Sangkaya, Banting

I was so surprised when I first learned that Sangkaya would open in Banting a few years ago. My reaction was like, "Seriouslah? Dekat Banting? Woah, Banting dah maju!" 

Sangkaya, Banting

Naturally, I tried to find the Sangkaya store in Banting when I first got back from Canada. To my dismay, the store location is not strategic at all! I mean, my family rarely goes to that side of Banting. We only pass by that location whenever we're heading out to other places. As such, it's kinda hard for me to ask my dad or my sisters to drive me to Sangkaya, Banting.

Coconut Shake @ Sangkaya, Banting
Coconut Shake @ Sangkaya
MYR 9.90

Nothing much to say except that I loved every sip of it. After all, I'm the definition of #nutsaboutcoconuts lol. The only thing that made me a little bit upset was they increased the price in less than a week :(

Coconut Ice Cream @ Sangkaya, Banting
Coconut Ice Cream @ Sangkaya

Tasted like coconut. lol. Okaylah, like a real coconut. Hehe. For this one that I ordered, I got the coconut flesh together with the ice cream. Loved the ice cream but loved the coconut flesh more. Think 3 scoops of coconut ice cream is my limit for Sangkaya. I don't think I would love Sangkaya's coconut ice cream that much if I ordered more than 3 scoops.

Coconut & Gula Melaka Ice Cream @ Sangkaya, Banting
Gula Melaka (Palm Sugar) & Coconut Ice-Cream

Just tasted a bit of the Gula Melaka ice cream. It was sweet. That's it. I think I still love the original one more than the Gula Melaka. My sister said it tasted just like gula melaka if it makes sense to you. It actually did not make sense to me because I don't think I know how the gula melaka should taste like. lol

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  1. Nyummm cayaq di mulut musim panas2 ni 😁

  2. I love coconut too aahh sedihnya sini takdak Sangkaya 😞

    1. Kalau takde Sangkaya, maybe boleh cari je orang yang jual aiskrim kelapa :)

  3. The best coconut shake ever! cuma haritu time amer beli dia punya bau santan kuat sangat haha

    1. I actually heard and read that you can actually get a cheaper and more delicious version of coconut shake somewhere in Malaysia. Sangkaya is just overrated for them. I obviously beg to differ. Hahaha.

      I've never noticed the put santan in coconut shake. I have never tasted santan in their coconut shake.

  4. Banting is my hometown and I went to the Sangkaya as well! Sedappp sangat. Banting dah maju gila sekarang, even Mykori pun ada! Hahahah.

    1. I lvoe Sangkaya so I definitely agree with you! Hahahaha. Yessss, Banting tiba-tiba rasa maju sangat. Selain Mykori, dah ada Family Mart and Starbucks. Who have thought that eh? :)

  5. pasti segar tekak meminum nya..

  6. I haven't tried the Sangkaya store, just I've bought the ice cream cup from the mall, hmm, maybe coconut ice cream is not for me haha

    1. I haven't tried any other coconut ice-cream other than Sangkaya so I definitely can't comment on that. For me, Sangkaya's coconut ice-cream is delicious. Hehe.

  7. i haven't had this in a while. the one near me already closed and dah ganti with a new store. sobs

    1. Yang dekat Banting ni pun tak tahu boleh tahan berapa lama. Hopefully akan tahan lamalah sebab senang nak pergi kot kot kalau teringin sangat nak makan coconut ice-cream or nak minum coconut shake.

  8. xpenah try wpn dah byk kali lalu dpn outlet Sangkaya ni hehe


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