How to Rent a WiFi Egg in Seoul, South Korea

Wow, it's been a while since I last posted about anything South Korea eh. I have tens of posts pending about my 2016 trip. Not sure when they will be up though. Hahaha. Anyway, I'm going to share about how to rent a WiFi Egg in South Korea.

Up until the day this post was posted, I've been renting a WiFi egg in Seoul, South Korea, solely in this way, every time I'm in South Korea. I'm aware there are cheaper options out there, especially for Malaysians but back then, this was the most economical and convenient way for me. Mainly because I was always there for transit, not really for an actual trip.

T wifi rental by SK Telecom - WiFi Egg South Korea

There are few WiFi egg providers in South Korea but I always choose SK Telecom because they offer the cheapest price and the rental fees are almost always free. Basically, you only have to pay for the data which is priced at KRW 3,300 plus 10% VAT per day. They do, however, require a KRW 100,000 deposit but it'll be just a hold on your credit card.

PSA: I'll only be sharing my experience renting a WiFi egg from SK Telecom in Seoul, South Korea. However, the process may be similar and applicable to other WiFi egg providers.

T wifi Rental by SK Telecom

This is only applicable if you have a valid credit card as they do not accept debit cards.

Before you arrived in South Korea.

It's highly recommended to book the T wifi online as you'll be guaranteed to get the WiFi egg at the pick-up counter. Online reservations for T wifi should be made at least 3 days before you arrive in South Korea.

Click here to read the deets, and click here to make a reservation.

I've seen walk-in customers being denied at the counter because the customers didn't have reservations and SK Telecom only had a limited number of devices available. Again, it is best to book online. Fret not, there's no charge when you book online so you should be okay should you decide to cancel.

Once you've arrived in South Korea, particularly if you landed at Incheon International Airport (ICN)

Go to the pick-up/drop-off counter to pick up/drop off the WiFi egg. If you see people lining up, please do not forget to take the number ticket. The number ticket can be acquired through the machine located at the end of the counter. Otherwise, you won't be entertained.

Show your passport, credit card, and reservation ID, fill out the paperwork, and you shall be good. You then will receive the WiFi egg bundle. Please make sure you try connecting the internet connection using the WiFi egg before you leave the counter.

How to rent WiFI Egg in South Korea
Find this counter or other counters that look like this. They all should look similar to this.

Counter locations

Incheon International Airport - Terminal 1 (if you fly with Malaysia Airlines and AirAsia, you probably will land at this terminal)

1. Between Exit 6 and 7 on the ground floor - Business hours: 24 hours

2. Between Exit 10 and Exit 11 on the ground floor - Business hours: 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM 

Incheon International Airport - Terminal 2 (if you fly with Korean Air, you will land at this terminal)

1. Between the 2nd and 3rd exit on the 1st floor - Business hours: 24 hours

2. Between 4th and 5th exit on the 1st floor - Business hours: 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Easy peasy, eh? :)

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  1. haha kalau buat cerita travel ni mmng amek masa lama betul nak habiskan xD

    dulu masa saya gi jepun ada gak amek wifi yg jenis macamni. kitorg amek wifi tu siap2 kat KLIA, senangg

    1. Betul! Kalau buat cerita travel, memang sampai bila-bila rasa macam tak dan je. Kadang malas dah nak buat tapi takut tak ingat. Nanti sayang je kalau takde apa-apa notes yang boleh mengingatkan pengalaman masa travel.

      Sekarang ni dah banyak options kan. Akak tak pernah try yang dekat KLIA lagi sebab selalu pergi Korea untuk transit je.

  2. last time i book one and pick it up from klia2 ^^. didnt try the one in incheon yet.

    1. I think it's more economical and easier for Malaysians to rent ones in KLIA/KLIA2

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this! Sangat sangat membantu. ramai yang kata kat sana ada je wifi percuma tapi tuhlah lagi senang kalau ada wifi macam ni. senang nanti kan :D

    Fatina Mudz || Amazing Distance

    1. Yes, there are a lot of places with free WiFi but for an anxious me, I would feel a little bit secure if I'm guaranteed to get connected to WiFi everywhere, all the time.

