Halal Kitchen, Samcheong-dong

I have been to South Korea, namely Seoul few times and on every single trip, I went alone because it was hard to find anyone else to accompany me. As such, it was hard for me to go and eat at restaurants in South Korea as quite a lot of them were not solo-friendly (I had been denied a few times) or I had to order for 2 as they had minimum order.

Halal Kitchen, Samcheong-dong
Staircases to the Halal Kitchen, Samcheong-dong

So, I was truly grateful when my friend whom I had barely interacted with after I left for Canada for the second time, invited me to join her and her friends for lunch when I was in Seoul last year. I suggested that we go for lunch at the Halal Kitchen, Samcheong-dong because I have always wanted to try the food at the Halal Kitchen, Samcheong-dong :)

Finding the restaurant was not hard because I was familiar with the area. I think it's hard for you to get lost once you have arrived at the Samcheong-dong. You just have to keep your eyes open, okay? :)

Bulgogi & Samgyetang @ Halal Kitchen, Samcheong-dong
Bulgogi (불고기) and Samgyetang (삼계탕)

So, my friends and I went for a late lunch. Thankfully, Halal Kitchen was still open (they have a specific break time that you should check before you go) and they had enough space for five of us. Alhamdulillah. Deciding what to eat was also breezy as they only had two things on their menu; Bulgogi (불고기) and Samgyetang (삼계탕).

Bulgogi @ Halal Kitchen, Samcheong-dong
Bulgogi (불고기)
Around KRW 16,000 to KRW 18,000 per pax (I don't remember the exact price)
The minimum order is for 2 pax

As Halal Kitchen required minimum order, we ordered Bulgogi for 2 pax and Samgyetang for 2 pax. I personally was surprised when the Bulgogi came because it was similar to the Bulgogi that I watched in Baek Jeong Won's Alley Restaurant! Have always wanted to try one ever since I watched that episode.

The Bulgogi was so good, so delicious. The meat was juicy, the vegetables were fresh and the soup was flavourful. I can't get enough of it. It was probably the most delicious bulgogi that I have ever had in my life. *salivating while typing this post 😋*

Bulgogi @ Halal Kitchen, Samcheong-dong
Samgyetang (삼계탕)
Around KRW 16,000 to KRW 18,000 per pax (I don't remember the exact price)
The minimum order is for 2 pax

The Samgyetang was delicious too but the Bulgogi stole my heart and I think the goodness of the samgyetang was pale compared to the Bulgogi. One thing that I would like to highlight about the Samgyetang, it didn't taste medicine-y like I expected it to considering ginseng was one of the ingredients. Also, as shallow as it sounds, I felt so Korean when eating the Samgyetang 😛

Service-wise, I would say it was quite exceptional because they offer something similar to a slow dining experience. The chef will come to each table and explain about the dishes to everyone. He also will explain the best way to enjoy the enjoy the dishes. However, if you don't fancy something like this, you probably won't enjoy the service as much.

Price-wise, I would say they were on the expensive side. Also, you still have to order at least two ㅠ_ㅠ. If you want to pay less, you have to come with a lot of people so that it will average out.

All in all, I would love to eat again at the Halal Kitchen, Samcheong-dong though it probably will make my wallet bleed. I crave for their bulgogi. Their bulgogi is something that I would like my parents to try. Hopefully, it will be soon, once this COVID-19 has died down a little bit?

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  1. Bestnya makan makanan korea. Kami suka bulgogi jugak. tapi kat Malaysia je la.. Hehehe

    1. Saya belum pernah makan bulgogi dekat Malaysia, so tak tak tahu macam mana rasa dia. Tapi, bulgogi yang ini serious sedap :)

  2. Arghhh sedapnya uittt...paling teringin nak makan ikan grill dia...adeiii

    1. Sini takde ikan grill. Ikan grill tu dekat Dongdaemun sana tu. Betul tak?

  3. I always find that samgyetang is very comforting to eat. Hahaha. If I need to choose, it will still be bulgogi. Snap! Hahaha

    1. Seriouslah, samgyetang is very comforting to eat? For me, samgyetang tu makan kalau rasa macam nak sihat sikit. Hahahahaha. Bulgogi for the win eh? :)

  4. I heard Halal Kitchen has been closed down? I went there last December and the restaurant is closed at that time.

    1. I'm not sure about that. The last time I checked (which was quite recent), they were still up and running. Maybe you went there when they were closed?

  5. wahhhhhh syoknya mendaki staircase pastu makan makan makan hehehe

    1. Betul! Tu yang syok tu. Tapi at the same time rasa macam tak puas sebab lepas makan pun dah kena turun tangga. Hahahaha :D

  6. sedapnyaaa nampak menu2 disana tu.. dgn feeling2 lagi kan..
    smoga ada rezeki nk kembali kesana =)

    1. Dia ada dua menu je. Tak banyak pilihan tapi bulgogi dia memang sedap sangat! :D

  7. ni baru berbaloi2 👍👍👍👍👍😊

    1. Yes, yang ini sangat-sangat berbaloi! :D

  8. Sedapnyaaa.. nikmat makan kt korea dgn di malaysia maybe tak sama


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