A Love So Beautiful (2017)

A Love So Beautiful was my second Chinese drama this year after Love O2O. I put this show on my to-watch list after seeing its poster on the regular streaming sites that I use to watch Korean dramas. However, I decided to watch it despite not having enough time to squeeze another show into my schedule after I received endless WhatsApp messages from my sister raving about this drama. My initial reaction after getting those messages from my sister was. "Wow! Show, you must have been really really good eh?" simply because they came from my sister who's quite cynical and judgemental about my habit of watching Korean dramas and my choices of Korean dramas.

Snippet of the drama (from Viki)
It tells the love story of two childhood sweethearts that spans 19 years: a proud genius boy and a cute girl with a lot of energy. Chen Xiao Xi is a cute and small girl with a lot of positive energy. She gets to know Jiang Chen, a tall and proud genius boy, at school and tries everything to pursue him. The drama depicts the beautiful and pure heart throbbing love of seventeen years olds, but also delves into the topic of making mistakes and how to find back to each other again.

A Love So Beautiful (2017)
Credit: Here

My thoughts
What a sweet and beautiful show! If you can get diabetes from watching dramas, this show would be one of those dramas. It was so sweet, probably too sweet to the point my head, my heart, and my mouth hurt. My head and my heart hurt. I couldn't handle the sweetness and cuteness of the show. My mouth hurt because I kept grinning and smiling throughout the whole show. I have lost count of how many times I squealed and said, "OMG! That was so cute!" that I hoped my roommates would not think that I was crazy or anything. lol!

Honestly, I thought I was over with high school dramas and likes now that I'm nearing mid 20s, but oh boy, was I wrong. The show proved to me that I can still get giddy and over-excited over high school dramas. Of course, we got a glimpse of their adulthood too but the majority of the show was concentrated on their high school years that I'm still going to call this show a high school drama.

It was an easy watch and enjoyable at most times. However, admittedly, not all parts of the show sit well with me. I did feel frustrated sometimes about how self-centred Chen Xiao Xi can be and how Jiang Chen is not expressive enough. Why is it so hard for you to smile, Jiang Chen? I'm also not fond of how the show played with the time skip after high school and how they resolved conflicts between Chen Xiao Xi and Jiang Chen. But, I'm generous enough not to let my frustration affect my whole experience because this show was so cute and it deserved some love!

I highly recommend this drama if you want to watch something cute and sweet! *Please count how many times I mentioned sweet or cute* Or if you are looking to watch something just for pure entertainment! :) 

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  1. Drama ni mesti boleh jd fav drama kalau kak ana muda remaja macam u ollss.. Hehe. Skrg ni bila usia dah meningkat (haha) jarang dan tak berapa nak suka drama cinta cintun ni. Maybe dah banyak tgk dulu kot. Kak ana sekarang prefer drama berkisarkan family, conflict, profession, thriller and horror.

    1. Faham sangat, kak. Selama ni saya ingat saya dah move on dari genre macam ni tapi still excited juga. lol!

      Saya selalu tengok mana-mana drama yang saya suka, tak kisah genre dia. Tapi la ni, yang ni pula melekat :D

  2. Hana memang susah nak into drama.Malas nak stresskan fikiran dengan konflik.hohoh tambah pulak bila dah habis tengok mesti susah nak move on T_T Btw Thanks for sharing! mana tau tetiba meroyan nak layan drama hehehe ^^

    1. Tapi cerita ni tak banyak konflik pun? Konflik dia macam sekejap je. Tak sempat nak sakit kepala otak. Hahahahaha :D

  3. it has been so long since i last watch a chinese drama. i used to love watching chinese drama back then

    1. OMG! Samalah kita. I started watching Chinese drama back this year. Tu pun sebab Love O2O. Kalau tak, memang dah lama gila tak tengok :/

  4. I did downloaded this a few days a go but I still haven't got the chance to watch this. I am craving for something sweet and ugh more sweet par with Love O2O which I enjoy a lot :D

    1. Then, you can start watching this drama. It was a sweet and cute show! :D

  5. Hehee, mesti tengok sambil tersenyum bahagia kann ^^

  6. Suka jugak korea ni tapi kalau dah tersangkut, alamat tak jadilah semua kerja...haha. Happy watching ya :)

  7. nampak mcm menarik...

    dulu ada gak laa layan drama cina tp yang taiwan punya laa... laa ni mmg x laa hahahah

    1. Saya pun dulu banyak layan cerita Taiwan juga! Hehehe. Sekarang ni dah tak layan sangat sebab banyak tengok drama Korea je ^^

  8. wahhh, macam menarik nie. i need to put this in my watch list :D

    1. You should watch it if you like something cute and simple :D

  9. It's been years since I watched chinese drama..! Putting it on my watchlist..!

    1. I just started watching Chinese drama back this year. Itu pun baru 2 dramas je :)

  10. saya dah lama tak tengok drama cina xD

    1. Samalah kita. Baru start balik tahun ni tapi baru tengok dua je :D

  11. hehehe alamak Farah ni yang rasa nak tengok ni hahaha.. nak carilah =D

    1. Sila tengok, kak Siti I bet you'll love it! :D


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