lagu dengan tengok variety shows je.

  5. Good Luck for your new chapter next year! May all you planned goes well! Happy new year from Hana!! ^^

  6. Woah ~ Hands down... that's quite a lot: 24 dramas in 3 month. Byk tue.

    Phewww~ Nadia pun suka tgk K-Drama but usually 3 dramas in a month tue pun dah akhir2 tahun nie . tgk separuh je then tak complete tgk sbb maybe penat kerja or etc. I don't know. Whatever it is. K-Drama for life !! Hahaha.

    happy new year, dear <3

    1. Well, that happened because I have no social life for 3 months. So, I resorted to watch K-dramas to compensate my non-existence social life.

      Happy new year to you too ^^

  7. omaigod banyaknya kdrama yang dah tengok! sya pun layan jugak kdrama yang best-best :) haha but (me recommending hehe ) kak farah, u should watch this new kdrama "just between lovers" best sangat! anyway, Happy New Year!

    1. I have not finished all of them. Some of them are still on-going and some of them I dropped in the middle. Not sure when will I pick them up again. Maybe this year or maybe never. Hahaha. Just Between Lovers is on my list. Still trying to find time to watch that drama. I can't squeeze more drama right now. Hahaha.

      Thank you. Happy new year to you too ^^

  8. wow dahsyatnya kak farah, 3 months utk 24 kdramas! saya boleh kira pakai jari je berapa banyak yg sempat tengok xD

    1. I dropped some of them. I did not finish all of them. Hahahaha. Begitulah nasib orang takde life sangat ni.

  9. Your k-dramas list made me woah for a while.. hahaha.. But they're addictive..! About runningman, I think you should give it another try because I think it's getting better with the new members..
    And, Jonghyun's death.. Sigh.. I never knew he would leave such an impact in me..

    1. I haven't finish all of them. Those were the dramas that I started watching in 2017, actually. Hahahaha. I'm not sure about Running Man. Maybe I'll try one or two episodes if I have more time. Sorry to hear about Jonghyun's passing.

  10. woww this year got too many K-dramas yang mmg semua best & unluckyly I do only watch about 7 dramas this year ?

    1. Yessss, 2017 got some good Korean dramas! :D

  11. wow! fiza just sempat layan Running Man je la =__='

    1. Saya dah lama tak layan Running Man. Rasa macam tak berapa nak minat sangat dengan Running Man.

  12. Serious arhh dh tak tengok running man ? Wahhhh kne bg tips nie mcm mna nak kurangkan ke-k-pop-an sbb kat rumah nie 24 jam rancangan kpop 😫😫

    1. Yessssss Zharif, lama dah tinggal Running Man. Tiada tips untuk kurangkan "ke-k-pop-an" cause I have no idea how.

  13. Fuhhhh peminat Korean drama betul ni. Heheh. Happy New Year Farah!

    1. 2017 je baru macam hardcore sikit. Hahahaha. Happy new year, Nani! :)

  14. Happy new year... Semoga ada permulaan yang baik hingga ke hujungnya...

  15. Wow, that's a lot of K-drama you've watched, I couldn't compare! I was absorbed with K-drama too that I totally ignore what's happening to K-pop thus I don't really know new songs released even from my favorite idols.
    Kim Joo Hyuk and Kim Jonghyun's passing was a shocking news but TOP's Marijuana case was what affected me the most as he's my favorite idol.
    Looking forward to your 2018, may it be better and brighter for you :)

    1. Some of them are still airing, some of them I've dropped infinitely, so I guess they do not count? Hahaha :D

      I'm not a fan of BIGBANG so TOP's case did not affect me at all ^^

      Thank you so much! Same goes to you ^^

  16. Fuhhhh 24 dramas in 3 months? Saluuuteee lah haha

    1. I said, almost la. Almost. Bukan 24 tau. Hehe ^^

  17. tu diaaaaa... lbh krg sama cm perangai sy thn 2006 dulu... berpuluh2 drama tgk tp laa ni 1 drama nk habis pun payah haahhaa

    1. Sebab tu sekarang ni saya tiada social life. I spent all my time watching Korean dramas. lol

  18. 24 dramas in 3 months!!! Perghhhh Farah, cenggini 👍🏻 Terbaik. Siqah tak boleh lagi sampai tahap camtu.

    Biasanya Siqah tengok up to 4 dramas sekali. Paling banyak dah lah rasanya tu. itu pun semua drama ongoing. Kalau drama yang dah habis, memang marathon lah jadinya macam drama Because This Is My First Life :D

    Siqah kurang sikit K-Pop. Tahu mana2 lagu yang kuar radio je. Nak search sendiri memang tak lah 😅

    Happy New Year, Farah <3

    1. Almost 24 tau bukan 24 pun. Dapat tengok banyak macam tu sebab takde social life. Kalau ada social life, memang tak sempatlah nak tengok drama banyak macam tu.

      How did you like Because This Is My First Life?

      Happy new year, Siqah! ^^

  19. There's so much thing that I wanted to say (comment), but to sum up..we're in the same boat, maybe not in the same case but being a fan-girl is hard for me for 2017..and I think I am too old for this fan-girling things already :)

    btw, happy new year my dear.

    1. Me too, kak Sally! I think I'm too old for this thing now. Planning to slow it down starting this year.

      Happy new year too, kak Sally! ^^

  20. waaaa banyaknya tengok drama while me pilih sebab actor or storyline jenis romcom je :')

    1. Saya pun selalunya tengok sebab actors je. Tak pun tengok story line dia. Itu yang banyak sangat tengok dramanya ni.

  21. It warms my heart so much to read this! Sorry, I wonder why I didn't get any update of your blog on my feed, just to realize I haven't follow this new blog? I have now! :D

    1. I have no thoughts of going to any concerts but I would love to watch any live recordings of variety shows - especially Running Man or 2D1N

    2. Wow! Almost-24 dramas are a lot! I must admit that I cannot recognise most of the posters you compiled there, expect few like Fight For My Way?, Black, Hospital Ship. How can K dramas writers write so many stories and they are not similar to one another? T__T

    3. Of K-variety shows.... hmmm, I occasionally watch TROS, 2D1N if it's aired when I switch on the TV. Sometimes I feel like I am too old to religiously follow the episodes every single week. T_T Same here, stop watching RM ages ago. Still, my heart flutter to listen to KJK hahahaha

    4. I am not that updated with the K-news. Just the last case, Jonghyun's passing. T_T

    1. Hehehehehe. No worries, Nina. Thank you so much! ^^

      1. I want to see 2 Days 1 Night's shooting or recording too. I missed my chance when I was in Seoul last time. I think they were at Gyeongbokgung 1 or 2 days after I went there. What made me feel so heartbroken by this was I was at Gyeongbokgung and its nearby area for 4 or 5 days straight T___T Tapi, tulah takde rezeki T__T

      2. Almost, Nina and in case you missed the reason why I got to watch that many dramas, let me reiterate. I had no social life here, no friends, nada T___T

      3. I only follow 2D1N religiously out of habit and because I want to see Cha Tae Hyun. Kalau tak, memang tak gigih dah nak tengok 2D1N.

      4. I think Jonghyun's passing was the biggest shock in K-entertainment news but for me, I was most affected by Sung Jin Hwan's departure from Sweet Sorrow. It is all because I have been his fan since 7 years ago T__T


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