My Songs of November 2017

*I began typing this post while listening to First Date by Sweet Sorrow and it brought me back to 4 months ago, when I just first arrived in Canada. Oh, those carefree days! :)*

I find it fascinating and quite funny how songs that I listen to can actually remind me of my memories and what has happened in my life. The more intense something happened in my life (good or bad; happy or sad), the more I remembered the songs that I listened to at that moment. And listening to the songs again in the present time will definitely bring me back to those times.

This November was not an exception too. I think I have been feeling quite lonely without realizing it and somehow few songs that I have been listening to have stuck in my mind. I think I will remember this November and this loneliness whenever I am listening to these songs in the future.

NU'EST (뉴이스트) - ONEKIS2

Roy Kim (로이킴) - Suddenly (문득)

10cm (십센치) & Orange Caramel (오렌지 캬라멜) - Hug Song (안아줘요)

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  1. I felt the same. There are some songs that can relate with our current situation.
    Sometimes the songs can even help me in my writing as well. there's this some kind of feeling that only i understand. im sure u know what i meant.

    1. Yesssss, I totally get what you meant by that! :)

  2. i can relate :)

    suka lagu roy kim :D

    1. I guess some people really can relate :)

      Me too! I love his song especially this one ^^

  3. When you hear a song with a happy melody, it can change your mood; it can change your day and vice versa :D

    1. Betul! Tak dinafikan but sometimes even a song with a happy melody can remind me of negative feelings and emotions. Weird eh?


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