That One Time I Met a Korean Guy Who Can Speak Bahasa Melayu

I wrote this post a few months ago but just felt like posting it right now :) 

I didn't usually make a lot of small talk with our guests during the check-in process because I had to complete the entire check-in process in 7 minutes. However, I did make exceptions sometimes depending on the lines, the crowd, and the guests themselves.

Anyway, back in November 2019 I believe, I checked in this one Korean guy. He was so friendly and talkative during the entire check-in process. I was busy keying in his details in our system when he suddenly and randomly started to talk in Malay.

"Saya orang Korea. Saya suka dan cinta Malaysia."

I replied while chuckling, "Oh ya ke? Terima kasih."

"Malaysia negara kedua saya. Saya rindu Malaysia. Saya datang ke sini selepas 6 tahun. Bahasa Melayu saya okay tak?"

"Okay je. Bolehlah faham. Where did you learn the Malay language?"

"Saya kerja di sini dulu. Saya juga belajar melalui YouTube. Saya datang sini selepas 6 tahun sebab saya rindu. Malaysia masih macam dulu. Ada perubahan tapi tak banyak sangat. Saya sedih sebab ada barang yang sudah mahal. Macam bilik awak. Mahal. Duit saya habis."

I lol'd so hard when he said that our rate was expensive because I kinda agreed with him. Especially if you're buying the 3-hour or 6-hour package.

"Saya suka durian. Saya suka Terengganu. Banyak pulau cantik. Saya tak nak balik Korea. Saya mahu duduk sini ㅠㅠ."

I didn't know how to respond to his antics, so I just smiled.

Hello Gorgeous

Suddenly, he said something.

"Saya qwertyuuiop."


"Saya qwertyuuiop."

"Sorry, tak faham."

"Saya abang sado!"

Again, I lol so hard that my colleagues were giving me eyes. According to them, they had never seen me laughing like a crazy person, Thankfully, there were no people around. Otherwise, they might think that I'm crazy as well.

"Saya sado tak?"

I just smiled and asked him, "Mana belajar perkataan sado ni?"

"Kawan saya ajar."

Anyway, that was a gist of things that happened at the time. I thoroughly enjoyed our short encounter and conversation because honestly, it was crazy amusing and funny.

May I also add that at one point, he shyly shared with me what's he doing as a passion project. He runs a YouTube channel on anything in Malaysia.

As per what he said, "Saya ada YouTube channel tapi saya tak famous. Orang tak tahu pasal channel saya." 

I honestly have never heard of his channel before but I did go to his channel once in a while after that. I think his subscribers have increased by more than 10k than before.

Tak famous konon! 😛

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  1. Replies
    1. He is funny! Tak dan nak ketawa bila melayan.

  2. terbayang macam Maryammurr DurianKimchi ckp melayu hahaha

    1. Lain sikitlah bila dia cakap Melayu kalau compare dengan Maryam tu. Dia macam lagi fasih dari Maryam tu.

    2. wahhhh lagi fasih daripada Maryam kira power betul tu!

    3. Memang lagi power la tapi masih pelat-pelat juga (:

  3. *alamak tak sure comment masuk ke tak ni farah sbb bila klik publish keluar : Whoops, that's an error.

    1. Masuk je comment nya, kak Ana (:

    2. ehhh haah lah masuk je rupanya ye. ingatkan tak masuk hehehe

  4. That "saya abang sado" part is so funny XD Ni kalau orang Malaysia cakap mesti rasa pelik.

    I wonder who he is. Ramai sangat youtuber Korea buat content pasal Malaysia, cannot guess who XD

    1. The abang sado part was really funny to me as well. Back then, I just learned what is abang sado few weeks prior to my encounter with him. Nasib faham. Kalau tak faham, lagi kelakar sebab orang Korea lagi tahu dari orang Malaysia ni.

      I rather not to put his channel name here, tapi kalau nak tahu sangat-sangat, boleh pm tepi. Hiks :D

  5. entah2 dia adik maryam / ipar si rizal tu hahaahhaah

  6. wahhh.. betul2 mcm nk mencari joodh org malaysia jelah haha

    1. Eh, tak kot. Saya tak rasa taste dia orang Malaysia tapi dia memang sukalah dengan Malaysia ni :D

  7. mana gambar diaa... nak tengok hehe

    1. Takde gambar dia sebab masa tu tengah kerja . Plus, we are not allowed to disclose our guests' identity pun (:

  8. Tersenyum-senyum saya baca bab sado tu :)

    1. Kelakar kan. Orang Korea pun pandai guna perkataan sado.

  9. Mesti melting giler time dia ckp dia sado kan. Haha. Sis bayang dia hensem cam oppa korea. Hahaha

    1. Kita tak melting sebab tak faham sangat apa dia cakap mula-mula. Kena ulang banyak kali baru faham. Hahahahaha :D

      Oh, and dia tak handsome macam oppa Korea pun. Hehehe. Just an average guy, I would say but then beauty is in the eye of beholder pun kan :)

  10. hahhahah this is cute! pandai pulak berbahasa malaysia :D
    part abang sado tu lawak XD BV perasan sekarang makin banyak channel youtube by korean yang centered about malaysian, especially in foods :)

    1. Itulah dia. Pandai pula berbahasa Melayu. Akak pun perasan banyak juga Korean YouTubers yang buat content pasal Malaysia. Senang nak dapat audience kot ^^

  11. Hihi very friendly Korean tourist.. dia excited sangat kot tu dapat mai visit Malaysia lagi setelah sekian lama 😆

    1. Indeed, he was very friendly and really, he was excited sebab dapat datang balik Malaysia. Asyik cakap tak nak balik Korea dan nak stay dekat Malaysia je.

  12. Don't be shy sis, drop his youtube channel link hahahaha
    btw, that photo says a lot about that guy hehe ☺️


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