Banpo Bridge Rainbow Fountain (반포대교 달빛무지개분수)

I went to see the Banpo Bridge Rainbow Fountain (반포대교 달빛무지개분수) on one of those nights that I spent in Seoul. I actually dragged my ass off to see the Banpo Bridge Rainbow Fountain as my time in Seoul was running out and that night was my only free night.

Banpo Bridge Rainbow Fountain (반포대교 달빛무지개분수)

Pretty sure something went wrong somewhere that night. Firstly, I felt like I got off at the wrong subway station. Had to walk about 45 minutes from the subway station before I finally reached the bridge. It wasn't supposed to take that long, though.

However, I was not the only one who was lost that night. There was a group of friends around 5-6 people who were in the same situation as me. We decided to walk together from the subway station to the bridge, mainly because they were concerned about my safety. The walkway to the bridge was pretty much dark. I was truly grateful for their company.

Banpo Bridge Rainbow Fountain (반포대교 달빛무지개분수)

Secondly, I think I was on the wrong side of the bridge. Most photos online looked like they were captured on the other side of the bridge and the colours of the rainbow fountain looked vivid. However, it was not like that in my case. I can barely see the colours even though I stayed for the whole time. I even questioned myself if that was the rainbow fountain because I didn't see the rainbow? 

So, yeah. That's a sad story about my visit to Banpo Bridge Rainbow Fountain. I felt like I wasted my time and energy on something that was not worth the hassle T^T

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  1. Samaaaa! Akak pernah tunggu almost 1 hour dalam sejuk beku sbb nak tgk rainbow...bukan takat rainbow, dengan fountain pun x turun wehhh...

    1. Waktu sejuk beku? Time winter ke time autumn? Rasa kalau winter memang takde rainbow fountain ni. Kalau autumn, tak sure. By the way, is this the right side of the bridge, kak Sally? Sampai sekarang tak tau sama ada ini adalah side yang betul atau tidak.

  2. this place akak nak pegi becoz last time x sempat pegi. hehe best ke x best ke nak jugak pegi hahaha..

    1. Pun boleh. Hopefully bila akak pergi nanti akak nampaklah rainbow fountain nya :)

  3. kreatif laa org sana...benda2 mcm ni pun boleh dijadikan tarikan ramai

    1. Malaysia kalau ada jambatan bersih dan cantik pun boleh buat macam ni juga. Tapi, itulah. Malaysia kan.

  4. arghhh takleh tengok rainbow bridge ni mesti rasa sedih. dulu masa datang korea tk dpt tengok sebab datang kat kawasan yang salah. penat je berjalan tau :(

    1. Akak rasa akak pun dekat kawasan yang salah. Rasanya kalau nak tengok yang betul punya dekat kawasan seberang kot.


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