Canoeing at Lac Beauvert

This post was written on September 25, 2015, but never got to be published on my older blog because I had other more interesting posts back then, I think?


Amanda and I decided to go canoeing on our very last day in Jasper. I was glad that we decided to go canoeing despite the crappy weather. It was the best way to end our summer together :)

Amanda and I at Lac Beauvert

Canoeing together was possible thanks to Amanda as she won 1 hour boat rental from her department. Both of us were reluctant to go for canoeing at first as we didn't know how to swim. Yes, there are safety jackets but we can't help to think about every bad situation that may happen. Macam mana kalau bot terbalik? Macam mana kalau macam tu? Macam mana kalau macam ni? Paranoid much, eh? Dia punya takut tu sampat tak bawa DSLR or phone. Saya cuma bawa waterproof camera je.

Lac Beauvert, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

The attendant at the boat house suggested canoeing to us because according to her, canoeing is easier than kayaking. Sangat sesuai dengan orang yang tiada pengalaman dan keyakinan macam kami ni.

Alhamdulillah, despite having minimal experience and zero confidence, we managed to row the boat. Tidaklah berpusing-pusing di tempat yang sama. In fact, we did better than we thought. We managed to go to different parts of Lac Beauvert. For your information, Lac Beauvert ni kira agak besar ya.

Lac Beauvert, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

And the most important thing, bot kami tak terbalik! Alhamdulillah. Bot terbalik yang paling kami takut sebenarnya. Tak nak terjatuh masuk Lac Beauvert sebab air Lac Beauvert sangat sejuk! Dan, kami tak terlanggar tebing pun. Thanks to Amanda yang sangat pandai kawal direction.

About the view, subhanallah, subhanallah, subhanallah. Tengok Lac Beauvert ni hari-hari pun masih tetap akan jatuh hati. We got to witness perubahan warna air Lac Beauvert. Warna air Lac Beauvert ni akan berubah-ubah according to weather. Of course it's gonna look the prettiest when it's sunny. Tapi, bila cuaca suam-suam kuku, berawan je pun masih cantik.

Lac Beauvert, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

I think Allah really wanted us to spend our last time together canoeing at Lac Beauvert. Sebabnya, elok je kami parked our boat, hujan pun turun mencurah-curah dari langit. Rasa bersyukur sangat-sangat sebab hujan turun lepas kami habis canoeing. Alhamdulillah. Kalau tak, mahu menangis gelabah dekat tengah tasik tu.

Lac Beauvert, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

Moga punya peluang lagi untuk menjejakkan kaki ke Lac Beauvert dan Jasper pada masa hadapan. Maybe not as an employee at the hotel but as a visitor or a tourist. Insya Allah. May Allah ease.

Update in 2018: I had a chance to visit Lac Beauvert and Jasper for about 3 days last year :)

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  1. Takutnya kalau bot terbalik! Hahaha I don't know how to swim jugak XD

    Cantikk <3

    1. Me too! Mahu menangis teresak-esak kalau bot terbalik T_T

      Yessss, Lac Beauvert is so pretty, as you know. Hehe ^^

  2. cantiknya view dia Farah !!!!!!!! Aku pon jenis yang paranoid jugak. Tapi bukan sebab takut jatuh ke apa. More to apa yang ada dekat tasik tu. ikan yang membaham manusia ke. Ya Allah seram ! takleh nak fikir. Kalau jatuh, mesti cepat-cepat nak kena berenang ke tepian dan naik ke darat. baru rasa selamat.

    1. Wow! Your imagination. I think Lac Beauvert is not that scary. Cuma temperature dia je.

  3. Bile baca ni teringat last time pergi Pulau Perhentian punya la takut bot terbalik sbb tatau berenang jugak, dayung slow2 je time tu, bile wanie dgn kawan bangun nak keluar dari bot tu rupa-rupanye air takat peha je hahahahaha
    Rasa malu gile time tu xD

    1. You went canoeing at Pulau Perhentian? Seronoknyaaaa! I didn't get to do that T___T

      Hehehehe, kelakar pula bila saya cuba bayangkan situasi tu.

  4. Sometimes I'm amazed of how people able to canoeing.. I nak naik bot besar or feri pun fikir banyak kali, terbalik ke tak... hahahahah

    1. I don't know as well. I guess ones just need to suck it up. hahahaha :D

  5. OMG cantiknya. I want to go canoeing too :D

    1. Taiwan has a lot of lakes. So, you can definitely go canoeing at one of the lakes :)

  6. bohong laa kalau ckp view nya x cantikkk

    1. This is one of my favourite lakes in Jasper National Park :)

  7. thru pictures pun i could fall in love with that place.. apa lagi yang tengok sendiri. ooowh Farah.. nak ekot balik kampung pleasse..

    1. Kampung yang mana satu tu, kak Siti? Hahahaha :D


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