  4. Masalah nak pergi travel --> tak ada credit card and they don't except debit card XD
    Last time pergi Jeju tu pun ambil wifi egg yang dekat KLIA2 tu je RM20 for 4 days.

    Might want to refer this post again if I suddenly dapat pergi Korea lagi XD

    1. Betul sangat! Agak susah nak travel kalau takde credit card. This is one of the reasons why I'm quite obsessed with credit card. By the way, murahnya dapat RM 20 for 4 days! >.<

  5. I'm going to South Korea next month! Eee tak sabar! But i think i will rent wifi from here jela. More easier, landed je terus boleh on wifi. Takde lah risau sangat since it will be my first time there.

    1. Whatever that rows your boat, okay? :) I think as a Malaysian, memang lagi senang kalau rent yang dari Malaysia je. Murah pun iya juga :)

      This one that I used was a little bit higher after currency exchange :)

  6. percaya tak, sy x penah langgan sbrg wi fi sepanjang jln2 ke luar...semua bergantung kpd wi fi hotel atau public wi fi hehehe lg pun bkn jenis yg nk berinternet 24 jam hehehe...yg penting ms smpi dah maklum kt family...

    1. Percaya..cheq ada kenal orang yang macam ni..hihi 😆

    2. Wah, kagumnya! Kalau saya, saya tak boleh kot sebab saya macam cepat anxious. Also, sebab saya selalu travel sorang. Saya ni pun alau ikutkan bukannya jenis yang nak berinternet 24 jam tapi saya suka ada back up plan ^^

  7. Uish..deposit saja sampai nak dekat USD100 tuu....satu langkah yang efektif untuk pastikan takdak customer yang nak bawak larik benda tu nanti 😆

    1. Betul tu! Deposit pun dekat USD 100. Kalau ada kerosakan ke apa ke, diaorang boleh terus ambil deposit tu. Kalau tak return ke apa ke, there'll be a chance that they will charge your credit card again.

  8. Thanks for sharing kak Farah!!! ^^

  9. Hi Farah, just drop by sini..good to see someone I know from 2016-2015 is still in this blogging world :D I am back writing :D

    1. Hi kak Aisya! Welcome back. So happy now you're back! :D

  10. bukan farah saja sama la kita.. ada yg tak start langsung up dlm blog. nice sharing

    1. Rasanya memang ramai yang ada masalah macam ni. Hahahaha :D

  11. I thought I was the only person who went to S. Korea in 2016 and until today the post is still pending in my drafts. Masa pergi tu semangat ambik gambar konon nak post dekat blog, bila dah balik Malaysia, punyalah malas! Tu yang pelan2 update sikit and nasib baik I'm the type that travels with my journal, easy for me to recall any info if I need it.

    Kenapalah tak tau pasal egg wifi ni masa pegi sana? Memanglah ramai yang cakap, "korea tu bersepah wifi free, dalam toilet pun ada wifi." but knowing me, I prefer to have my own internet connection. Because there were a lot of times when we needed the internet but couldn't find any. Takkan nak cari tandas semata-mata nak guna free wifi kan? I still remembered we were looking for instructions to go to places and man, kami terkial-kial macam apa cari internet. Alih2 ada hamba allah bagi guna handphone dia untuk buka google map. I hate it! Next time if I ever get to travel abroad, I'll rent whatever portabel wifi that is available and thank you for this post. Dah tau apa nak buat, takdelah tebal muka bila nak rent tapi tak cukup requirements.

    1. Untungnya! Mesti best bila travel with journal cause you can remember everything. As for me, I only remembered whatever happened, emotionally. Kalau takde impact sangat on my emotions, memang tak berapa ingat lah apa yang berlaku.

      It's my pleasure to share about this thing. Rasanya, sekarang ramai je yang dah tau pasal portable WiFi ni. And, sekarang memang dah banyak options untuk rent portable WiFi ni. Especially for Malaysians. Tinggal pilih je lah.


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