Hiking Trip to Stutfield Glacier

This post was first published on May 12, 2015, on one of my older blogs. Decided to repost it here at Her Little Guilty Pleasures due to the reasons that I mentioned in this post.


Cuba kira berapa kali saya sebut Stutfield Glacier for the past few posts. Haha! Excited sangat sampai asyik-asyik sebut pasal Stutfield Glacier. Alhamdulillah, berpeluang untuk sertai Staff Activity to Stutfield Glacier hari Sabtu hari tu. Thanks to James for not cancelling my days off :p

Stutfield Glacier, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

Stutfield Glacier ni terletak dekat Icefields Parkway macam Tangle Creek Falls juga. It took us 1 and half hour untuk sampai ke starting point of the hike sebab Stutfield Glacier ni 95 km daripada Town of Jasper. As mentioned in the title, this was a hiking trip. However, I'm no hiker! Bukan hiker, tapi teringin punya pasal, pergi jugalah. As expected from a beginner hiker, I fell down a few times, almost broke my ankle, injured my hands and got bruises all over my body.

Hiking Trip to Stutfield Glacier, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

The hike was 12 km hike one way. So yeah, I walked 24 km just for this hiking trip. My parents will be super proud if they knew anak diaorang yang puteri lilin ni, yang memang suka memerap dalam rumah ni berjalan sejauh 24 km dalam satu hari. Hike ni taklah susah sangat sebenarnya sebab there was no elevation gains. Cuma surface dia tak berapa nak rata. Sekejap pasir, sekejap batu kerikil, sekejap sungai, sekejap lumpur. Itu pasal la jatuh la, apa la.

It took us 2 hours plus to reach the nearest spot of the Stutfield Glacier. It was worth it to walk for about 2 hours plus cause the view was superbly mesmerizing. There were no other words than Subhanallah.

Stutfield Glacier, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

We had our lunch at the spot and spent about 1 hour plus there just to enjoy the scenery and the serene moment. Berjemur bawah matahari yang serious panas terik tapi suhu sekeliling sejuk. Sunbathing (involuntarily) dekat glacier itu katanya. Kulit memang terbakar habis ya. Tak rupa orang Melayu sekarang ni :p

Stutfield Glacier, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

The coolest thing that happened when we were there was I got to witness avalanche for the first time in my life with my own eyes! It's kinda cool to see kalau awak berada dalam jarak yang selamat. Bukan sekali saya dapat tengok. 3 kali! Sebelum avalanche berlaku, awak akan dengar macam bunyi guruh yang kuat. Tiap kali kami dengar bunyi macam bunyi guruh, mata dah melilau nak tengok dekat mana avalanche tu.

Stutfield Glacier, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

After we had enough of the majestic surroundings (again, honestly you'll never get enough of its beauty but you just have to move on), we headed back. That was another 2 hours of walking. Sampai je van, semua orang dah tak larat. Semua pun dah tak sabar nak balik. Termasuklah saya. I was so tired yet so happy. It was totally a well-spent and productive day.

Black Bear at Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada


We ended our trip with a bang! My first black bear this summer! :)

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  1. cantik tempat ni.. kalau ejulz jumpa bear tu mmg menggelabah dah. haha

    1. Bear tu jauh sebenarnya. Ni pun tangkap dari dalam kereta :)

  2. Subhanallah cantiknya tempat nie !! bestnya dapat pengalaman macam nie Farah. One of my friend cakap, senang utk dptkan PR dekat Canada. Lepas dia cerita pasal Canada nie kan, terus buat aku rasa mcm nak pindah sana and experience semua yang ko dah lawati nie.

    OMG, ko tak cuak ke nampak bear tu ? apa dia x kejar ? Ke beruang lari lembab ?

    1. One of your friends tu orang mana? I guess PR application is easy provided if you have a professional job. Kalau tak, agak susah ya ^^''

      Tak cuak pun. I was happy to see the bear. Lagipun masa tu aku dalam kereta. And while this may sound that I'm joking, but I'm not, seriously, bear tu tengah makan. Bears do not chase people around unless they feel threatened or curious, I believe. Kalau tak, dia relax macam tu je la. Not sure beruang lari laju ke tak sebab tak pernah nampak beruang lari, tapi rasa beruang lari laju.


      People are advised to practice safe distance whenever they see wildlife, in this case, bear. Rasanya safe distance manusia dengan bear ialah jarak 10 kereta kot. Tak sure sebab tak ingat dah.

  3. view2 dalam blog nie tak pernah tak cantik. jelesnya T^T
    siap boleh nampak bear secara real live! bestnyaaaa

    1. Sebab pergi tempat yang cantik. Kalau pergi tempat yang meh, view dia pun agak meh juga ^^''

      I was lucky that I saw the bear that summer. Lepas tu adalah nampak sekali dua je rasanya.

  4. My eyes are always blessed when I read your post. I'm so in love with the views.

    1. Me too. This trip is still one of the best trips in my life because the view is to die for ^^

  5. I already have a Canada Bucket List but I guess this one should be in it too. haha it looks very pretty and will definitely up for the challenge even though I'm not a hiker but for once in a lifetime, why not.

    1. This Stutfield Glacier is only accessible for a period of time. Th best time to go is when sungai around that area kering.

  6. Replies
    1. It was one of the best views of my life :)

  7. Seronoknya! I just wish I have time and opportunity to go hiking like you.

    1. I pray for you so that you'll have time and opportunity, insya Allah ^^


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