Brown Sugar Deerioca Creme Brulee @ The Alley, Hongdae

Had a chance to go to The Alley, Hongdae when I went to South Korea last year. I actually didn't know that South Korea has The Alley until I saw a few people holding The Alley's cups. It took me two days to figure out the location of The Alley, Hongdae though I walked along the road every day. lol. 

If I read the banner correctly, The Alley, Hongdae just opened that week. They didn't even have the official opening ceremony yet. At that time, they had this promotion for their reusable cups. If I read it correctly (sorry, I don't really understand Hangul so I just roughly guessed based on my limited understanding), they were selling their reusable cups for KRW 3,000 and you'll get KRW 1,000 discount if you bring their reusable cups every time you purchase the drinks from The Alley.

The Alley, Hongdae, Seoul, South Korea
The Alley, Hongdae

Anyway, I found a few interesting things from my visit to The Alley, Hongdae. Firstly, they used cute and sturdy reusable cups if you're drinking in (is this even a word?). Secondly, you are not allowed to stay in the cafe (?) if your order is for take-away. I saw them escorting a few customers out as they stayed in even though they ordered for take-away. Thirdly, you are not allowed to take pictures of the workers. They will warn you directly if you're caught taking pictures of the workers. I saw a few customers get warned by the manager.

On a totally irrelevant note, The Alley Hongdae has this one cute worker. He looks like a mix of Nickhun and Mark NCT. Can you imagine how my heart fluttered when he helped me with my order and sent my drink to my table? Hahahahaha #justkidding #not

Brown Sugar Deerioca Creme Brulee @ The Alley, Hongdae
Brown Sugar Deerioca Creme Brulee 
KRW 5,800

I ordered the Brown Sugar Deerioca Creme Brulee as that's the only drink from The Alley that I have tried. Unfortunately, I didn't like it as much as I expected. It was not as sweet as it should be and it was quite warm. It was supposed to be cold though ㅠㅠ The Brown Sugar Deerioca Creme Brulee from The Alley Malaysia tastes so so so much better than The Alley South Korea's Brown Sugar Deerioca Creme Brulee. So, I definitely can assure you that I will never buy the Brown Sugar Deerioca Creme Brulee from The Alley South Korea if I ever get another chance. lol. 

But, but, but, I loved the cold air-conditioner and the cute worker.

Just kidding! 😜

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  1. Chances of you coming back just for the cute worker: 100% hahaha
    because that's what I'll do.
    Warm? Dorang tak letak ais ke? Oh my.. Tau lah yang dorang masak pearl tu but.. wow kalau warm tak best la..

    1. I probably will come back just to get a glimpse of his face. Hahahahah :D

      They put ice but not too much, that;s why it was warm kot.

  2. awwwwwwwwwwwwwh we know how your heart is thumping loljk hehehehe

  3. Yang creme brulee ni supposed the Alley punya signature drink kan? Tak pernah try lagi but the Alley memang emphasize on the original taste, sebab tu tak manis sangat. I pun kinda not liking the Alley sebab I suka minum manis! The Alley punya chocolate drink pun kurang manis.

    1. Yes, it's one of their signature drinks. I tak pernah try yang lain, I suka yang ini je. So, tak tahu yang lain tu manis ke or kurang manis.

  4. aloo comelnya cup dia haha
    kat malaysia punya pun saya tak minum lagi sebab sekarang ni banyak sangat choice xD

    1. Akak suka cup dia sebab comel. Akak pun first time minum waktu jalan jalan dekat SS 15.

  5. rindunya nak keluar beli air2 macam nie. sekarang takut gila nak keluar. hahahhaha
    BV belum try lagi brand the alley nie walaupun dah ada kat sini. harapnya lepas habis MCO nie boleh la try.

    1. BEtul, rindu sangat nak keluar beli air, jalan jalan. Akak pun takut sangat nak keluar sekarang. Dah dekat sebulan lebih tak keluar rumah.

      Yes, hopefully you can try one of their drinks :)

  6. huuuurm at this moment kalo dapat Tealive pun da happy loncat2 dah..
    xyah pegi yang jejauhhh tuuu..

    1. Betul! Kalau dapat Tealive pun dah best sekarang ^^


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