Hospital Ship (병원선) (2017)

Hospital Ship (병원선) was one of the recently aired dramas (I wrote this post a month ago?) that I decided to watch cause I thought, "Why not?"

Snippet of the drama (from Wikipedia)
Story about young doctors that provide medical care to the locals who live in rural villages via hospital ship that sails around the little islands. Song Eun Jae is an immensely talented surgeon. There was a time when the hospital ship was just used for standard checkups and administering medicine. With Song Eun Jae on board, it can provide complicated surgery. She has seen a lot of success as a surgeon, but also a lot of struggles in her family life. When an unfortunate incident leads her to a ship instead of a prestigious hospital. She has little compassion for the stubborn elderly patients. 

Kwak Hyun is the emotional opposite of his senior doctor, Song Eun Jae. Growing up with a father who is a lauded humanitarian, Kwak Hyun strives to be a warm and caring person. He heals not just with medicine but a smile. It seems natural that he works at his father’s ship, but Kwak Hyun also has some emotional scars. He cannot match Song Eun Jae’s medical skills, but he is infinitely better at connecting with patients. 

Kim Jae Geol has Hallyu looks and an extensive lineage in medicine. His father is a respected doctor. Growing up, his dad always preferred his brilliant brother, which led Jae Geol to become a loner at heart. His father was obsessed with western medicine. As a form of rebellion, Kim Jae Gol studied oriental medicine, much to his father’s disapproval. His goal in boarding the ship was to escape his father’s shadow. At the ship, however, he must work under Song Eun Jae, who is just as strict, emotionless and disdainful of oriental medicine. Now, these three doctors have to put aside their polar opposite personalities in order to treat their patients. As they all soon learn, working for your fellow humans has its own way of bringing people together

Hospital Ship (병원선)
Credit: Here

My thoughts
What a letdown. I jumped into this drama with no expectation and I finished watching it with dissatisfaction. Yes, I did love some of the aspects of this drama like its warmth, friendships, etc, but overall, this drama left a bitter taste in my mouth. Maybe because it was too long and it did not have an engaging plot. They should just make Hospital Ship 16 episodes of drama instead of 20.

A few useless things that I picked up from this drama, almost from every episode were "Kang Min Hyuk really has a good body proportion!" and "Ha Ji Won does not look like a woman in her late 30s!"

That's it, guys!

I don't recommend this drama unless you really want to waste your time or you are a big fan of one of the leads. I mean, I can understand watching a drama just because your bias in it cause I do it all the time. Haha!

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  1. Kak ana selamat habis tgk drama ni. Bagi kak ana ok lah cerita dia. Apa2 drama relate to doctor semua kak ana tgk. Cuma drama ni ending dia tak sehebat mana. Yg lain ok je. So far drama doctor lakonan park shin hye tu yg plg kak ana suka.

    1. Ughhhhh, the ending. I don't really like the ending too. Tiba tiba je ada kanser :/

      For me, I prefer Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim more than Doctors.

    2. Teacher Kim tu kak ana suka juga tp sebab dah tgk doctors dulu kan dan tersuka hero dia tu. Hehe. Lama tak nampak dia berlakon.

    3. I see. For me, I still prefer Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim tu juga walaupun dah tengok Doctors sebab lagi ramai pelakon yang saya minat dan rasa macam jalan cerita dia lagi menarik.

      Hero Doctors sekarang ni ada cerita baru. Tak ingat nama cerita tu apa, tapi tengah on air dekat SBS or saluran 393 la kot kalau tengok kat Astro.

    4. Romantic DOctor, Teacher Kim best gila!! Sejak itu lah, Siqah suka dengan hero yang kacak lagi tinggi itu <3 Hihi

      Hero Doctors berlakon drama Black Knight sekarang. Best drama tu! :D

    5. Sameeeeee! I love Yoo Yeon Seok! :D

      Yes, I know tapi belum tengok lagi cerita tu sebab banyak je baca reviews kata cerita tu tak berapa nak best.

  2. i'm not a kdrama lover, I only watched some of them. But but i love toppoki so much!

    1. Hehehe. I love tteokbokki too! It's okay. As for me, Korean dramas are my top entertainment source.

  3. i was only able to watch the first episode. it has been so hectic these few months so i couldnt watch it till the last episode but i did watch all the short clips of it.

    1. I think you don't have to watch the rest of the episodes. It's not worth it? :)

  4. Why not! Malam ni jugak Hana terjah drama tu... hahaha (kalau ada online versionlah... )

    1. Tell me if you like it or not after you have watched it :)

  5. Bila info dekat astro kerap2 jugak nampak drama ni tapi tak pernah tengok lagi. Maybe I should give this drama a try sbb dalam hard disk ada a few lagi pasts K-dramas yg tak tengok like The Legend of the Blue Sea and some other yg agak memalukan untuk mengaku yg saya tak tengok lagi. hahahaha

    1. Saya pun banyak lagi Korean dramas yang tak tengok lagi. Especially few of the famous dramas macam Goblin dengan Descendants of the Sun tu. Takde mood lagi nak tengok cerita cerita tu.

  6. sempat tgk smpi epi 4 je... pastu dah ada kerja trs lupa nk tgk... tgk pn sbb ada ha ji won sbb rs mcm dah lama je dia x 'main' drama

    1. Tak payah tengok sampai habis pun takpe sebab macam tak best sangat :/

  7. baru ingat nak download n tengok kdrama nie. hahhahaha
    terus rasa 'tak jadi la' bila baca ur honest review. thankssss :D

    1. Honestly, tak payah tengok. Hahahahaha *jahat tak?*

  8. I watched first few episodes aired on tv. Rasanya sampai Eun Jae buat operation dgn bantuan doktor kat hospital via video call.

    Now I wonder why I stopped watching it. -_-'

    1. Tak payah tengok lagi Nina. Not worth your time. You better watch Grey's Anatomy ^^


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