SMTOWN @coexartium

I was a huge fan of Super Junior and EXO a few years back. So when I was in South Korea, I thought I would like to visit at least one place related to them. However, SMTOWN @coexartium was not on my list. It was all by chance and alang-alang approach that brought me to the SMTOWN @coexartium. 

I got a ticket for a Music Bank concert at Gangnam and the concert took place on the road opposite the SMTOWN @coexartium. So, I thought to myself, "Okaylah. Dah alang-alang sampai sini kita pergilah tengok ada apa dekat SMTOWN @coexartium ni. Kata K-pop fangirl :p"

SMTOWN @coexartium

Disclaimer: While I do call myself a K-pop fangirl (or K-music fangirl, to be exact), I would like to think that I'm not that fanatic. The only thing that I am willing to do for my favourites is to attend their concerts and showcases (I usually think about 100 times before buying the tickets, though this does not apply to Sweet Sorrow). I don't really buy their albums, merchandise, products endorsed by them or whatnot. Having said that, I do own maybe 2 K-pop albums (LUNAFLY and SEVENTEEN) and a set of Sweet Sorrow's postcards. That's about it.

SUM Market at SMTOWN  @coexartium

After the concert ended, I went straight to the SMTOWN @coexartium. Unfortunately, it was not a wise decision because other hundreds of people were thinking the same thing as well. SMTOWN @coexartium was crazy packed that night. I was so overwhelmed by the number of people that I decided to leave after visiting the SMTOWN GIFT SHOP: SUM.

SUM Market at SMTOWN @coexartium

Tip: A few staff at the SMTOWN Gift Shop: SUM were quite rude and judgmental. My advice is to try not to make any eye contact with them. lol

I think the SMTOWN GIFT SHOP: SUM would be heaven for those hardcore fangirls cause you can find everything that is related to the SM idols. Y'know those outfits worn by your oppas and such. Stuff like that. As for me, I didn't buy anything because I was short of money and nothing fancy me. 

SUM Market at SMTOWN @coexartium

Tip: I was told that you are not allowed to take pictures (?) and videos in the SMTOWN Gift Shop: SUM. Not really sure if this is widely implemented or not because I still saw a few girls were recording videos and taking pictures when I was told not to by one of the staff.

I didn't get to see the other floors because I was there about an hour-ish before the closing time and they put a notice that no more visitors were allowed beyond the second floor. I was quite bummed because I didn't get to go to the SMTOWN CAFE and SMTOWN MARKET. Honestly, I was far more interested in seeing these two places than the gift shop. However, luck was not on my side. Kita redha sajalah kan :)

If you were to ask me, would I go to the SMTOWN @coexartium again? My current answer is no because I'm no longer invested in any SM idols like I used to. Also, I think SMTOWN @coexartium does not have a pull factor that makes me want to go again.

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  1. Wah bestnya. Syaza layan gak korea-korea ni. Tapi most of the time just drama je la. Lagu2 dedulu zaman single layan gak la hihi. Kalau 1000x fikir before nak beli tiket memang belum fanatik lagi tu Kak Farah. Jenis fanatik ni yang sanggup even bantal peluk pun muka kpop aumm 😂

    1. Yeah, I don't think I'm that fanatic but other people around me still call me one. Tang mana yang fanatic tu pun tak tahulah.

  2. kalau kak ana, bila dah ada pandangan macam tu dr pekerja dekat snaa better blah je lah. suppose they shd keep a nice sweet smile to everyone right?

    1. Betul tu. They should always smile and be nice to other people. Saya malas nak layan perangai orang judgmental ni. Tu yang boo layan tu. Buat-buat tak nampak.

  3. ouch...kalau Umi mmg sah angkat kaki dan pergi tempat lain..lagipun bukan peminat pun..hehe

    1. Kalau bukan peminat, memang tak payah pergi sini pun :)

  4. I went there not knowing what to buy too haha

  5. Aaaarh apa tuu..boraguuu?? Tak aci la orang lain boleh pulak snap pics and capture video dalam tu, tak kena sound pulak 😒😑

    1. Itulah. Rasa macam tak adil pula. Orang lain boleh pula, saya seorang je tak boleh.

  6. So far I don't feel that eager to visit this place if I ever get the chance to travel there. Hehe

    1. Tak payah datang sini, Nina. Banyak lagi tempat best yang awak boleh pergi.

  7. dahsyat lah diorg ni x ckp dgn 'jual' bakat, siap buka 'kedai' lg...fuhhhhh


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