Locals' Appreciation Day at Banff Gondola

Sulphur Mountain | Banff Gondola

Banff Gondola had a Locals' Appreciation Day on Sunday, November 26. On this day, locals got to enjoy free admission with donations instead of paying 50% off the regular ticket price. So, as a cheapskate, I thought this was the perfect time for me to ride the Banff Gondola for the umpteenth time! So, instead of going to sleep right after work as I usually do, I pushed my bedtime for about 8 hours just so that I could ride the gondola. Totally screwed off my biological clock but I guess it was worth it as I wanted to see any view but Banff Avenue. lol!

Sulphur Mountain | Banff Gondola

Surprisingly, there were not as many people as I had expected. Or maybe I was just too early? Anyway, there have been quite a lot of changes since my last visit here. The construction is now all done. They now have a rooftop observation deck, new restaurants and an interpretive centre in one building. And as Christmas approached, the building was decorated with Christmas decorations. They also had several fun activities related to Christmas and a Santa Claus. I wish I had pictures to show what was happening, but I was too lazy to take pictures. After all, I decided to go for the mountain range view, not for the fun Christmas activities.

Sulphur Mountain | Banff Gondola

It was not the best day to be up there at the Sulphur Mountain because it was very cloudy. All of my pictures were grayish and dull in colour. However, the view was still breathtaking like the first time. Though the view was still breathtaking, I was actually not as excited as I thought I would be. Maybe because I was a bit sleepy. Or, maybe because I have been here a few times. As I was not as excited as I thought I would be, I took fewer pictures and decided to enjoy the view with my own eyes. It was really calming to take my time and see those views that I wish I could spend more time up there.

My Filipino family and I

On my way up, I actually bumped into my Jasper's Filipino family. I was so happy to meet them by chance because obviously, I have been feeling lonely like I mentioned in my previous post. Meeting them was really pleasant as I was not expecting that I could meet anyone that I knew up at the mountain. I think I spent about half an hour together with them. Truly grateful for the short and sweet encounter.

Sulphur Mountain | Banff Gondola

All in all, it was a good day for me, mainly because of the view and my encounter with my Filipino family. It was also a good deal to ride the Banff Gondola during the Locals' Appreciation Day. I don't think I want to ride the Banff Gondola again but I think I'm going to ride it at least one more time as I have a free ticket. Guess I'll ride it again next summer when my senior comes to visit me :)

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  1. Subhanallah. the view was beyond words. I am mesmerized myself to see even through ur pictures.

    1. The view was indeed breathtaking. Still can't get over it :)

  2. You took a very breathtaking pictures! Now im longing for a trip alone like this but this is Malaysia and dangerous is everywhere. Its not safe to go alone. Huhu.

    Visit me here : The Hundred Pages

    1. Nope, it's not me. It's all thanks to the view. Yeah, I totally got your sentiments. Felt the same way too.

  3. walaupun cuaca tak okay..gmbar farah still cantikk !

    1. Sebabnya view dia cantik and of course because I edited them. Hahaha ^^

  4. Not used to hear the Local Appreciation Day, so I googled up. Haha can't find much about it just more like u said, offers on discounted ticket on entrance, ski area etc.

    It was first snow this season in Czech few days ago, fuhh now I start to miss Czech again.

    Love the moment when you shared about coincidentally meeting the Filipino's uphill. Still remember the feeling to meet my Anatomy examiner while hiking, haha different feeling I guess but I think I know the feeling to meet someone we at least know each other.

    Keep on sharing posts on winter :D Need to be patient for at least 2 years before my next travels to Europe! or maybe I should just go to Korea or Japan for snow :D


    1. Most of the times, locals' appreciation day is all about discounted rate for admission or activity or even free admission. Banff Gondola used to give free admission to locals on locals' appreciation day but they just changed the ownership. So, instead of free admission, we got admissions by donations.

      I know the feeling of missing the faraway place. Experienced it last year T___T

      Insya Allah, I'll try my best. With my weird working hours and sleeping schedule, I doubt I can do much this winter.

      Anyway, you're going to Europe in 2019/2020? Which countries are you planning to go? I want to go to Europe too but still need to save up more money.

    2. I am planning to travel to Europe after I finish my housemanship, hopefully by early/middle 2020. Ohooo, just realized I need to renew my passport as it is going to expire on 2020 hahaha. Wow, 2020 seems so close, dah takde dah Wawasan 2020 kann.

      If I am not married yet by that time, maybe taking Trans-siberian train between Beijing-Moscow. If I have family already, hmmm maybe Iceland / Scandinavian countries / Czech again :)

    3. Yeah, I know right. 2020 seems so close right now! Wahhhhh, bestnya your plan! Both of them. Hopefully you can do one of them :)

  5. The view is stunning! But it must be cold, right?

    1. Not that cold if you dress for the weather :)

  6. Subhanallah..sangat cantik tempat ni.

    1. Cantik sangat kak, especially masa summer :D

  7. cantiknya view.... kenapa laa malaysia x de salji n view mcm ni kan? arghhhh rindu swiss!!!

    1. Wahhh, pernah sampai Swiss dah? Bestnyaaaa! Saya teringin nak ke Swiss :D

    2. alhamdulillah smpi da awal thn aritu... pasni nk jejak farah pulak kt sn ;-) insya allah kalu ada rezeki

    3. Seronoknya! Amin. Amin. Amin. Moga masin mulut hendaknya. Dah lama teringin nak ke Swiss.


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