Snow Tubing at Sunny Tube Park, Lake Louise Ski Resort

I finally went snow tubing last Friday at the Sunny Tube Park, Lake Louise Ski Resort, courtesy of Lake Louise Ski Resort. As usual, luck was not on my side because it was snowing non-stop on that day which meant no spectacular view of the mountains T^T 

How ironic eh that I went snow tubing at the Sunny Tube Park but it was not sunny at all? :p I was super bummed but it is what it is. Thankfully I didn't sign up for the Scenic Snowshoe Tour or Sightseeing Gondola for I will not see any mountains at all on that day.

Lake Louise Ski Resort, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada
You can faintly see the Sunny Tube Park from here.

We had wet snow that day, a kind of snow that you don't want to have if you are going skiing/snowboarding/tubing. To people from a tropical country like me, for your information, there are many types of snow but the best snow to have if you are going skiing/snowboarding/tubing is powdery snow. That's when you will see people skiing or snowboarding like there's no tomorrow and with a big grin.

Lake Louise Ski Resort, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada
On my way up to the Sunny Tube Park.

Sunny Tube Park has three lanes which is fewer than what I expected. However, on that day, they only opened one lane. I guess it was because there were not many people tubing on that day. Additionally, I saw that the other two lanes were not groomed. Maybe they were trying to save their manpower as well?

Lake Louise Ski Resort, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada
View from the lift.

Anyway, I was honestly nervous to tube for the first time because I'm not good with anything slippery, steep, and icy. Thankfully the attendants understood my nervousness and they gave me a regular push on my first try just so that I could get used to tubing. Surprisingly, it was slower than what I expected. When I told the attendants about the speed, they told me that it was probably due to the wet snow. Usually, it'll go faster.

Sunny Tube Park, Lake Louise Ski Resort, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada
Such a strong lady for pushing and spinning us for a few hours.

After that, they slowly increased the spinning force so that I could enjoy tubing to the fullest. The speed actually increased as the spinning force increased. Delightfully, I found myself enjoying tubing more when the speed was faster which is why I kept asking for 'spin' after that. And that's how I spent 4 hours tubing at the Sunny Tube Park, Lake Louise Ski Resort - spinning down the tube lane :)

One for the gram

On a totally irrelevant note, I found it funny that it took less than 40 seconds to go down to the bottom of the park but it took maybe around 5 minutes to go up as the lift was quite slow.

Thank you Lake Louise Ski Resort for having me! I had such an enjoyable day though the weather was not on my side. I guess, you may see me again soon?

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  1. this is something I need to try the next time I go to a snowy mountain... and I wonder where and when will it be. haha

    1. Yes, you should. Especially if you don't fancy skiing or snowboarding that much! :)

      I still remember that you mention about a grand trip for 2020. Maybe that's when you'll get to try snow tubing? :)

  2. Ahhhhh it looks fun and great! I hope I would be able to experience it myself in the future.

    1. It was really fun! Hopefully you'll get to experience tubing soon, insya Allah ^^

  3. bestnyaaa! nampak seronok sangat muka kak farah, senyum lebar XD
    4 hours? wowww, mesti best sangat tu, nak try jugak satu hari nanti :D

    1. I was extremely happy that day. Maybe because I've been wanting to tube ever since last winter :)

      Yeah, 4 hours of fun! Kalau boleh nak lagi lama tapi memang dah penat habis masa tu. Hahaha. Insya Allah, I pray that you'll get to experience it some day :)

  4. bestnya farah.. kak nina bru tgk schoolmate main tubing mcm tu kt korea. ala teringin

    1. Nanti kalau travel mana-mana negara masa winter jangan lupa cuba, okay? :)

  5. Cant i go there too.. Huhuhu. Bestnya farah dapat rasa experience. Kalau saya yang kat sana, mesti saya pun macam orang yang kebaruan pegang salji. Hope saya dapat g sana :)

    1. Alhamdulillah rezeki saya. Insya Allah your time will come one day? :)

  6. Oh my that looks so much fun!!! Kalau snow tubing macam ni, I am brave enough to try hahaha
    Kalau snowboarding or skiing memang kecut perut and would never bother to try hahaha

    1. It was really fun! I wanna go tubing again! :) Yes, this is the only thing that I'm okay with as well. Snowboarding and skiing memang out la. Tried snowboarding once few years ago but that's it. Not for me. Hahahaha.

  7. saya ada tengok akak post video ni kat twitter, dia macam berpusing-pusing eh masa luncur tu. pening tak? xD
    tapi nampak best sangatt

    1. For me, snow tubing memang best gila. One of the things that I enjoyed the most in winter. Dia berpusing-pusing kalau kita minta spin. Tak pening pun sebab tak laju sangat pusingan dia :) Kalau regular push, tak pusing pun, macam turun gelongsor je.

  8. Awesome experience! Hope I'll get to experience the snow too someday ;)

  9. nak naik 5 min turun kejap je ? hahaha tabahlah. btw rasanya ive experienced both wet snow n powdery snow masa kat Hokkaido. sebab rasa beza dedua tu. tapi jakun jumpa snow for the first time hehe tibai jele.. bestla tubing i loooike..

    1. Yes, nak naik rasa lama gila tapi bila turun sekejap je. Thankfully tak ramai orang tubing hari tu. Kalau tak, melangut la nak menunggu bagai.

      Which snow do you prefer, kak Siti? And, what's your first snow? I think my first snow in my life was wet snow. Hehe.

      Tubing best. Highly recommended for everyone! Lagi best kalau pergi tubing dengan family and friends :)

    2. my first snow was when i was in Sokcho tapi tu snow atas jalan da keras. talk about snow fall.. masa kat Seoul but it was too little.. snow turun like dust for approximately 30 secs hahaha.. jatuh kat tangan terus cair..

      i think i like the powdery snow. more gentle n light.. yang wet tu akak rasa yang welcomed us hari pertama kami sampai. harsh n too thick sampai takut nak jalan haha.. idk..

    3. Wahhhh, bestnya first snow dekat Korea! :D

      Dah rasa macam-macam snow la gitu? I love powdery snow as well! Sebab kalau wet snow macam leceh sikit. Dengan basahnya lepas tu nanti jalan tend to be slippery. Haha.

  10. selalu main tube ni kt tmn tema... kalu main ngan salji lg syok kn? alahaiiiii ni yg rs nk bergelumang dgn salji lg niiiiii

    1. Saya tak pernah main tube dekat taman tema. Almaklumlah, pergi taman tema pun tak. Hihi. Yang ni syok la sebab sejuk dan (supposedly) tak basah! :D


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